MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Beautiful women…

Beautiful women…

can get away with damn near anything. They are free to completely destroy someone’s life and then go on with their own lives like nothing ever happened…because they are beautiful, and it will always work out for them. They will never be alone, or lonely, because there will always be the next schmuck waiting in line to be the hero. The only time they are ever alone is if they want to be, and they can snap their fingers at any time and have 50 guys waiting in line for them in a second.

I know there are plenty of beautiful women out there who are wonderful, kind people, but the fact is for the ones that aren’t, they can get away with murder if and when they want to, and they can treat people like absolute garbage…and they will always come out smelling like a rose. It’s a shame that being an attractive person can give you a license to treat people like crap.

I’ve seen it recently with a friend, and I’ve even lived it a few years ago. It’s just something that’s been on my mind recently, and I needed to rant for a minute.

It doesn’t cost anything to be a decent person.


Bullshit. Beautiful women are policed more because they're paid attention to more . And what does "anything" mean? They can treat their partners like assholes? That's something ugly and average and handsome men can get away with, too, and more often than beautiful women. Look at sexual assault statistics to see what I mean.

As for loneliness, ever heard of Marilyn Monroe? Literally died trying to find love despite being considered one of the most beautiful and famous women of her time. Being in a relationship doesn't automatically cancel out loneliness. Also notice how often husbands cheat on their smoking hot wives with lesser attractive women, like the nanny or the maid? The reverse is not true, so what exactly does beauty even provide?

It's really interesting that most of what you're saying relates exclusively to men, and specifically men who want to date these women, as if that's all there is to them. Maybe try befriending them without any expectations of more than friendship and you'll have a different perspective on them. Otherwise, strangers don't owe you anything. And if you're not in a relationship with one, it's not for you to assume what's going on between the two people actually in the relationship.


It's really interesting that most of what you're saying relates exclusively to men

Well, I am a man…so 🤷🏻‍♂️

Most men like and try to court beautiful women. It’s a concept that goes back to…well, the first human existence.

I never said anybody owed me anything. Not a goddamn clue why that was said, or what the point of your other ramblings are supposed to make. I’m aware there are plenty of shitty dudes out there too…does that make you feel better? Is that what you want to hear?

It seems like I struck some weird nerve with you. Oh well.


No weird nerve, just pointing out bs when I see it, and statistically verifiable bs at that. Men are the ones getting away with literal murder. Maybe address that.

What's really weird is how often men blame women for the behaviour of men. Why are you talking shit about women for looking good while being human, when the actual issue is men's false perception of beautiful women as inherently good, and then them sticking around despite learning the truth because they value beauty over goodness? That burden shouldn't be on women. And the way you phrased your post suggests you do believe this, which means you somewhat believe that men are entitled to goodness from the beautiful women they date or want to date. They are not.

Instead of responding anything to anything I actually said, you simply deflected by saying "yeah there are shitty dudes out there too", which affirms for me that you know your take is bs. This is not a competition, this is about your premise of women being able to get away with anything because of their looks when that's very clearly not true, and definitely doesn't compare to what men can get away with regardless of their looks.

Most men like and try to court beautiful women.
What does that have to do with this discussion? Except for the fact that they stay with these women after learning they're not all that nice? As do other women, because again women are people. If you can only view them through the narrow lens of beautiful and other than beautiful, then your take on women isn't worth hearing about.


Why are you talking shit about women for looking good while being human

This is all I needed to read to know you are completely full of shit.

I’m talking shit about beautiful women who are shitty humans, because whether you like it or not, they do exist…and while you are trying to hijack my post, twist my words, and make it about men…right now we are talking about the women who do shitty things, so if you don’t like that, and if it ruffles your feathers, and you want to strangely twist my post into some “well, men get away with literal murder” ridiculousness…get lost. YOU made it some weird competition between men and women, not me.

And yes, beautiful women can get away with damn near anything.

I don’t believe anyone is entitled to anything. I hate the word “entitlement” with a passion. I do believe people shouldn’t lie, cheat, abuse, or treat other people like garbage…but they do, and they should be called out for it, regardless if they are beautiful or not.

If you think my original rant post is my take on women in general (because that’s what extremist moronic people do on this site), and you don’t think your false perception of my “take” on women is worth hearing about…then get the hell out of here and go read a post on feminism, man hating, or something that is more up your alley.


I do believe people shouldn’t lie, cheat, abuse, or treat other people like garbage…but they do, and they should be called out for it, regardless if they are beautiful or not.

You're not calling anyone out though. You've named no one and have even pointed out this isn't happening to you. You're just generalizing about beautiful women based on the men that choose to date them knowing they're shitty people, but sticking to them anyway because they're hot. Again, how is that the fault of these women?

I didn't hijack your post, I responded to it. Just because your only counter to my arguments is mirroring what I've said doesn't negate that. And in terms of power structures, everything I've posted in response is completely relevant to your OP. If ugly and average looking men have as much power as beautiful women, whom've you've suggested have a lot, then how much power do they really have? The answer is not much, let alone as much as you've assigned them.


