MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you like your job?

Do you like your job?

I do...


Love it.




which job??


Yes, and I'm proud of it too!

That doesn't mean I'm not ready to go home early a lot of the time, though. It is tiring.


You self-employed? I'm considering it.


No, there isnt' really room for much self-employment in my field. And FYI I have friends who are self-employed, and they all have rough spots, it's not for me. One friend has a "busy season" where she's working 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, and getting calls when she needs to sleep. Then she has a lean season, where she has the time to do the things she couldn't do during busy season, but no money with which to do anything.

Frankly, I wouldn't recommend self-employment unless you have a working spouse or indulgent parents as a safety net.


Health care field if I remember right - that’s a tough gig!


I'm considering it because I want autonomy and control. I hate having others especially with same degree as I do telling me what to do. The worst is nepotism arrangements when they have their spouse or family members telling you what to do. Fuck that shit....

Also, tax advantages and write-offs when you're own boss!


Don't let your need for autonomy and control make business decisions! Seriously, that's how people get into trouble when trying to go into business for themselves, they think emotionally instead of doing realistic financial analyses.

The friend I mentioned has been in business for herself for 20-odd years and has done well overall, she isn't rich but she's paying off a mortgage on a nice place. She did it because that's the only way to make money in her field, salaries are low and the only way to afford a place like hers is to go into business... and hopefully end up hiring people who get low salaries!


I don't like any job


I am retired but I had quite a few jobs in my working life and I didn't like any of them, didn't hate them either.


Hey, it beats workin'.


Most of the time yes. It does not mean that I am not glad every Friday in the afternoon or when I am on holidays.... ;-)


I just quit my job two days ago.
