MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Update my Ignore list

Update my Ignore list

In light of the politicization, anti-Semitism, and disruptive behavior on the site, I am updating my Ignore List from 0 users to 10 users. Many of them don't even engage in discussions about movies and TV series. Unfortunately, because the site owners have failed to maintain order, the platform has devolved into an arena of quarrels and fights. It's not fun to be here anymore. Totally understand why people leave the site.

Here in my new ignore list:

Toomer - OnanTheBarbarian sock puppet account


I only have 1 user on my ignore list and it’s because he’s a dirt bag, a dumb bitch and a disgusting boy.


A typical, cowardly, cheap shot coming from Shitsweeper, hiding behind the Ignore function.
Yup, I'm the 1:


How in the hell can they deny the following:

”Israel-Hamas War, war between Israel and Palestinian militants, especially Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that began on October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched a land, sea, and air assault on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The October 7 attack resulted in more than 1,200 deaths, primarily Israeli citizens, making it the deadliest day for Israel since its independence.

More than 240 people were also taken hostage during the attack. The next day, Israel declared itself in a state of war for the first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The war began with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducting air strikes on the Gaza Strip, followed weeks later by the incursion of ground troops and armored vehicles.”


They influenced by propaganda.
Take someone like Keelai who support murder of Jewish children and rape, he is an evil person, there is no point in trying to understand them.





Meh, I don't like that we have a proud murderer of innocent civilians here. If he doesn't like being called out on his bullshit, let him leave. The board will smell better.


You don't know that he murdered civilians. You're just blindly assuming that, pushing a biased narrative. Sis-boom-bah! Jump on that bandwagon you brainwashed fuckin' sheeple. And you're an absolute dumb shit for trying to compare the IDF to Nazis.


He boasted of being IDF and killing terrorists. Israel now defines civilians in Gaza as terrorists. If he hadn't ran from the debate he could have explained. I can only assume he did as the IDF is doing right know, killing 30,000 innocent civilians and claiming they are Hamas supporters. 11,000 plus children killed by the IDF since October 7th. Your Boromir is scum.


He didn't boast. He matter of factly mentioned that he got called to go to war. And then he very nobly, during some brief breaks, dropped in here to give us an update and tried to wind down and talk movies.

My mother was a refugee in WW2 Nazi Germany. I grew up listening to first hand accounts about the Nazis and the Russians. You don't know shit and you're scum!


Haha. We'll hear the first hand accounts from Palestinians when Netanyahu and the IDF are tried for war crimes. Many if not most American Jews oppose what Israel is doing in Gaza right now. This guy is a piece of shit.


You're a POS for how you're trying to portray him. He's a real man fighting for his people, his small country. You're a punk who likes to get fucked in the ass.


You don't know what I like. My grandfather fought the Nazis in World War II. He was a real soldier who fought against a real army.

This Boromir creep is attacking innocent civilians with no standing army. Yeah, brave man bombing the hell out of civilians with no way to defend themselves.

Don't compare this coward to a real soldier like my grandfather.


You publicly admitted on this board you like getting fucked in the ass.

My dad served 2 two tours in Vietnam. I had an uncle that died at Normandy. I think I know a thing or two about real soldiers and will make whatever comparisons I choose.


Haha. I don't get fucked in the ass. And I never said I did. But if I did, what business would it be of yours?

No, if you think the IDF's campaign in Gaza is anything like what my grandfather did in World War II, you're as ignorant as this Boromir coward.


You have a lot to learn about World War II. 300,000-600,000 civilians were killed by the Allies carpet bombing German cities. Another half million were killed in the brutal ethnic cleansing of 14 million Germans from eastern Europe after the war. Over 1 million German women were raped by Soviet soldiers (of whom over 200,000 died) at the end of the war. In 1940, the Soviets massacred 22,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest.

Don't be so quick to judge Israel.


When has Israel actually defined civilians in Gaza as terrorists? When did Boromir claim that he killed terrorists that weren't really terrorists but actually civilians?

It's completely false that the IDF has killed 30,000 civilians in Gaza. That's just the total number of people killed in Gaza according to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry. You forget that the IDF has also killed thousands of Hamas fighters in Gaza. As many as half of all those killed in Gaza could be Hamas fighters. You can't be sure that the publicly available statistics on the number of children killed in Gaza are accurate:


Is the death toll accurate in Gaza?

An analysis published in the Lancet medical journal in December found that Gaza's health ministry has "historically reported accurate mortality data," with discrepancies between 1% and roughly 3% when compared with U.N. analysis of deaths in previous conflicts.

We've all seen the piles of rubble in Gaza. Civilians are being killed whether it's 29, 30, 31,000.

We wouldn't have a problem if Israel had occupied Gaza and strategically routed out Hamas. But they're doing random carpet bombing of civilians.

If Boromir is in the IDF, and with the fact that he fled the debate, I have good reason to assume he's part of IDF's campaign in Gaza.


Did you actually read the article I showed you? You're not addressing its claims. I don't dispute that civilians have been killed in Gaza. But you can't be sure how many of those killed are civilians. The Lancet study only looked at the total number of dead. It didn't examine how many of those killed were really civilians or examine the distribution of men, women and children among the civilians.