There's an old quote: "No one has power over you unless you give it to them"

Which isn't strictly true, if someone's holding you at gunpoint they have power over you that you didn't grant of your own free will.. but the quote describes common dysfunctional relationship dynamics that seem applicable to what has been described in this thread.


Very much that. It's just annoying to hear someone blame women for men placing so much importance on beauty that they don't care about the actual person and then lament over the experiences these guys go through. It's like when men blame women for having "daddy issues", like no sir, it's not the fault of women for being traumatized over being abandoned by a parent.


If you ask your partner to walk all over you and they accept, that's not actually an abusive relationship. That's a dysfunctional relationship, and you being a fool.

Of course such relationships can turn genuinely abusive, which is why everyone needs to learn to identify "red flags".


I think this is a huge generalisation and just another chapter in the endless series of “what’s wrong with women” posts on MovieChat. It’s boring.

It may be anecdotal, but I have to say that the people who I have had the most problems with in my life (both female and male) have not been physically stunning. Also, the “beautiful” people who I may have been attracted to initially and turned out to have horrible personalities became instantly unattractive to me and I’ve had no interest in pursuing them. I guess we all look for different things, but the tone of your post makes me suspect that you personally may place more value in the superficial than I do and are blaming attractive people for your own poor choices.


Also, the “beautiful” people who I may have been attracted to initially and turned out to have horrible personalities became instantly unattractive to me and I’ve had no interest in pursuing them.

It is so amazing to me how someone's looks can instantly warp when I learn what their personalities are like.


I think it’s pretty standard if you’re the type of person that considers real beauty to be more than a symmetrical face and a tight bod. Humour, generosity and kindness never sag, you know?


The only time they are ever alone is if they want to be, and they can snap their fingers at any time and have 50 guys waiting in line for them in a second.

Sounds like jealousy to me.

and The only reason any of your brash generalizations are even partly true is because men are horny bastards who will screw anything pretty - so who's really at fault?


Beautiful women can treat people like shit, and it never falls back on them. Simple concept.

And you followed up my “brash generalization” with one of your own in the very next sentence…so wouldn’t that make you a hypocrite?

It’s so funny the type of insecurities and projections a little rant will bring out in people on this site. So I’m jealous that some beautiful women out there treat people like shit, show no remorse, and always come out of it smelling like a rose? Yeah, that must be it. I make it my life’s mission to treat people like garbage…I just can’t get away with it yet because I’m not beautiful. 🤣


not jealous if treating like garbage , jealous of getting sex easy - you wrote the sentence twice


I tend to find that people get or end up with what they deserve.


I disagree with that. I’ve seen too many bad things happen to good people who certainly didn’t deserve it.


And yet, maybe they were stupid enough to get what they deserved?


Do you know them? What a thing to say about completely random people you know nothing about. No wonder people hate people so much these days. Man, this site is full of complete pricks. 🤣


AndyKing1967 was correct.
You started this thread and he made a fair and reasonable response.

Andy is a really cool dude, lay off him.

There is no need to call names, the only ‘prick’ here is the one you own and what you do with it nobody wants to know about.
Leave it be.

Let it go✌️


It’s ok. It’s no biggie. The world will still turn and nice people will continue to be taken advantage of by not-so-nice people.


He was not correct, as he knows nothing about the people in question who he thinks got what they deserved for having bad things happen to them. Not correct at all.


Let’s agree to disagree but calling the guy a prick was foolish. He is one of the few Regs here that are constantly pleasant and polite.

I can be a total prick but never Andy and several others.

Have a good day or night, wherever you are👍


You asked a question and I offered an opinion, which you have the right to agree or disagree with. If that makes me a prick in your eyes, then that is your opinion.

Nevertheless, we are all subject to cause and effect. If someone is attracted to a bad person, then they only have themselves to blame, no matter how nice they might be themselves. No one is forcing the situation on them.


Fair enough. Have a nice day.


And???? Isn't this common knowledge? This is not something "new".


Definitely not something new, just something I felt like writing a little rant about, because it got me a little fired up recently.


It's very sad seeing them trying to navigate the world a little later in life when the looks are gone.


So what you are saying is thst because some men are so obsessed wih sex they give power to women and you disagree with what those women do with that power

Sop exchanging power for sex seems to be the solution.


Nope, just annoyed at how some of them treat people. Nice twist though.

Being a beautiful woman should not give you a license to treat decent people like garbage. 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s a simple thing, and it’s been fun reading all of the posts twisting this simple concept around in a thousand different ways to put on a spin on it based on their own personal biases.


Absolute powet corrupts absolutely, giving people absolute power creates the problems you are complaining about.

Having absolute power gives you a right to use it how you will,


Factual. I find - the better looking they are the meaner they are. I haven't found any exceptions to this. Not once have I ever met someone attractive who is kind, or someone unattractive who is mean. Not once
