What's a Good Verb I Can Use Instead of Simp(ing)?
I know a lot of people associate the term 'simp' with incels, but when I use the term 'simp' I do so with respect to all people who display blind, uncritical and rigidly devoted faith to an individual, or ANY gender, or corporation/company, brand or political party.
It's akin to shilling/to shill or to suck up to, but unlike shilling and sucking up to, there's no transactional relationship involved. If you shill for a person, it generally implies a relationship in which one person is bigging up another person in collusion (and the person doing the shilling is likely getting paid/renumerated in some way for their effusive praise of another), and sucking up also implies a two-way relationship in which the individual doing the sucking-up is proactively currying favour with the individual who is being sucked-up to.
But when I refer to 'simping', I'm describing a particularly maddening and frankly irrational sort of behaviour, where someone sings the uncritical and often mindless praises of another person or entity, without any apparent benefit. Although such behaviour may be relatively sincere, in comparison to shilling and sucking-up-to, that sincerity is arguably scarier, because it makes no sense, and suggests an almost-cult-like devotion and a degree of prostration. Instead of focusing on one's own goals and potential, or actual, achievements, it sees a person pay blind devotion to another, and there's something rather sad and pathetic about such behaviour.
NO-ONE should be placed on a pedestal. It makes the person who sits on it, arrogant, hubristic and entitled, and unable to handle criticism. We should promote equality, equity and egalitarianism, which means we should neither abuse anyone nor worship them. But simply treat all humans with roughly equal degrees of respect (unless of course they are abusive/harmful, and even then, they are still entitled to *basic* human dignity and respect).
Anyway, like I asked, what is another word for 'simping', or more specifically, *my* particular use of the term? Because in order to challenge such maddening behaviour, we need to have a word for it...unless, of course, you, and the powers that be (i.e. the, often powerful, people being simped) disagree... 🤔