For some strange reason you talk about the war as if the IDF hasn't in fact occupied Gaza. Israeli soldiers have been in Gaza now for several months. And you absurdly claim that the IDF is carpet bombing Gaza, proving that you don't know what the term 'carpet bombing' really means. 'Carpet bombing' means that an entire 'carpet' of bombs is laid down over a certain area, guaranteeing that nearly everything within that area is destroyed. Israel has clearly NOT 'carpet bombed' Gaza because doing so would certainly have killed over a million people.

You don't need to assume anything about Boromir's service. He actually told this forum that he served in Gaza during the current war:

And Boromir never claimed that he killed terrorists that weren't really terrorists but actually civilians.


Dude, we've all seen the piles of rubble in Gaza as far as the eye can see. Please don't quibble about terminology. They're bombing the hell out of Gaza without regard for civilians. Did they not tell Gazans to leave "or else"? The problem is, where are impoverished people in refugee camps supposed to go?

Boromir claimed babies were beheaded. That claim has been exposed as untrue. There's propaganda on both sides. But no one doubts civilians are dying in Gaza.

Here's an Israeli soldier with a conscience who opposes what Boromir does in Gaza and the West Bank:


You said that Israel is 'carpet bombing' Gaza. That's completely untrue. I can't help that. How do you know that Israel is bombing Gaza without any regard for civilians? It's not just randomly dropping bombs. It aims at specific targets one at a time with the intent of precisely hitting them. Did you know the number of bombs Israel has dropped in Gaza is more than the number of Gazans killed? What does that tell you? I can't tell you where Palestinians in refugee camps are supposed to go. Hamas didn't plan this war with the well-being of the civilian population in mind.

I never denied that civilians are dying in Gaza. I merely doubt the number of civilians that have reportedly died and the reported demographic distribution of men, women and children among the civilians that have died. And as far as I know, the claim that babies were purposely beheaded by Hamas on October 7th hasn't been definitely proven false. Dead babies were found after the attack who were missing heads. It's not known in any instance whether the heads were removed before or after death or how they were removed, whether intentionally or incidentally:

And what has Boromir actually done wrong in Gaza? You don't know. You're just making assumptions. So what the hell does it even mean for this other Israeli soldier to oppose what Boromir "does" in Gaza?


"...random carpet bombing..."

Yeah, you sanctimonious prick. That's exactly how my mother lost her home twice to Allied bombing raids during WW2 and became a refugee. Do you see me on here bitching about what America had to do to win that war?

No, you don't "have to assume"! You're choosing to do so because you're a snake with an agenda and a blind follower of a mob mentality.

Boromir was not involved in carpet bombing. He was part of ground forces, urban warfare, which military experts say is the most difficult to conduct because of the dilemma of trying to determine the enemy from innocent civilians. Why aren't you in an uproar about all the civilians that have been killed in Ukraine since the start of that war?


Sounds really sad, type another diatribe about your totally average history.


Oooh, diatribe. Trying to appear as if you actually have a vocabulary. 🙄 Why does what you consider as average elicit such venom and rage from you? Playing you like a fiddle, dumb shit.


Do you see how poorly you come off?

Sad but you deserve your sorrow.


And you deserve the aggravation that triggers your daily road rage.


Some people are incredibly poor drivers just like you are incredibly poor people.

It's just true.


So you're admitting to daily road rage, trying to excuse and justify it. Got it.


Sad attempt, keep mentioning 'road rage,' a phrase you boringly use.

I have zero arrests for anything, never was broke and busted because I'm not a fool.

YOU are the self admitted ex-con here.

Selfe-awareness is important for self-improvement;)


Yeah, I'm an admitted ex-con, a move you would be too gutless to make on here, because you're a fake who wants to appear as squeaky clean.

At one point, I was in minimum security at an honor camp. That was for inmates who earned that designation. The place didn't even have a fence around it. I earned 60 cents a day working on a crew pouring concrete. I even ran a 10k race while I was there, which was supporting a charity in the nearby community. You don't know shit and you're a wannabe, a 50 year old punk.


TheBarbarian and Keelai both of them are supporters of terrorism, rape, haters of Jews and generally obsessed with Israel. Also TheBarbarian love shitty bands like Alice in Chains.


No we're not, you ignorant baby killer.


A Barbarian? I haven't bested one of those in awhile.


I'm glad you also get it.


I have four of those ignored too.


Not surprise. Most people in the list are despicable people.



That’s ignorant


I see what you did there...


Haha. Because Israel can ethnically cleanse Gaza and no one on a forum can object to that! If you're such a delicate flower maybe you don't belong here. Some of us believe both sides of the debate should be heard.

Ban anyone who opposes Israel's bombing of civilians in Gaza!!!

And let it be known you claimed to be a member of the IDF which is pretty much tantamount to the Nazi Gestapo at this point, you repulsive monster.


This just has to be a lie. Right? You appear to be in the know.


Biden is senile. Haha. What's your point?

Geopolitical reality requires the U.S. to back Israel. But we can't be silent on the massacre of 30,000 civilians.


I've got 50 on my ignore list lol


I have 302.


Holy shit.


Here is my Ignore list: -














I don't see Kowalski's name there.
