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Any fellow Fantasy novels fans in the house?

Fantasy is my favourite genre of novels. If I read 100 books in my life, then I would estimate 70 of them being fantasy.

I read:

Dragon Lance 10/10
Forgotten realms 9/10
The demon cycle 9.5/10

Anyone? Where my geek squad at?


Does this count😁


Orcs, men… sure why not!


Definitely. From the really old school (Lord Dunsany, E. R. Eddison, Hope Mirlees, George MacDonald, William Morris, etc.) to modern authors such as George R. R. Martin, Joe Abercrombie and Robin Hobb.


I'm more of a Sci-Fi guy myself but I have enjoyed some fantasy.

The Hobbit/LOTR (obligatory)
DUNE (the whole series)
The Belgariad
Dragonlance Chronicles
The Legend of Drizzt

I've tried to start The Wheel of Time multiple times but the pacing is so glacial it just ends up frustrating me. Maybe I'll give it another go when I'm retired and have mountains of free time ahead of me. I really like the concept though and the writing quality is phenomenal, near Tolkien level. Most fantasy I've tried bores me as it feels much too samey and too similar to LOTR. Even some of my favorites I've listed are pretty tropey but I felt like the authors at least had fun messing around with the tropes (Eddings in particular did this). Haven't tried Sanderson (yet) and Rothfuss (Name of the Wind) seems to have the same problem Jordan did with WoT did so I dropped it pretty quickly after starting it (I'll probably give it another chance at some point though).



You know that your Legend of Dritzz is in my Forgotten realms world right? Dritzz is a legend.

I think I might have tried Wheel of time too but then again, it might have been something else too. I remembered it was about magic being normal thing of nature and the Whites were bad and Blacks were good.


Yeah, I'm aware that the Drizzt books are just a small part of the Forgotten Realms universe. He just seemed like the most interesting/renowned character in that setting so I mainly focused on his books. I have a handful of other FR books that I haven't gotten around to yet but I'll definitely give them a go at some point.


I think Bruenor Battlehammer is great too.

As for Guenhwyvar, isn’t this the coolest animal ever?


I'm a huge Robert E Howard fan. I've got a large collection books by and about him.


Present. Read more of it and sci-fi as a youngster, but I also read more period as one as well. Notable authors include: Tolkien (ofc.), GRRM, Stephen R. Donaldson, Piers Anthony, Ursula K. Le Guin, Terry Brooks, Bradbury, Michael Moorcock, Gene Wolfe, Anne McCaffrey...

Shame it’s such a difficult genre to adapt for the screen. The only truly great examples I can think of are Excalibur and Conan the Barbarian.


Not generally but I used to like the Elric series when I was younger.


All present and accounted for. Haven't read much of late, but big fan of not only the traditional LotR epics and Elizabeth A. Lynn's The Dragon series, but also hybrid fantasy, so like Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book and most of his other works, Tamora Pierce's Immortals series (and various other series) and Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. I don't why, but I still really enjoy young adult fantasy and even kids fantasy stories, like Kate DiCamillo's books, I think I'm in love with illustrations.


Well I've always loved Tolkien's stuff, and I'm a huge fan of any of Moorcock's Eternal Champion series'. I also loved the Dragonlance Chronicles and Twins trilogies.
