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Why do people whine about electric vehicles? hear me out...

Why do people whine about electric vehicles? hear me out...

People are eating the narrative: ELECTRIC CAR BAAAAD!!!
As repeated into reality by fox news and quite OBVIOUSLY, big oil propaganda....
...when... now, think about this a moment...

Electric cars are not for them. Why even care?

Here's the hear me out part. And I'm not trying to convince anyone elec cars are good. No no no.

Here's the story:
- electric cars charging uses normal burning which is BAD.
- making batteries from those minerals is BAD.
- too over priced, too short lived, too small a range.... etc etc etc

Are people blind?

Yes, that is all true, BUT...... are you familiar with how all other automobiles are made???? AT ALL???? All the parts, the chemicals, the plastics, metals, rubber things that wear out and need replaced.... ALL CARS ARE BAD. Duh. NOT just electric cars that mega trillionaire oil companies want you to believe.
ALL CARS. Period.

Part two: Ferrari

Do all of you own one? No. You don't. Those cars are build for, and bought by specific peoples.
- They use normal burning which is BAD. and to an extensive amount: 11 to 22 mpg BAD
- they're made of special and expensive parts like special metals, wood and leather, which is BAD.
- too over priced, don't last as long as normal cars, break down and cost a ton more.
in short, they are not for everyone.

Why aren't people whining about Ferraris? Oh. They burn OIL creating $$$, I forgot.

See my point?
Ferraris are not for everyone.
Electric cars are also not for everyone. Who cares? Drive a jeep or a truck if you want to. Or an electric car. Or a Ferrari.

Stop the whining about electric cars already.


The government can't push anything if it doesn't work. If it works, great! More for every one. But if it's not working, it won't make any government people any money.

Case in point.... Toyota reversed course, vw I think, also Merced benz.

This turns many EV cars into Ferrari: expensive, rare, only for a select few. Why care or whine about it?


Why do people constantly whine about ICE cars? Who cares if they like their gas guzzling 7 mpg heavy duty truck from 1980? There's not too many of those left on the road anyway and more modern cars emit less emissions too. With electric cars you still have to make all those car parts and charge it from some power source so they're just as bad.

Stop whining about ICE cars.


I'm not. I'm asking about the whining about ev


my prediction for how this all goes down:

GOVERNMENT: We want you all to do THESE SPEED LIMITS on all these roads.

PEOPLES: Yeah. Naw.



The funniest thing I heard was the existence of an electric Lamborghini! 🤣🤣🤣I can't imagine anything more utterly useless...(on that scale, of course, because it's the same as decaffeinated coffee, non-alcoholic beer, or anything like that! What's the fuckin' point?)


question, have you been given a ride in the sport electric cars yet? when it is about SPEED, these things are astonishing. I have been inside two different breeds now, both CRUSHINGLY FAST at the drop. It's insanely cool.

I'm not selling you EV or ICE, but speed wise, electrics are extremely fun.
So, Lambo, Porsche, Benz, Tesla, whatever, the power is a blast.

But... I get it.... I just bought two different ICE cars in the past 5 years. They fit my needs best at this time.


Well, I'm sure it's exhilarating and of course nothing beats the acceleration of an electric motor, it just seems to me the guttural roar of the engine is an integral part of the experience...


THAT.... is a big problem!! I hear they are adding cool RPM sounds that match motion on the stereos, but still.... yeah hard to FEEL the same


(grabbing my popcorn...)

the comments are honest:

- no one can aford EVs
- where/how will apartment people charge?
- EVs are for the rich right now
- will they restrict ICE car access to the state?

... I havent read through all the info on the link


This'll be good - people will keep their existing ice car running forever , like in Cuba


Now PORSCHE is backing down.

The purchases are just not happening, no matter what the governments try to push
