Black Metal

Anyone into black metal? Seems like topically relevant based on the board currently. Albeit I'm not too much into the lo-fi trve kvlt black metal from Norway.


Black metal was always too heavy for me but I get the appeal.

I like songs about women, drugs, having fun, and other such Luciferian vices 😆 so I was into Hair metal/Heavy metal more generally.



There's some hardcore punk/punk rock hybrids of black metal like Kvelertak.


Listening to them now and they are pretty good. Really interesting fingerstyle guitar work by one of the guitar players.


Not a fan of black metal, personally. The closest thing to it that I listened to was probably The Locust, which I'm sure isn't very close to what you're referring to.

The Locust:


No, not a big fan.
It just seems like a bunch of screaming and guitars and drums going 100 mph with no melody or meaning.

I prefer metal bands that tell a story, like Iron Maiden for instance. Maiden is probably the greatest metal band of all time (that’s somewhat controversial, I know) but they have the lyrics, writing, musicianship and a killer front man in Dickinson.


>I prefer metal bands that tell a story, like Iron Maiden for instance. Maiden is probably the greatest metal band of all time (that’s somewhat controversial, I know) but they have the lyrics, writing, musicianship and a killer front man in Dickinson.

There are plenty of black metal-related bands that very much do 'tell stories' and put more of an emphasis on melody in their style.


Well, news to me, perhaps you are right, cheers🍻


Opeth cover of maiden's remember tomorrow is worth a listen:


Wow! I’m generally not a fan of tribute bands or do-overs but that certainly kicked ass. Nice find, thanks for posting Amigo!

That was pretty cool!


What was "At the Gates" sub-genre?


Melodic death metal


That prolly makes sense why I liked them.

I listened to 'Darkest Hour' before ever knowing of 'ATG', it blew my mind that such music was being written in the 90's.


There's also melodic black metal


there was a big underground metal scene here in philly in the 90's. hungout at a metal record shop on south street. college stations would play death/doom/black late at night.
trve kult, ist krieg? metal was normally too much for me. burzum, mayhem, immortal, darkthrone always sounded like slop to me. to name a few i liked, would be:

emperor -
enslaved -
golden dawn -
withered beauty -
gorgoroth -
katatonia -
(black neo classical?) elend -


I don't really like highly lo-fi basement black metal either. That's more-or-less a minor part of contemporary black metal now.

Post-black metal and blackgaze are hugely dominant now


I like all metal unless they throw some pop-like chorus in it.


Mercyful Fate is pretty good.



Not black metal. They have the imagery but they make straight-up heavy metal. They had influence in the theming of the progenitors of black metal.


Wikipedia calls them black metal.


Wikipedia is hopeless regarding genres.

Does this sound anything like Mercyful Fate to you?


Does all Black Metal have to sound exactly the same? I mean Metallica and Raven are both classified as Thrash Metal and they sound different.


What black metal musical qualities does Mercyful Fate have, exactly?

Rateyourmusic is the premier source for genre classification:

All their albums are just tagged as "Heavy Metal". Mercyful Fate influenced the imagery and ethos of black metal, but they themselves did not make black metal


Google Definition of Black Metal: a type of heavy rock music having lyrics that deal with SATAN and the supernatural. Mercyful Fate definitely checks out there.

Here is what Wikipedia says: Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. Common traits include:
- fast tempos - Mercyful Fate certainly has this (Evil, Satan’s Fall, The Oath)
- a shrieking vocal style - That’s basically what King Diamond is known for
- heavily distorted guitars played with tremolo picking - This checks out
- raw (lo-fi) recording
- unconventional song structures - Mercyful Fate has this as well, again I’ll bring you back to Satan’s Fall
- an emphasis on atmosphere - The King Diamond band probably exhibits this trait more than Fate does but it’s still applicable.


>Google Definition of Black Metal: a type of heavy rock music having lyrics that deal with SATAN and the supernatural. Mercyful Fate definitely checks out there.

Are you getting definitions from music genres from fucking Name me a single credible metal-based or music-based website that calls Mercyful Fate black metal. Go onto a metal community and tell them that Mercyful Fate is black metal.

