MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you love and what do you hate on...

What do you love and what do you hate on pizza?

There are some pizza toppings that are a priori terrific, and others that that are “what the fuck is wrong with you?“ Among the former are pork sausage, mushrooms, crushed red peppers, salami, steak, onions, red and green sautéed peppers and gallons of beer and/or red wine.

Among the latter are basically every fucking toping that Brazilians put on what they call pizza: creme cheese, green peas, corn, EGGS, your father’s used condom. The Brazilians are multiple times insane.

You REALLY want to eat a creme cheese, useed-condom pizza?


I love Pizza but I’d hate to eat Pizza with you:/


Not me. Excellent target practice.


Congratulations on using "a priori" and "pizza" in the same sentence.


What about his use of "creme cheese"?


Love: pepperoni
Hate: pineapple/poison (tie)


Agreed 👍


Love: pineapple, cherry tomatoes, blue cheese, rucola, jalapeno

Hate: anchovies, mussels


Liked the old traditional style pizzas. Capricciosa and Supreme were my go to orders. The Supreme was a kind of One-with-the-lot:
Tomato, cheese, onion, black olives, salami, red and green capsicum and dried mushrooms.

Disliked pineapple and seafood.


A Canadian news program sent their best correspondent to answer just this question.


I think most toppings work on a pizza in the right ratio/quantity, but I don't happen to be a fan of most meats (pescaterian) and I really dislike olives and too many onions. A bit of onions is okay, but they're often treated as filler for better toppings imo. Also, no to chocolate, I'm not a fan of dessert pizza


I fucking hate pineapples on pizzas!!! 🍍
