There should be a room in a prison with two security guards and one doctor. If you are a victim of rape or are the family of someone who was murdered, you are allowed to have a beat down of the murderer/rapist. The security guards are there to prevent you from killing the prisoner or taking any head shots. After the beatdown, the prisoner will begin their sentence.
Not sure how you fix child molesters or serial killers. People like Charles Manson and his family who participated in the Tate LaBianca murders didn't deserve to live. I agree, there are innocent people who have been convicted, so that is why I oppose the death penalty, except in the cases like Manson and Bundy, where they admit they committed the crime.
Innocent people admit guilt all the time. The system is set up that way. They're threatened with no/high bail until trial and a very long sentence if found guilty unless they agree to plea bargain w/admittance of guilt. 95% criminal convictions are plea bargains.
If you were wrongfully accused, would you spend months in jail waiting for your trial if you couldn't afford bail? Lose your job, health insurance, can't support family, etc..
Overwhelming majority arrested are poor who can't afford to fight back even when innocent. And they know they must rely on a mediocre, overworked public defender, too.
Please, stop with that statistic. The Manson Family joked about the murders, Ted Bundy admitted to all of the killings, some of the bodies were found in Jeffery Dalmer's apartment, the Turpin children were treated like animals and the parents didn't deny it. You know exactly what kind of people I'm talking about. They don't deserve to live, but I personally think death is too easy for them, nor do I think the state should have to support them for life.
Then there are people like Scott Peterson, who I think killed his wife, but not 100% sure - I'm most definitely am not talking about people like him.
You want to ignore the low profile cases in which innocent people are sent to die or languish in prison for years.
Let's discuss George Stinney Jr.:
"Other than this supposed confession, there was no other physical evidence nor any witnesses to testify to his guilt, but Stinney was still charged and stood trial a month later. There was no written record of a confession.
The trial only lasted 2 hours, and after less than 10 minutes of deliberation, the all-white all-male jury found him guilty of the first-degree murder of the two girls. The court refused to hear his appeal, and he was sentenced to die by electrocution just two months later.
An innocent 14-year-old found guilty was exonerated 70 years after his execution.
It has long since been rumored that the person who actually committed the murders of the two girls was 26-year-old George Burke Jr., a white man whose influential father George Burke Sr. owned the land on which the girls’ bodies were found."
I believe there should be penal colonies on islands where people convicted of certain heinous crimes go. Talking about lifers with no possibility of parole - the skumbags of society who for whatever reason have avoided the death penalty.
Drop them off and let them fend for themselves. If they kill each other, personally I wouldn't care.
I think this would also avoid revenge hits if the prisoner is released. I can see someone waiting 15 years to see their rapist released just to wait by their house and beat the crap out of them. At least if it happened in prison, the guards and doctors would prevent an outright revenge murder.
From reading through all the comments, it sounds like the goal for throwing a beatdown would be to help grieving victims and families blow off steam first-hand by allowing them to witness the prisoners suffering.
Ok, I totally get the desire for this type of revenge, the issue is that it’s not supported by any evidence.
In fact, the research suggests that violent acts of revenge, such as a state-sponsored beatdown, most likely will not offer the emotional relief victims are looking for, such as closure, and may actually intensify emotional distress and prevent them from healing. One study in particular found that people who took revenge often felt worse because the act of revenge kept them psychologically tied to the event.
TL;DR The psychological outcomes most likely will not be the ones you’re looking for, and could actually exacerbate existing trauma.
Chester, D. S., & DeWall, C. N. (2016). The pleasure of revenge: Retaliatory aggression arises from a neural imbalance toward reward. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 11(7), 1173-1182.
Carlsmith, K. M., Wilson, T. D., & Gilbert, D. T. (2008). The paradoxical consequences of revenge. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(6), 1316.
Found another study indicating that acts of revenge will only reinforce the harmful memories and prevent victims from recovering:
McCullough, M. E., Kurzban, R., & Tabak, B. A. (2013). Cognitive systems for revenge and forgiveness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(1), 1-15.
Yeah intuitively Samoanjoes idea seems to make sense, my own gut-reaction would be to throw someone a beatdown too, but it doesn't seem like it would help at all and just make things worse.
I'm actually still googling it and finding even more studies that find it has the opposite, negative effect.
I don’t think personal revenge is the answer, however, I think prisons should be much harsher and act more of a deterrent than they are currently in Western Europe, North America, Australasia etc.
I will never understand how murderers don't automatically stay in prison until death. I don't care how remorseful the killer feels, they did the crime, they do the max time. Rape should be 50 years.
In US prisons, sex offenders are either in a special facility or locked up 23/7. They cannot walk the GP yard. Its already pretty horrible - they are extorted & terrorized. I'm not sure what could be done to make it worse, other than serving them up for execution in the GP.
Which also happens. For even regular prisoners, having access to a shiv is, in many prisons, most federal prisons, a requirement.
Have you seen the prisons in SE Asia, especially Thailand? 30 to a cell, no sanitation, dysentery and all manner of unpleasantness waiting to kill you.
I can't agree with sanctioned beatings in a prison because even the worst of the worst have protected rights. However, if a person can somehow get to them in public, that's something I can support.
No I disagree. What if the person that was murdered was a total scumbag and the prisoner who killed them was in the right ? And then the scumbag associates of the scumbag turn up to beat the crap out of the murderer ? Is that justice ?
And as far as rape is concerned that is even more of a problematic area what with false accusations and the rest of it.
The problem as I see it was abandoning the death penalty. If someone clearly commits a terrible murder or rapes someone in a terrible and violent way then the state should execute them. This gives the families of the victims some measure of justice while relieving them of the burden of feeling as though they have to do it themselves. By not enforcing the death penalty the state has abandoned its responsibility to see that justice is done.
I don't believe in capital punishment because I feel that's an easy way out for the criminal to feel any sort of responsibility for the rest of their life. If I had a child who was murdered, I'd rather the murderer be in jail for 50 years going insane being trapped in a cell than him spending 2 years in jail before being executed. But that's just me.