Do you think there is such a thing as heaven? Where we will get together with our loved ones, like Valhalla for the vikings where they get together with fallen warriors to drink mead together in the Great Hall. Or that there is an ultimate source like a giant ball of energy ( God ) , where once we die we turn into energy and merge with it, to be reborn again without any memory of our previous life. Or do you think once we die it's just lights out, ride is over. I'm curious what you guys think. If you have something smart to say, just save it. I'm not interested in troll type answers.
Honestly, I think when we die everything just turns black. Literally that's it. I don't believe in reincarnation either. Reuniting with people you once knew and loved in heaven seems depressing to me because you're seeing them in a state that wouldn't feel like it did while you were alive.
The thought of being a rock one day is kind of depressing. That would mean you wouldn't even know you had a life. Everything you love and cherish is like it never existed or happened at all. Every memory of who you are or were is forgotten. So the only way to stay alive forever is to be remembered like Jesus or Hitler. God I hope it's not like that.
The concept of an afterlife, when looked at closely with the facts in hand, is objectively preposterous. Sorry, but - yeah. So - eat, drink, love & be merry.
I don't think there is a heaven in the religious sense, but I do think something happens after death that we as humans can't comprehend as this point in our existence.
"Or that there is an ultimate source like a giant ball of energy ( God ) , where once we die we turn into energy and merge with it."
I'm kind of leaning towards something like this, except I don't believe we are reborn.
I think I generally lean towards something like this also. I think there's something inside you, whether you want to call it a soul/spirt/energy that is somehow connected to the nature of existence/the universe itself that survives your "death", but we can't really define it currently (& probably will never be able to) It's unknown.
To me, reincarnation is a terrible concept. I'm not extremely wealthy or famous, but I've had a very nice life. I think given the circumstances of many people who have not been so lucky, my chances for a better life than I have right now are slim and the possibility of being a terrible person or one who knows extreme poverty, hunger, or disease is high. No thank you. I'd rather it be nothing after I'm dead than to chance that.
But having said that, I do believe in an afterlife - but honestly not sure what that is.
I believe i will see my brother and other loved ones again. Or if not see, i will some how be reconciled with them. I also believe Robin Williams will be making me laugh and cry again some how. I know that last bit sounds a bit absurd. But its an absurd life.
I also think Christopher Hitchens(who i adored) will be there . Saying something like "...well im not disappointed..."
Yes, I believe in heaven.
I don’t trust in ‘pearly gates’ and soft cloudy couches but I believe that we’ll see the ones we adored and befriended again.
We must, what else would be the point?
I’m no longer a Roman Catholic, that cult lost the thread ages ago and I am not pleased with THE CHURCH…they have too much money, control too much land and keep far too many filthy secrets. I quit the Catholic Church about seven years ago. I won’t go into the details but I volunteered every weekend for several years, I got married in their house, I ran the Cub Scout Troop for the Parish and when I needed to deal with a family matter they denied assistance…I wasn’t asking for money for fuck’s sake, just a few months to attend to an illness in my family and they tossed me aside like yesterday’s socks.
That's too bad. I really don't care for organized religions - IMO, they all are corrupt in one way or another, but I especially dislike the Catholic Church.
I have been to several Catholic funerals where communion is served and they come right out and tell people they can take communion only if they are Catholic, but everyone else can come up for a blessing. Such BS. Who wants to drink from their unsanitary communal cup anyhow - yuck. And I certainly don't need or want the Catholic Church's blessing either.
I'm open to it but it's probably only because the idea of there being nothing at all is really strange and cold to comprehend. In the end if there is nothing after we die it really doesn't matter anyway so whatever makes people feel good while alive.
No, I think life is short, don’t spend all of it doing stuff you don’t want to do for people you don’t actually like, try to be good and kind, and hopefully leave the place a little better than you found it.