MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Don’t you hate when actors in a franchis...

Don’t you hate when actors in a franchise say they latter don’t like that character?

It’s quite ungrateful to the fans. Thousands of people loved you for that role, even if that franchise was critically hated or isn’t that prestigious it’s the character that made them stars.

It does bother me a lot.


Megan Fox infamously opened her stupid yap about being miserable working on The Transformers films. She called Michael Bay a ‘Hitler, Napoleon type’ on set and a socially awkward guy after shooting was done.

I thought those Transformer movies were a bit dopey, too much confusing CGI, I could hardly tell who was fighting who. I didn’t love them but they made like a Billion bucks worldwide.

Shut the hell up Megan, cash the million dollar check and NEVER disrespect the producer/director you dummy.

No wonder she doesn’t work much, sure, she is a hottie but with a big mouth like that I’d leave the bitch at the Greyhound Bus station. She can get a ticket back to Bumblefuck and be a waitress for all I’d care, I’d call everyone, she wouldn’t work on another picture ever again.


There are plenty of girls who would consider having plastic surgery just to look as Fox did naturally. She really blew it. No great actress, but people would have happily paid just to sit and look at her. As a major hottie she should have just shut up and taken the very easy and considerable money. As it is, her career peaked almost immediately and is now dropping, and people already talk about her in the past tense. Insane.


I've heard some nasty rumors about the Transformers films and Bay's treatment of Fox, one source said he'd been "... obsessed with her since she was 12". Other sources say he demanded sexual favors from her and other girls who worked on the films, and that he's one of the biggest creeps on Earth.

So yes, I can believe that working on the "Transformers" films made her deeply and genuinely unhappy.


I never heard about that stuff.
Totally gross if true.


Ohh director’s treatment it’s a whole different story, and that’s something I approve speaking up

im saying about first wining billions portraying one character for more than one movie and when the franchise ends.

They say those films suck or Sean Connery after becoming an icon fir Bond says he hates Bond and wished he could kill him.

This is what it kind of bothers me, thousands of fans flocked to the theaters every time you portrayed one character fans loved that character and felt passionate about the character too not just you. Fans loved you in that very specific role for years and the actor ughh that franchise wasn’t really special to me it’s quite sad to the fans.n


I heard he had her dancing in a bikini when she was 15 in Bad Boys 2.


If half the stuff I've heard about Michael Bay is true, he probably had to pay out BILLIONS in hush money during #METOO, to keep his name and the ugly stories out of the press.

A creep of the highest order.


Have you ever seen that SNL skit from 1986 with Shatner telling his fans at a Trek convention “It’s just a TV show. It’s just a TV show.”.


that was funny.


It stings a little, sure. Like when a musician disrespects their old music because they were heavily influenced by what the record label wanted. Even if it sucked, it's still the music that got them where they are today and allowed them to make the music they wanted to make. But ego aside, people have preferences, they play shitty people they and we as viewers would never be associated with in real life. Entertaining characters doesn't equal nice people. And acting is a job, no matter what it means to people. A job that produces a result people love doesn't mean the worker has to love it. I'm sure McDonalds makes a lot of customers happy, but I've yet to meet a McDonalds worker that wasn't miserable there.


Worse is when stories "say" that an actor said they didn't care for a role. And in truth the actor never said it.

FYI: Please don't think I am accusing you of doing it. I'm not. Just another side to the story.


the vast majority of people "don't like their job"

so, who cares?



It’s just the money, the marriage, the kids, both cars and the mortgage.

I kind of dislike people that ‘love their job’ lol😄


lol, yup


It’s quite ungrateful to the fans.

'Ingratitude' -- real or perceived -- towards fans doesn't bother me in the least. I don't really understand that whole parasocial mentality. Fans aren't entitled to anything from actors or anyone else involved in making the 'content' they enjoy.

It's a fairly simple relationship: they make a thing, you watch a thing. You either like it or you don't. There's no relationship there beyond that.


I disagree. If the fans voluntarily turn over their money to someone in the entertainment industry, and make someone rich, then that person owes the fans at least a debt of gratitude.

Of course there are no rules to how each person deals with that debt of gratitude, other than being polite to fans who bother the entertainer in public places, and not bashing the fans in interviews, because doing either of those things discourages people from giving the entertainer more money. Beyond that, well, no rules.


I disagree.

You're allowed to. But yours is not a position I will ever understand. You 'voluntarily turn over your money' to watch a film/show. You aren't voluntarily turning over your money to make an individual rich. That's just a consequence of lots of people engaging in the same transaction.

However, I'd agree it's not clever or productive to insult fans. But 'Actually, I didn't like that show I was on' isn't insulting the fans. The fans just watched it. They had nothing else to do with it.


Being rude to fans is bad business, it discourages people from turning over more money in the future! Any entertainer who doesn't know that is an idiot.

However, entertainers certainly don't owe the fans *everything*, I mean some fans want to interfere in the private lives of public figures and it would be batshit to let them, the line must be drawn somewhere! But as for saying they hated something they've done in the past, that's a judgment call. The desire to be honest and to change one's career direction may cost them followers and money, but if there's a sincere desire to change the direction of their career, then it's only polite to let the fans know that things will be different from now on.


I just don't care very much about anything outside of the frame. If an actor (or a director, or whoever else) says they don't like Thing X that they made and I happen to love it, that would at most make me say 'Huh'. It doesn't change my relationship to Thing X.

If an actor says I'm an idiot for liking Thing X, I'm probably going to think the actor is an idiot for thinking I'm an idiot. But it's not going to stop me from watching Thing Y with the actor if Thing Y looks like something I'd like. My 'relationship' is with The Thing, not with the actor.

But, y'know, people are different. I'm quite sure yours is the majority opinion on this particular matter.


When has an actor ever said that fans are idiotic for liking something? I mean, that really would be a stupid thing to say, bad for business, which is why entertainers don't usually say that.

I'm not fussed if they say they got tired or doing something over and over, or if they say that creating something was a miserable experience, or if they say they're totally over point something that some fans love. Those are all common enough, and don't bother me at all.


When has an actor ever said that fans are idiotic for liking something?

Probably never. It was just meant to serve as a theoretical example of 'insulting the fans', to illustrate that even in the most extreme and unlikely circumstances I could conjure, it really wouldn't matter to me very much.


Publicists are paid a lot of money, to keep entertainers from doing anything as stupid as insulting their fans!

It's probably happened anyway, but I don't recall hearing about a specific instance.


Harrison Ford. Can’t understand why he hated the Han Solo character when Han was my favorite SW character.


Because he's rude and abrasive and Ford is a gentleman in real life.


That’s kind of what makes Han a cool person though.

Plus he does mature over the course of the OT and ends up being a general by the end of Return of the Jedi.


I don't think he hates the Character but it was just a job to him.


I feel betrayed when an actor is really outgoing and fun loving and then I discover that the real life person is nothing like that.

Example: Eddie Murphy plays these larger than life characters but he's actually really boring in real life. Ditto Michael Richards (Kramer.)

There are other examples where I've been turned off by watching an interview with an actor and realizing they're not fun.
