MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 6th Annual Dewey Day! πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―

6th Annual Dewey Day! πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―

Today MovieChat again remembers our dear friend, godewey, who left us much too soon five years ago.

godewey (or "Dewey") was a wonderful human being who had quite an impact here from the earliest days of the site, and the many friends he made here brought him a measure of comfort and joy as he battled illness.

For those who never got to know him, just think of the best guy you know. That's Dewey. Intelligent, funny, gracious, irreverent, and extraordinarily generous*. He had a warm and easy rapport with nearly everyone. That's why so many remember him so fondly, and it's why we light the candles every September 16th.

I will be pinning Dewey-related threads to the first page of the General Discussion board throughout the day as our members create them or as they bump up old favorites.

Thanks to StoneKeeper for graciously honoring Dewey in his weekend movie club thread. I will be watching Witness for the Prosecution tonight and raising a glass in Dewey's honor.


*From a post I found recently as I was researching Dewey's favorite movies:

I went to Haiti a few years ago on a volunteer mission and it changed my life.
A few times a month I volunteer at the children's hospital, retirement homes and the animal shelters.
It made me really appreciate what I have. It has brought me so much joy I can't even describe it.

And this is not the only example, though he was generally very reserved about getting into these things.


Another Dewey Day draws to an end.

RIP godewey. You are still missed. I hope your family and friends are all doing well, and spent this day more in joyful and grateful remembrance than in sorrow.


This was a very nice tribute Mod5. Thanks for doing this


Thank you for the kind words. It's my honor to do it.




It must be an especially bittersweet day for those who knew him best. My sincere condolences to you.

I had gathered a bunch of Dewey's movie reviews recently. You might enjoy this:

It's nice to see you again. Stop by more often and I'll see what I can do about getting you a reserved parking space.


You're right, M5. Dazed is one of our original, best and quality posters here. We do need more of her renewed input!


Then it’s too bad tha The Boys’ Club drove her, Miss Margot Channing, and almost ever other woman who was not congruent with The Boys’ Club, away, isn’t it?

This place is a specter of what it once was, and Dewey did not figure large in it except for his β€œdrinking game weekend” which ushered in silliness and pushed out adult discourse.


"...and almost ever(y) other woman..."

Such as Mina Vladimir, who made it very apparent when she departed GD that it was because of the The Boys'Club, which I have often referred to as, "the sickening clique." This is one of those rare occasions where I actually agree with you, Kane. And thanks for revealing to me that I'm no longer on your Ignore list, when I was probably one of the first to end up there.


As I was combing the archives in preparation for Dewey Day, I came across more than one example of R_Kane's "[t]his place is a specter of what it once was" sentiment. These were posts from five or six years ago.

People just get tired of each other sometimes. I don't see anything especially unique in the group dynamics of MovieChat.

Of course, I also miss the regular participation of people like Dazed, MissMargo, Mina, and many others. Who wouldn't? Whatever the reason for their absence, it is regrettable. But I would be surprised if the actions of any other MC member or members could be keeping them away. I do not recall any of them being easily cowed. In fact, I mostly recall ferocious wit.


She is an MC OG like yourself!


It sounds melodramatic to say this but I don't think I have ever really processed his death. We spoke almost every day and although I knew it was coming it was surreal when the pms stopped. I was just stunned. It was a privilege to have shared some of that journey with him.

There's not much I can add to what others have said. He was just the best, the most kind person. Full of humility but with a wickedly naughty sense of humour. I'm so glad that he found another love after the loss he suffered and that a bit of him lives on in that little girl.

He saw good in everyone, he was one of a kind.


You were definitely chosen by dewey, Dazed and he also obviously trusted you. You experienced a closeness with him that none of the rest of us had.

I watched both of my parents die and yes, there's a surreal quality to that shared experience.


He was a very good listener too.

I'm sorry about your parents, I know how that feels. ❀


πŸ’” I still miss Dewey to this day. He was such a wonderful guy. I don't recall ever seeing a mean post by him. He could find humor in just about anything and I'll never forget the many hilarious exchanges I had with him, and also enjoyed his humorous back-and-forth with other posters. He seemed to never be at a loss for words. I'm honored to have known him here on MC.

Here's to Dewey. πŸ₯‚

[I missed Dewey Day because I was away. Thank you, Mod5!]


I wish there was a "like" button 😊


How did he pass away?


He had a terminal illness.
