How do we know our feelings or even thoughts in this life are correct and legitimate?
Besides some very OBVIOUS examples and other matters etc... We are sometimes if not always told we are allowed to feel or think whatever we do as they are OUR feelings, but I wonder - what IF they happen to be, rightly, wrongly or complex-oriented wise, wrong and illegitimate, and it makes us worried, down, brooding and on the internet side of things - DESPERATE for an INDULGENT and friendly conversation (there are exceptions, even with ME) or to come to a conclusion with more finesse and style and less strictness, authority and typical truistic obviousness here or there? But OK, if people can't help but only be along those lines don't worry I won't hold a grudge, but then you know, personal preferences, surrounded by emotions, conflicts of interests, inability to remain passive, having tantrums, being socially sensitive etc?
But then in this world we are told and actively told what to do, say and even THINK, sometimes it works out alright, in others cases gets us in trouble, sometimes we experience Karma Houdini etc. And I don't NORMALLY say may think or feel ONE thing BUT certain circumstances MAY cause me to change my viewpoint. But some people OVERLOOK or even DON'T FEEL ANYTHING negative themselves on some things or others that they may even NATURALLY know they aren't supposed to. Won't name any big examples, but you can imagine it AND apply it to anything in life. Sometimes I may NATURALLY be calm, others - a few tantrums on the order of "Nooooo".
P.S. And even if I DO get told I am NOT allowed to feel a certain way, in any world, would that be legitimate, thanks.