>Here is what Wikipedia says: Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. Common traits include:
- fast tempos - Mercyful Fate certainly has this (Evil, Satan’s Fall, The Oath)

So does Heavy Metal. Most metal has "fast tempos". It's beyond vague trait.

>- a shrieking vocal style - That’s basically what King Diamond is known for

No. That's not what it means by shrieking at all. When does Mercyful Fate sound like this:

Or this?

Or this?

Have you actually heard any black metal ever? Here's the much more expansive black metal description on rateyourmusic:

Why is Mercyful Fate black metal, and not Iron Maiden by your logic?

Why doesn't the Rateyourmusic audience identify any Mercyful Fate album as black metal?


No, what I’m saying is you are not justified in saying Mercyful Fate is not black metal.

As for all of your YouTube links I’ll say again, just because 2 artists are in the same genre doesn’t mean they have to sound exactly alike. Again Metallica and Raven do not sound alike.

I get the feeling you just want someone to argue with.


I am completely justified.

"Black metal is a style of extreme Metal typified by tremolo-picked riffs, distorted, trebly electric guitars, shrieked vocals, and double-kick drumming and blast beats that also frequently features raw, underproduced sound. Conventional song structures are generally replaced with extensive passages. Black metal's origins trace back to 1980s Speed Metal's blistering sound pioneered by Venom, who adopted unpolished production, anti-Christian and Satanic lyricism, and provocative imagery and stage names. Their sophomore record, Black Metal, is considered to have coined the genre's name."

It requires harsh vocals. Mercyful Fate sounds more like Iron Maiden. If Mercyful Fate is black metal, then so is Iron Maiden. Why is Mercyful Fate black metal, and not Iron Maiden by your logic?

Why doesn't the Rateyourmusic audience identify any Mercyful Fate album as black metal?


OK now you’re trolling me. Iron Maiden does not primarily sing about Satan, does not have a shrieking vocal style, or an emphasis on atmosphere. Also I cannot find a single source that classifies Iron Maiden as Black Metal yet I find multiple sources that classify Mercyful Fate as Black Metal. You just want to argue and I’m not engaging in your asinine exercise anymore. Good riddance. I tried to contribute to your thread in a productive manner and this is the thanks I get.

Also in case you care: But I’m guessing all music is wrong also and it’s some anonymous loser on moviechat who has it right.


>OK now you’re trolling me. Iron Maiden does not primarily sing about Satan, does not have a shrieking vocal style, or an emphasis on atmosphere.

Neither does King Diamond have an emphasis on atmosphere, or a shrieking style.

Merely just singing about satanic themes doesn't make you black metal. And in a modern context, you don't need to sing about satan to be considered black metal.

>Also I cannot find a single source that classifies Iron Maiden as Black Metal yet I find multiple sources that classify Mercyful Fate as Black Metal. You just want to argue and I’m not engaging in your asinine exercise anymore. Good riddance. I tried to contribute to your thread in a productive manner and this is the thanks I get.

Iron Maiden actually sounds like Mercyful Fate.

>Also in case you care: But I’m guessing all music is wrong also and it’s some anonymous loser on moviechat who has it right.

Allmusic is pretty laughable. They also think Nightwish are gothic metal and heavy metal: and they know nothing about screamo:

Look at the voting trends for their album here:

The reason that Mercyful Fate are connected with black metal is due to their history of informing the aesthetic development of first-wave black metal in the early 80s. They don't have any of the musical traits typically associated with black metal. They are a precursor of a kind, but they're not actually black metal.


Look buddy, I told you quite clearly I’m not interested in fulfilling your desperate urge to argue. Learn how to read.


Doesn't matter. I reply all the same.

Have you actually heard any black metal that isn't Mercyful Fate (who aren't black metal anyway)?


>As for all of your YouTube links I’ll say again, just because 2 artists are in the same genre doesn’t mean they have to sound exactly alike. Again Metallica and Raven do not sound alike.

Raven is apparently **NOT** prominently characterised as thrash metal:

And sure, black metal has variance, but Mercyful Fate doesn't sound like ANY black metal. Find me a black metal band that sounds like Mercyful Fate.


