MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Beautiful women…

Beautiful women…

can get away with damn near anything. They are free to completely destroy someone’s life and then go on with their own lives like nothing ever happened…because they are beautiful, and it will always work out for them. They will never be alone, or lonely, because there will always be the next schmuck waiting in line to be the hero. The only time they are ever alone is if they want to be, and they can snap their fingers at any time and have 50 guys waiting in line for them in a second.

I know there are plenty of beautiful women out there who are wonderful, kind people, but the fact is for the ones that aren’t, they can get away with murder if and when they want to, and they can treat people like absolute garbage…and they will always come out smelling like a rose. It’s a shame that being an attractive person can give you a license to treat people like crap.

I’ve seen it recently with a friend, and I’ve even lived it a few years ago. It’s just something that’s been on my mind recently, and I needed to rant for a minute.

It doesn’t cost anything to be a decent person.


Maybe jn the western world they can get away with anything. In other countries its probably safer to be a 5 or 6 , instead of a 9 or a 10 out of 10


In mcMurica girls have the good ancestoral genes to be nine or tens but the poisonous chemical foods we supply to our public make em look like five or six on a good day


take it you didn't learn from Casino


Ginger got exactly what she wanted. Haha. She got away with all the cash and was free to do as many drugs as she wanted…Ace got worked over by the beautiful woman. She put him through hell.


I hear what you're saying but....

they can get away with murder if and when they want to

I think Jodi Arias and others of the like would beg to differ on that point.


I think Jodi Arias and others of the like would beg to differ on that point.

I guess I have to clarify that I did not mean murder in the literal sense. The point is, they get away with PRETTY MUCH anything.


Dear straight men:

Women's personalities and character actually DO matter. The fact that she's beautiful and willing to have sex with you isn't an adequate basis for a serious relationship.


Dear Otter:

Well adjusted, confident and successful straight men already understand this.



Sadly, I'm watching this play out in real life, with a relative. Not a close relative, but someone in my life. She was beautiful and willing to have sex, he was insecure and thought he'd never get anyone else as hot, and he didn't care that she was showing signs of serious mental illness.

The best possible outcome is everything ending in tears, but I'm afraid that it will end in violence.


That doesn’t sound like a well
adjusted, confident and successful straight man.

Not all straight men are dangerous lunatics.


Not all straight men are dangerous lunatics.

I think that most are not dangerous lunatics. I just think that there are more who are not well adjusted and confident than we as a society are willing to admit, or to help.


Most Men are not, the few that are belong behind bars, much like Female Criminal creeps who are no less destructive.


Only a tiny percentage of straight men are dangerous lunatics, but most of the dangerous lunatics know how to fake being a "nice guy" for at least a little while. Which the main reason some people play "mind games" with straight men, it's to find out of they're a dangerous lunatic in disguise.

Frankly, straight men would do well to learn how to play these sorts of defensive mind games. I'm seeing what happens when they didn't, and should have.


You addressed your post to ‘Dear straight men.’

Be careful how you phrase things, not everybody accepts condescension, it’s a lazy, unfunny and passive aggressive way to chat.


Yeah, it's an unkind generalization, but IMHO it's true and as far straight men aren't talking about it with each other. Occasionally there's a "Never stick your dick in crazy", but I've never seen a "Never stick your dick in evil".




Yeah, but no woman's beauty lasts for long, and a lot of them, probably most of them, voluntarily downgrade their attractiveness early by getting knocked up in their teens or 20s. Even if they're among the few who get back to their pre-pregnancy appearance, they still have a kid in tow which generally makes them less appealing to anyone who isn't the father (and many times, even to the father).

Even if a woman doesn't get knocked up, and doesn't get/stay married, there's only about a dozen years during which she's in her prime in terms of beauty, because once they hit about 30 it's all downhill from there, and it's a very steep hill, practically a cliff.


You know what? It's beautiful people. That's not just something that is reserved for women. In fact, good looking men can get away with it for a longer than women can. No one seems to like older women.


Very true statement. I am only speaking from personal perspective and experience.

And I say again, I know there are plenty of wonderful, caring, beautiful women out there, who are amazing people. I’ve just noticed some in my day that lie like it’s going out of style, cheat without hesitation, and complete destroy another person…a good person, in so many ways, and they just keep going about their day, without an ounce of remorse, and everything turns out roses for them regardless, because they are attractive. They’re doing things like posting to social media on a lawyer’s boat in the Florida Keys partying the next week after crushing someone beyond repair, stuff like that. It’s a frustrating thing, but I guess there’s no way around it. It’s vanity, been around forever. Just gotta hope for the best.


I dated a guy like that when I was a teenager. He was really hot. Like really hot. He could get away with anything. When he got older, he didn't change. He stole from people, he cheated, he had two girlfriends pregnant at the same time, and he never faced any consequences. He would smile his smile and there was always someone there to bail him out of whatever he got himself into. I lost contact with him awhile ago, as he lost his charm for me when we were still young, but I ran into his brother last year and nothing has changed. Women still pretty much pay for his existence. He's almost 50. I didn't even ask how many kids he had.


“No one seems to like older women”

In Indonesia they call older ladies with younger partners ‘tanta giran’, which means ‘happy auntie’, which sounds really sweet.


That does. I like that better than cougar.


Indonesian society is a little softer than ours.


.... die twice

said a wise man once.


did she have a beautiful body?


I knew what it was without clicking, lol.


are you a bellamy brothers fan?


Not particularly, but that one was a massive worldwide hit.
