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why don't other animals build cell phones?

yeah yeah, we have opposable thumbs, and are pretty smart, but we too started by living in caves.
most apes have opposable thumbs, CAN learn language, CAN hold a stick...
Even DOGS pick up on language a little.
Dolphins are super intelligent... maybe smart enough to NOT start their own industrial revolution?
An octapus is super smart, has tons of physical abilities, maybe more than we have with eight suction tentacles...
We have elephants that can paint pictures ....
Beavers BUILD frickin condominiums moving sticks around...
Birds build nests from twigs and navigate magnetically....

How come no other animals are evolving to make their own recordable language, or vehicles for moving faster, or cell phones?


It's the old Douglas Adams thing, isn't it? To paraphrase:

Humans think they're more intelligent than dolphins because they can build machines and cities and civilisations while dolphins just play about in the sea catching fish.

Dolphins think they're more intelligent than humans for exactly the same reasons.


This post made me jealous of Dolphins.
But I'm not sure I can hold my breath and swim as well:(


So long, and thanks for all the fish! 🐬


It's like I always say, we spoil these lazy animals and then wonder why they never move out of the house.
They never even pay the cable bill or cut the grass!!

Well, I AM DONE tossing peanuts and bananas to all of the Elephants and Baboons in my yard!
They better get jobs and enroll in night classes because I'm tired of carrying the burden.
Sheesh, they don't even shovel snow... wild animals are lazy hobos in my opinion.

These filthy animals will never learn unless we use tough love I say!


Clyde's orangutan relatives in Sumatra have been observed using early Nokia style phones in the wild.


A broader question: What is the point of animals?





Jane Goodall, who knows more about the species that we evolved from than most all other people, says that it is the one thing apes/chimpanzees lack, and separates the human race from the animal kingdom.

Don't remember the exact quote but something like.. "You will never see two chimps or apes moving a object together for a common goal, like moving a large log blocking access to water/food"


i think this is it.
so why not? why did WE decide to help each other long long ago to create stuff?

Beavers seem to work together don't they? building those dams out of wood?

I always thought animal life spans were too short for them to get it together enough to create a written langauge, or team up to make stuff better. they are born, learn to hunt, mate and die pretty quickly compared to us. our life span was probably dead by 30, that's still longer than some animals.

can we teach apes our language, then teach them to build things?


@Redsfan: We DID NOT evolve from apes or chimpanzees, we developed from a totally different primate branch.


Everytime I see an athlete pound his chest like I silverback, I am reminded that we are from the same primate root family.


They use ESP to stream videos.


Why don’t all humans build cell phones? Seems most use them but only a few smart ones knew how to build them.


but the knowledge to do so is recorded, saved, and out there for anyone wanting to get it. we could put in the time to learn to manufacture stuff.