I'm not doing anything. You asked a question and I did my best to answer it. Sorry you don't like the answer, bud but as I previously stated I'm not playing your idiotic games. Reading comprehension is clearly your weakness.


Whether or not you choose to reply further doesn't mean I won't reply to your claims.


No matter what I post you won't accept it because you have an obsessive need to argue with strangers. You need help, bud.


I mean I know more about metal than you. You're just wrong on this point. It's that simple.


Tell yourself whatever you have to to be able to live with yourself.


You're still replying, apparently. Despite saying you're done.

You're right in that there's nothing you could really do to accept your claims here because I know what Mercyful Fate sounds like, and black metal ain't it lol.


I said I was done feeding your obsessive needs to argue. I'm fine with putting you in your place however. Again you need to work on your reading comprehension.


How is it you think this is putting me in my place?


Prove that I didn't.


That doesn't even make any sense.


First wave black metal doesn't have a sound (though Bathory is the closest you get to what most people consider black metal, aka second wave Norweigan black metal).

First wave is basically anything that sings about Satan or the occult. Mercyful Fate qualifies, as does:

Sodom, Destruction, Kreator, early Slayer, Death SS, early Sepultura, Bathory, Sarcofago, and of course, Venom, who coined the term. You'll find that a lot of these sound like (and are) thrash, and aside from that, don't sound alike at all.

Once you get into second wave black metal, which is what most people think of, bands like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Immortal, and Emperor start to have a distinct "black metal" sound that feels like more refined Bathory.

People who are saying Mercyful Fate are traditional heavy metal are also 100% correct - the sonic aspect of first wave black metal isn't nearly as important as the lyrical content and aesthetics.

(Heavy Metal Andy 🤘🎸)


I think even claiming Mercyful Fate is first-wave black metal is also tenuous. They're almost a precursor to that. FWBM does have a sound even its closer to speed metal or thrash metal (which it is).

Mercyful Fate was very important to the origins of black metal in the sense of aesthetics, lyrics but they have zero of the stylistic trappings of it.


“Mercyful Fate was very important to the origins of black metal in the sense of aesthetics, lyrics but they have zero of the stylistic trappings of it.”

Exactly my point. In the same way that some claim that Marc Bolan was the Godfather of Punk (Glam Rock Andy 👨‍🎤).


Do you follow modern black metal? Got lots of modern movements now

post black metal/blackgaze: Basically shoegaze, post-rock influenced black metal. Huge part of it now. Bands are likely to shriek about the sunshine and flowers as much as they are satan.

avant-black/dissonant black: chaotic, janky, experimental, progressive. Sometimes jazzy.

viking/pagan black: self-explanatory. folky, nature.


Although I’m aware of and have an appreciation of Black Metal, I admit that it’s not my favourite genre and could only handle a couple of songs in one go before it all starts sounding like a cacophony.

As for all the subsequent sub genres - there’s only so many hours in the day and my tastes are far reaching and eclectic.


Fair enough. Was just curious. It really is interesting how its developed. It's just a sound now, the satanism element to it becomes less and less each year.


Thank you very much. Yes Mercyful Fate does sing about Satan and the Occult and the only song I can think of that might not is Curse of the Pharaohs. They may cut across several genres but the subject matter is enough to justify calling them Black Metal even if it's only the first wave.


Absolutely, whilst their sound isn’t what you’d class as Black Metal, they definitely had a hand in inspiring it. I hope that makes sense (Hammer of the Gods Andy).


No, it's not. There are non-black metal bands that sing about satan. Lyrical themes don't define genres in metal and never have.


Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. Common traits include:

yeah but those traits cover all the subgenres


I've been reading this site for a long time (had an old account blah, blah, blah). This is the first time I seen a post by Skavuu that made me think it's human.


There's a reason I bumped it. Skavau isn't half as bad as many here seem to think.


To be frank, the same people that dislike me on here basically dislike anyone they view as left or liberal. There's nothing special about me. They just despise all leftists/liberals (or anyone they perceive as such).


Take off that debate hat for a second and accept your compliment!
