I've been doing yard word for the past couple of weeks, off and on. I have overgrown areas of the property that I want to transform into a mowable lawn. I've been cutting down the smaller stuff (such as maple and white birch saplings) with a weed eater with a metal blade and loppers and the bigger stuff with a chainsaw. There are also stumps I've had to carve down with a chainsaw to get them low enough to the ground so a lawnmower won't get hung up on them. It's hard not to hit dirt when doing that, which dulls a chainsaw very quickly, so I've had to sharpen the blade about 6 times in the past couple of weeks.
I have a small section left to clear, but the grass is still wet from rain last night, so I have to wait a couple more hours to do that. Then I have to rake up the cut weeds, excise any sapling stumps I missed, and it will be ready to mow, which I plan to do on Saturday along with the rest of the lawn.