8/10 EDIT: Voting average score: 7.9 (final)
remember him in "The Dream Team" ?
I vaguely remember the movie.
How dare you!
I was never a fan of his 80 & 90s stuff. Films that don`t hold up well. He was good in American Assassin & The Protégé, not much else.
9/10.. I enjoyed him in the movie "PACIFIC HEIGHTS"
My dad loves that movie.
Well you're first going to have to tell me who the other 9 actors are that I should rank him against.
Well played.
Great. 9 out of 10. His movie Clean and Sober from 1988 is great and I recommend it if you haven't already seen it.
You just brought his average up and now I'm too lazy to update it. I've seen the film though.
I just remembered how great he was in the Flash movie. 9.3 out of 10
The only good thing about that shit movie.
That is a good movie. And so was M. Walsh in it who just died.
Ditto, 8/10.