MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do you think women keep their hair l...

Why do you think women keep their hair longer than men (in most cultures?)

I have started this discussion on another board and some of the answers I have gotten are:

-the question is asked wrong, since long hair is the "default" for everyone. In essence the question should be: "Why do men keep their hair shorter than women?"

-Long hair is more more leisure. Because men are traditionally more in manual labor shorter hair is more convenient for them.

-Long hair is softer, and thus accentuates femininity.

-Hair tends to grow faster when you are younger, so longer hair can make you look younger (and thus more attractive.)

-You can do more with longer hair in terms of style. Women rend to be more style conscious and thus longer hair would appeal to them.

-Much of Western Culture's influences come from the Bible, which states a woman's hair is her "crowning glory".

I decided to restart this discussion on this board, and I'm wondering what your thoughts on the topic are.


i would go with this "-Long hair is softer, and thus accentuates femininity"


I agree it's a good reason.


Maybe some hunter cavemen got together and beat each others' dreadlocks off with sharp rocks so it wouldn't be a hassle when stabbing mammoths, and culturally it just came to be that men had chopped hair and women didn't.


Hehe. Maybe? That's quite an outside-the-box suggestion, hehe!


women didn't fight wars. short hair was brought in for warriors to prevent lice transmission.


That's a good point!


Because George likes flowing, cascading, thick lustrous hair


I will view video later. Thanks, though!


I don't even have to click this, lol.


I can’t really say but I’ll just add that younger men and boys seem to be keeping their hair longer now. And they fuss with it and style it too! They get their hair dyed and corn rowed and all fancy, it’s all a bit weird.

Get a goddam job, forget your hair, you’ll likely lose it soon, tend to the wallet.




That’s right
‘Heh’ to your hair boys, you need a fertile forty acres and a home to keep a woman of child bearing age to be a man I say!

You work those fields and fight off the wild Comanche. Those savages scalped a neighboring pioneer we all called ‘Balding Joe’ and he’s dead and twice as bald now I tells ‘ya!

They raped his horse and rode off on his wife, the bastards.


Most men get bald spots as they enter middle age and bald on top with long hair around the sides looks like bozo hair.


Haha, good point.


I had one customer years ago at a gas station who had a comb swirl instead of a comb over. It looked so ridiculous.


Yeah, what's the point? I have a bald spot in back, so I always keep my hair short.


My partner is bald. I think he's super sexy.


It's just the way it has been culturally for most of the time going back. Short hair for men and boys long hair for women and girls. Short hair is much easier to take care of and some women do keep their hair short, Daisy Ridley for example.


Not many women are as attractive with short hair. Hair thins with age on women so it's also a sign of youth. So overall -Long hair is softer, and thus accentuates femininity.
