In Russia, we often call being rude to others "wiping our feet on them".
But why IS that and does it have to be like that, cheers. :)
P.S. Does English language have THAT expression in it or at least something vry similar?
But why IS that and does it have to be like that, cheers. :)
P.S. Does English language have THAT expression in it or at least something vry similar?
In the movie The Long Hot Summer, Paul Newman wipes his dirty feet on the new bosses rug. Its a American way of saying fu#k you and the horse you rode in on.
shareThe closest equivalent we have is where, when an opponent is defeated in something, such as debates or sports, we say that the winner, "Wiped the floor with them." It's particularly noteworthy if the winner defeated their opponent easily, despite all the bravado the opponent put up.
shareI would answer, but I have much larger problems to fry.
shareYou're in Russia?!
However, we just stomp on the other's head.
Problem solved.
I'm a Russian born UK citizen currently living in UK.
shareYah, I remember that you said you're 50% Russian and 50% UK, living in UK.
And now you said in your header "In Russia, we...".
That confused me.
Btw. will you answer in the other thread what Navalny actually did?
Well, it was just a saying that this is a tradition in Russia. :)
I will need to think and answer about Navalny later. Meanwhile, you can always contact Anatoliy Karlin online and he might answer your question.
Anatoly Karlin?...You start to show your true colours. π
I don't care what Karlin says.
Yah, think about Navalny.
Hopefully Navalny is still alive by the time you answer.
Oh my God, you KNOW Anatoliy Karlin? I communicated with him online by e-mail a few years ago!
And of course I wish for Navalny to remain alive and whatnot, hell, Mikhayil Khodorkovsky (and I am sure you are familiar with him, he was jailed for 10 years in 2003 over tax evasion amidst political controversies at that time too) did and he is now out of jail.
If by "true colours" you mean lack of perfect professional knowledge in the field of modern politics, you are correct darling. :)
shareNow I'm a little disappoined.
You wanted to tell us what Navalny did (his "crime").
And sorry, I'm neither your "God" nor your "darling". βΊ
Don't worry, its just a figure of speech. I might tell a little later. And I was complimenting you there and saying you were right about something.
shareYou don't need to worry, because I don't worry.
And no need to half-heartedly smear honey on my face.
Doesn't work with me anyhow.
I'm almost always right. πβ
Edit to add
Still waiting for your answer about Navalny.
"And no need to half-heartedly smear honey on my face."
Didn't mean it that way. And in one potential instance you happened to be unwittingly correct too.
"Doesn't work with me anyhow."
That's fine also, loads of things don't exactly "work" for me and most of us anyways, and even if it does, its relative and in the eye of the beholder or mind of a bethinker, as they say.
"I'm almost always right."
Good for you, I sometimes struggle here, then again, most if not all of us don't have full knowledge of outright everything. But then we're not always to blame, and politicians are even notorious for hiding things from us.
Are you sure about that one?
You didn't really know I am not much of an expert in certain things until I told it?
You didn't need to tell me. βΊ
Apart from that.
Still waiting for your answer about Navalny.
Mr Karlin on sites like wikileaks has received some rather strong criticism from certain folks who thought he was being too pro-Putin, too biased, prejudiced even and in one instance, the writer there even dared to somehow accuse him of "perverse proclivities" over allegedly finding some 14 or so year old girl attractive. But...
Having followed his blogs for years, I can assure you, OK he does delve into potentially unpopular opinions, and he does seem rather patriotic overall and he isn't too anti-Putin and even some very controversial and unpopular views that Russian population or government have, he was actually able to find at least some understanding at least (i.e. he wrote about our traditional laws with regards to sexual orientation as, well, that it isn't just government being too prejudiced, that unlike even some American states it isn't actually illegal, that (whether its right or wrong but its a fact) that its the majority of population who supports such views etc - hardly someone who is de-facto personally prejudiced or bigoted etc for one's own personal and very selfish reasons).
Even the wars that Russia had against Chechnya and whatnot... Yeah, he doesn't one-sidedly paint Russia there as the unforgivable and totally wrong aggressor, although he does agree that it did go disastrously and he even actively criticized the former OTHER Russian president Boris Yeltsin there for incompetence and generally even disagreed with war.
And we Russians compliment people for looks all the time including children and teenagers and I don't think I've heard Karlin say there anything out of realm of respectable let alone say objectifying and fetishistic on any de-facto morally and socially inacceptable level.
And he seems reasonably intelligent overall as well with some I believe university degrees in journalism. And he is entitled to his views and thoughts legally and morally and doesn't seem like totally foolish Kremlin bot, he even did criticize the flaws of mo
modern Russian government but tried his best to stay objective and respectable without descending into a downright smearing campaign.
I think it's akin to calling someone a doormat if they let others treat people badly or letting them walk all over you. Not too sure about the origin.