MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > In LA, paying for the bus is optional

In LA, paying for the bus is optional

It's $1.75, but many just throw in a few coins and the driver doesn't care.

He also doesn't care if you just walk on. He's not going to argue with you or ask you to get off.

Tap on and your card says insufficient funds? He'll wave you on.

Is this how public transport should be? An honor system?


He's not going to argue with you or ask you to get off.

That would be crossing the line of social norms.


No, that's a total crock of you know what.


Not a lot of "honor" in LA.


Where did you hear this?

I live in LA and have never heard about this.


I too live in LA


When did they start doing this? I legit had no idea this was happening.

I only took the bus once like 10 years ago and the bus driver didn't let someone get on because they couldn't pay the fare.

I wonder if this is due to competition from uber and ride-shares.

If the city is actually making public transit free, that would be one thing. I've visited European cities that had free public transit.


I transit to work and have seen this done with mental cases to avoid a scene and during the rise in homelessness..


It's the same where I live.

No bus driver is going to risk their life for a fare.

The cops could be waiting for them at the next stop and arrest them but that ain't gonna happen.


A buddy of mine is a bus driver and he once had an obnoxious fare that wouldn't pay and was verbally abusive. When my friend told them to get off the bus he got beaten so badly he was out of work for weeks and had neck and back pain for months.

Most salaried workers are not going to risk serious injuries over a couple bucks for the City coffer.

And you're right about the Police. I greatly respect LE but they are pretty overwhelmed in some areas so annoyances like fare skipping, undocumented illegals, littering, stopping traffic to panhandle and uninsured moped scooters swarming the streets simply go unpunished.


On the news tonight they pretty much said you should pull out your gun and just blow the bus driver away, that's totally common practice now. Open season on bus drivers.


When I lived in Gainesville, FL the bus was free for anyone affiliated with the university there. You just had to show your badge. I assume the university paid a lumped sum to the bus company every year.
