MovieChat Forums > TheRealDazed

TheRealDazed (85)


Thoughts How on earth did Rodney end up in this? Most depressing films. Currently rewatching The Titan disaster Films you'll probably never see! A nice mix of dark comedy and mystery/crime Mina Vladimir So enjoyable View all posts >


So glad you enjoyed it 😊 Me too, I so want to like it. I think I'm watching mostly for nostalgia reasons. Yeah I know what you mean about Jon Hamm, he was kind of the Elephant/American in the room 😬 Haha "sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus..." can still remember solving that one, Mina! It was a work of genius and it made me feel like a genius (finally) working it out 🤣 Who are we going to play with? That's a good question 😒 That means I don't have to put up with her for much longer! It's just dragging out now, they have just seen John Cleese as a relationship expert and he's told them that they shouldn't be together but she wouldn't listen. It worked much better when they were not together. I caught up with that episode a few weeks ago, it was good to see them back together. It's funny how first time around I couldn't stand Carla or Cliff but this time they're probably my favourites. I remember him too. Haha! That is bizarre, we have a firestick and we had to get a longer cord for it too, also if it hangs down the back of the TV it doesn't work correctly yet if we move it a few inches forward so it's down the side it's perfect. Remember when watching tv was simple? Hey, I've just finished the second season. I found that Misty the adult definitely grew on me but as a girl she's still hateful! I enjoyed the addition of Walter and <spoiler>I'm relieved that the Adam storyline has concluded.</spoiler> Shauna's baby plot was incredibly emotive from start to finish and I grew to enjoy her prickly relationship with her daughter.<spoiler>Obviously the ending was disappointing because Nat was a brilliant character and horribly underused this season.</spoiler> I much preferred the scenes from the past, how about you? Will there be another season do you think? He was a very good listener too. I'm sorry about your parents, I know how that feels. ❤ Was just thinking that! View all replies >