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If you had 2 months off to do anything, what would you do?

I have 5 school days until I'm off for June and July. I can do anything. What should I do:)


You forgot to add a ton of mula to that mix. Throw that in, and I'd run off to the nearest vacation spots and not come back until the 2 months were over with.


I'd take my bike across a few states and camp out at different areas. We have the Laura Ingalls Wlder Trail which would be fun to follow. There's a few cool destinations that are historically significant that would be good destinations to see as well. I'd probably do this while reading Joe Kurmaskie's Metal Cowboy books.


My wife is a teacher and I’ll tell you her summer time pattern.

She sleeps late and watches lots of tv. Also, she organizes lots of projects, like a kitchen backsplash is one up first, that I end working on when I get home from work. These projects will carry over into after the summer is over. She will be ready to go out to eat or something several times a week as soon as I get home.

We always plan a week or longer family vacation to the beach in Florida every summer where the kids bring friends too, and she always lines up several bed n breakfast or casino 3 day weekends for just us.

I’d LOVE to have that much time off in the summer. 😀





When it goes south, extra coin will be better than a suntan or a memory of one.


Hike the Appalachian Trail
