MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any ideas on overcoming defeatist thinki...

Any ideas on overcoming defeatist thinking?

When you are completely, utterly, hopelessly defeated? Broken on the wheel of life? Old, broken, busted?


Provide more details: Describe the event you're distressed over, and your thoughts/beliefs about the event


If I told you what's happened, you would think I needed different medications or to be institutionalized. I've been hospitalized for mental health and "delusional thinking" three times for short stays. That's one of the biggest reasons I'm completely fucked.

I know my brain isn't the entire problem, though. Nothing I can do. There are people in power who are capable of anything, of course. Anything they think they can get away with.

And I'm not only talking about corporate leaders and people inside three letter organizations. When I was briefly part of a big insurance company, privacy was not taken very seriously. Even one of our trainers would look up celebrities and other people for a little entertainment. I'm not sure what any of them did with what they learned. Maybe they just posted about it on social media.

It does make me wonder what goes on in companies like Amazon, which has millions of gadgets out there that are always listening, sometimes recording, sometimes people listening to those recordings for "quality control purposes". I've seen how people can take advantage that gives them any kind of power. I'll bet a lot of these tech company employees find themselves tempted to . Maybe even use what they learn against someone who they take a dislike to. They could get all kinds of embarrassing and compromising information. They could manipulate what someone sees online, like Amazon recommendations or search results. Even a little clique of lower level employees in a tech company like Amazon could have access to a lot, if they didn't care about following policies and laws. If they were also spying on the people in that persons life, they could turn them against that person as well. Maybe even bring blackmail into it and push them to do some nasty things to said person.

See, it's hard to really explain, without sounding like i'm raving. I'm not even sure what's going on, just have suspicions. I certainly don't have any real evidence to show anyone.


Just to clarify; someone has something on you and is threatening to use it against you?


"There are people in power who are capable of anything, of course. Anything they think they can get away with"

I urged you to lay off all those prank phone calls to Tom Cruise's house awhile back, Zar. You apparently chose to ignore me


1. Feeling defeated... It is never to late to change the direction of your life. Work on having realistic achievable goals, and focus on the small steps needed to make progress. Let go of the things that are impossible or unrealistic. What do you want from life?

2. Worrying about people abusing their power and/or breaking privacy are classic delusions. But just because they are likely to be delusions for you, doesn't mean that it also doesn't frequently happen in the modern world. But, short of politically campaigning for tightening rules over such issues, there is not much you can do. Do not become a vigilante. Try to be a paragon of virtue, display to others that just because some people are shitheads it doesn't mean that everyone has to be pulled down to their level.

3. Delusions... TAKE YOUR MEDS! (and I don't mean that in a nasty way). Work towards monitoring your thought patterns. Concentrate on the things that are real: touch grass, listen to music, do something artistic. And as we are on a movie forum, if you need some inspiration of someone who didn't let his delusions control him, go watch A Beautiful Mind (as long as it won't worsen your paranoid thoughts).


Man, this is good stuff. You’ve got to post more.




I'll tell you what I did for the last 2 weeks when it was happening to me. I stayed busy at work, as busy as I could. When I got home I got in bed and watched every fun, happy, show I could. It was pretty bad for me, But it did pass, and I feel better now.


This life might be it. If you don't make the most of it, it's on you and no one else.

People get clobbered all the time - it happens - prove to yourself and no one else that you can keep going.


I feel in a similar situation and feel that I need to reinvent myself rather than just go back to my job which does not provide me any stimulus, in fact it tends to wear me down further.

That said, I find I don't even want to watch TV or do anything else that is fun. Maybe sometimes you just have to go with it and breathe, something that I have never been very good at. I usually tend to push myself through everything but am struggling with my current situation.


What the absolute fuck?? What is this feeling you're having of hopelessness, defeat & broken and from what exactly?? Politics?? What??


Anger and spite. They cannot beat you unless you quit.
Lay flowers on their graves a year from now, then have a nice meal with your family and forget all of it. It doesn't matter, they do not matter.


So now you're advocating anger, which is considered to be a negative emotion, as a solution to what is considered to be a negative mindset. 🙄 More evidence you're seriously fucked in the head. Break out the framing hammers folks!


Just give it up. You seek negative attention because that's all you ever want you boring dork. Continue randomly attacking people in your neighborhood and online, it's likely the only attention you get. Who could possibly want to deal with you, particularly a woman?!?

You are sad and you will be found by neighbors a week after you die because of the stink as nobody will be looking for you. If you have a cat or a dog they will likely partially eat your bloated remains.

You are a loser that will be eaten by your pets because no humans will bother checking in on you.
It's going to hurt and last a long time:(

Also, go fuck yourself.


There's that angry rant solution you're proposing, which has always been your style, perch. 😄


YOU talk about angry rants?
FU asshole.


A man is judged not by how he is knocked down, but in the manner he gets back up again.

Or maybe I’m too stupid to stay down.
