Why do you suppose that is? It’s a damn disease like any other disease which we humans can catch if contagious. I personally don’t see the connection. Was polio political? Was Smallpox political? Measles, Mumps, Chickenpox? It’s a sorry state of affairs when we cannot ask questions or give answers about this, this, shudder, shudder disease known as Covid.
Russian Flu? Political?
”Known as the “Russian Flu,” this influenza outbreak is believed to have begun in St. Petersburg but it soon spread across Europe and the world. It was one of the first epidemics that was covered regularly by the developing daily press. Newspapers wrote about the local spread of the disease and also discussed the situation in other distant European cities thanks to telegraph reports. It is estimated that around 1 million people died of the Russian Flu.”
Spanish Flu? Political?
”Known at the time as the “Spanish Flu,” this flu pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recorded history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus. According to the CDC, an estimated 500 million people — or 1/3rd of the world’s population — caught the virus during the pandemic and between 50 million and 100 million people were killed. 675,000 died in the United States alone. Some victims died within mere hours or days of developing symptoms.”
The only reason my OP morphed into God Forbid! POLITICS…was due to the fact…there were those who made it so.