Retail staff who put rainbow flags on name badges
Do we really need to know their sexuality?
Do we really need to know their sexuality?
Plenty of people do that in support of equality, but somehow I think you already know this...
shareCould they wear a flag of another political movement? Like white pride?
shareMaybe you should leave your basement and ask them.
shareSome guy tried to wear a right to life tie where I worked and HR shut him down faster than he could finish the double Windsor. They give out the mini diversity desk flag every February like clockwork though
shareThoughtless comments like this are why LGBTQ is legitimized. Invoking "white pride" suggests that you support white nationalism. Do you? If not, why even mention it?
shareAre you suggesting a Confederate Flag?
shareWell I, and many other people, find them obnoxious. Like the guy above said, try wearing a white pride flag or shirt, you will be immediately canceled. This double standard shit is not going to be tolerated any longer. If you keep virtue signaling with rainbow flags then people will create a straight pride flag, or a white pride flag, and you're just going to have to learn to accept it. Or you could just stop virtue signaling.
shareWhatever you say tough guy. Now go help your mother with the dishes.
shareWow, what a sick burn, we got a real intellectual heavy weight here.
Have you ever had an original thought in your life?
Live shamed, die empty.
Damn! I thought I was being funny. 😁
Hey bata bata bata Swing...Ouch!...A swing and a miss. Womp Womp Womp...
shareWhatever sexual kinks you are into is your business. No judgment.
sharei thought it was funny 👍
I agree. Equality means you gotta let everybody affix a flag of their choosing.
shareYep. The problem with the woke degenerates is that they don't want the Alphabet people to be equal, rather, they want to put them up on pedestals, give them special treatment, and constantly glorify and venerate them. It's counterproductive, it just causes resentment and strife, it turns people against them and makes people hostile to them.
shareLike the guy above said, try wearing a white pride flag or shirt, you will be immediately canceled.
I just don't think it's anything to be proud of. Just think how silly it is for someone to be proud of being straight or being male. It's equally retarded. I could understand it if this was 30 years ago and people were in the closet because they were shamed for being gay, then it makes sense to fight that with something like a pride movement. But now that being gay is no big deal there is no need to fly the rainbow flag. The majority of the country already accepts you and the rest will not change their minds. In fact constantly drawing attention to your self by flying rainbow flags singles you out, and is more likely to bring discrimination from people that are not as accepting. We have equality, so just be like everyone else, i.e., stop giving a fuck about your sexual orientation.
shareThat's just not true. For example, my niece's son is a teenager and just came out as gay. He was bullied in high school so much that he dropped out. And he never told his mom or any of us he was gay until very recently.
Sorry, most gays are still in the closet. There is still that huge bias. Few 12-year-old kids will tell the world they're not attracted to the opposite sex. You know goddamn well there's still a huge stigma. I lived it. And yeah, that was decades ago. But my niece's son shows that most gay children are still in hiding.
So it's important that the rainbow flag is out there and youngsters see that it can be a very positive experience to be queer. I'm not sure why you're so intent on suppressing that?
And yeah, I'm proud to be male and proud to be white. That just means I appreciate it and I would never want to be anything else.
Does he live in a very conservative area? It doesn't sound like something that would happen in New York for example.
I'm not sure why you're so intent on suppressing that?
And yeah, I'm proud to be male and proud to be white. That just means I appreciate it and I would never want to be anything else.
I live in a Los Angeles suburb. Very liberal. So? I'm also sure my niece's son knows I'm gay. But still, he was in hiding. You don't understand how ingrained is the prejudice in our culture.
Sorry, but if you think LGBT folks are weird and obnoxious, we don't give a fuck. We've spent centuries under oppression, and we're gonna show that we have a great life and youngsters should not fear coming out.
I'm not saying I invented the electric light bulb or the computer, but I come from the civilization which did, and I'm proud of that.
I live in a Los Angeles suburb. Very liberal. So? I'm also sure my niece's son knows I'm gay. But still, he was in hiding. You don't understand how ingrained is the prejudice in our culture.
Sorry, but if you think LGBT folks are weird and obnoxious, we don't give a fuck. We've spent centuries under oppression, and we're gonna show that we have a great life and youngsters should not fear coming out.
I'm not saying I invented the electric light bulb or the computer, but I come from the civilization which did, and I'm proud of that.
The point is that even in a relatively progressive city like LA, there is still prejudice and discrimination.
Yes, after centuries of not being allowed to live openly, it is important to fly that flag.
It's a political reality.
It's not really a matter of exalting this "identity" above others. But we're just saying "no, we won't take a backseat anymore".
It's summed up best in Queer Nation's credo "We're here. We're queer. Get used to it."
There's no such thing as being "canceled." I'm so sick and tired of how people have dumbed down the English language. Do you understand that expressing yourself using idiotic buzzwords is how the other side wins. You're not going to fight any culture war if you can't use words above a sixth grade level or can't express yourself intelligently.
If you're talking about being fired or reprimanded, of course you would, because white pride is a codeword for Neo-Nazism. And why on earth would a retail establishment accept you, someone who represents their company, to walk around wearing apparel that says, "I'm a white supremacist that supports segregating, discriminating and killing entire races of people." Maybe the entire trans phenomenon is a crock, but there's a big difference between a rainbow flag and a white pride flag.
That's not a double standard. It's just the hard fact that white pride is 100X more detrimental to any business's reputation than a rainbow flag. It means the difference between a boycott by Conservative groups and investors, sponsors and vendors pulling out immediately and bankrupting the business overnight.
Well that's what people mean by getting cancelled. It's an umbrella term for getting fired, thrown out of your home, deplatformed, etc. I don't know why this is such a problem for you. It's a perfectly fine word to describe that phenomenon.
As far as white pride, I only gave that as an extreme example to be provocative. As you can see in my post I also gave a non-controversial example — having a male pride flag or a straight pride flag. This has less baggage than a white pride flag.
So if you're going to have gay pride flags why can't you have a straight pride flag? If you or a business think one is OK and the other is not, then it is a double standard. It doesn't matter what reason you're using to justify it, it's a double standard nonetheless.
And a "hard fact" is not mutually exclusive with "double standard".
Well that's what people mean by getting cancelled.
Sorry, that's not how languages work. Words emerge for many different cultural reasons and once they are used by enough people, they become legitimate words. It has already been added to some dictionaries.
The word originally referred to the cancellation of a TV show, and Nile Rodgers of Chick wrote a song called 'Your Love Is Cancelled', and thereby applying the concept of cancelling a TV show to something like love. Once you make that move, it is not difficult to see how the word can expand and apply to a person. Often referring to someone getting de-platformed (their event being cancelled). Then it started to refer to the person getting cancelled and not just the particular event, by using the word this way (referring to a person instead of just an event), the word can then have a broader meaning, referring to other forms of losing a gig, whether it's giving a speech, or a job, or just shunned in general. The common denominator between all of those, is the person themselves.
It is a useful word, and utility is all that it takes for a word to become legitimate.
Yes, so they won't hurt your feelings when they turn you down.
shareIt helps them remember the middle part of the resistor color code.
shareInside joke :)
I was raised old school :
Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly - Get Some Now
All rainbow flags should be set on fire.
♬♩...we don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn, burn motherfucker, burn...♬♩
Theres just a willful strawman refusal by the white supremicists on this thread to comprehend reason , logic and the English language.
I would refuse to wear a rainbow flag if I can't wear my MAGA hat.
shareEveryone needs to know everything now days.