MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Saw something on youtube

Saw something on youtube

Was going thru the shorts and encountered the sweetest child in a hospital bed telling everyone she loved them, and the caption said she was going to heaven.

I felt gut-shot. I mean, how dare they put that out there for everyone to be hurt by. We're not built to see that. If you saw what I saw, you would know how heart-rending it was.

What were they thinking, I'm wondering. I have a thick skin, but that went right thru me.


it's not something i would post.


Yeah. Let's pass on that link.


Exactly. If I were so unkind as to provide it, and anyone with a soul was unwise enough to view it, they would know -exactly- what I'm talking about, reacting to.





We live in such a death denying culture. It's not healthy.


Would you want to see a real lovely child on her deathbed ? That's a rather stupid take.


Would you leave her to die alone ? Speaking of stupid takes.


I'm talking about voyeurism. It was an -intensely- private moment.


Look you say this video has upset you and from what I can tell that is probably an understatement. I have no idea what you mean when you say you're talking about voyeurism, maybe you're just trying to deflect.

My point is what will you do if one day you're in this situation and it's your little girl dying on that bed ? Will you run away ? Saying I shouldn't have to deal with this ! Or will you do what's necessary, man up and be the rock that your little girl will need ?

This is what I mean by a death denying culture. People aren't equipped to deal with death because our whole culture hides away from it. And when we find ourselves confronted ( as we all do sooner or later ) by death we can't cope. Some people go to pieces. It's dumb. People need to be able to cope with death.


The point already made is obvious. You are conflating it with a lot of other matters.

Do you think there is no reason we are not routinely treated to death/violence to children in the media ? It is a taboo. It is a taboo for a reason.

If you want to deny that reality ,or confuse it with something else, go ahead. It has absolutely -nothing- to do with 'death denying'. We still have a few cultural scruples left, and this is one of them.


Again I don't know who you mean by "we" or what you are really talking about. I watched an Australian documentary on a 13 year old girl dying of cancer many years ago and it was certainly upsetting. Particularly watching what she was put through with the chemotherapy which was pointless suffering as it turned out.

I don't remember there being any howls of condemnation about the program when it was shown. Perhaps it's the modern snowflake effect once again. Which just goes to reinforce my point. People are probably even less equipped to deal with death now than then.


What in the hell makes you such a condescending expert on how to cope with death? I've lived very dangerously from a young age, have had numerous close calls during my life. I literally watched both of my parents take their last breaths. I once came upon a scene in the middle of a beautiful spring day, where a guy, after having committed a rape and murder, decided to commit suicide by deliberately charging his vehicle, 60+ mph, at a train moving through a crossing. I arrived just minutes after the collision, the vehicle was still pinned against the train, steam rising from the hood, and I saw a headless torso trapped in the driver's seat! That was immediately followed by hysterical female shrieks coming from the background, claiming a baby was also in the vehicle.


Would you like to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge ?


Weak, trite, convenient comeback.🙄


Okay how about this then ? You're a fucking liar and a cunt.


If that anecdote is a lie, then I'm very creative.🤔


You wouldn't be the only "creative" around here, that's for sure.


Oh, like you're the only one on the site that's real.🙄


Well you certainly aren't "real". That much has been obvious for a long time. You and your fake "heated arguments".


Well, if my supposed history of alleged arguments here is "fake"... that's an incredibly elaborate hoax, and to what end, you paranoid, conspiracy theorist nutcase?


You're the one conducting fake arguments here not me. You're the one presenting a fake persona here not me. So you're the one who knows why you're doing it so why are you asking me ?

Because you're engaged in gaslighting. And I've got you again.


That claim looks to me like it's you that's "over-estimating and big noting" yourself, patting yourself on the back over your paranoid, self righteous delusions.🤪


What plausible deniability added to the gaslighting !? Except that you have already admitted to it. You could hardly do anything else because it was so obvious what you were up to with your ridiculous pack of lies.

It's such a peculiar game you play. Yes I know I'm a scumbag and you know I'm a scumbag and I've even admitted that I'm a scumbag. But I'm still pretending that I'm gaslighting you !


I haven't admitted to anything you lying prick because there's nothing to admit. The incident is 100% true. It's exactly because it's the most bizarre encounter with death I've had, that I used it as an example.

You're the game player with your presumptuous allegations & judgment passing. And accusing me of gaslighting is actually a compliment, because that requires a good amount of intelligence, craftiness. Keep on projecting, shooting yourself in the foot and revealing your ignorance, dumb ass.


And now a 180 degree turn utterly ridiculous "denial" ! You really don't give a shit do you !? Just open contemptuousness and in-your-face baiting.

The only reason I've put up with you here was to draw you out so that anyone who might be interested can see you for what you are.


More projection. The onus is on you to show that I have lied and admitted to it.


Just doubling down on your obvious bullshit and barefaced gaslighting doesn't cut it.

But since you insist on repeating yourself I'll return serve in kind, you are a fucking liar and a cunt.


Still more projection, onus avoiding allegation and name calling. I can just see you foaming at the mouth in front of your keyboard right now😆


And now it's the juvenile troll persona which of course is just as fake as everything else about you.


Again, just more allegations and no evidence to support them. And you want to talk about "fake"?🙄


Evidence !? What the fuck are you talking about !? How can there be evidence about what an anonymous person on a message board claims to have done or experienced ? That's bullshit and you know it. Your statement was ridiculous and obviously made up so you could then wade in with your fake outrage.

So now the onus is on you to provide "evidence" that I'm wrong !


You've consistently
evidence you're wrong since day 1 you arrived here.🙄


Nothing but deflection, evasion and stonewalling. Oh and eye roll emoji. Pathetic.


n 🙄


Pushed your button quickly, didn't I?


There you go again, over-estimating and big noting yourself. At least you admit that you're a fake so that's something.



We've all got it coming. - Bill Munny


This is why I'm not on social media. Well, I don't post at least. People are too much about how much a victim they are. When it's the little girl suffering, the person who posted just wants a "like". It's cruel and selfish imo ☹


I've seen several videos on YouTube dealing with the end of life, Showing people on their deathbed, their reaction and the relative's reaction. Not only is it heart wrenching, it's in very poor taste . I cannot understand why anyone would do this.

The only thing I can think is that people are obsessed with putting all their personal business on some kind of social Media platform.

I don't even do Facebook because I am not interested in people's personal lives/problems. It's like they're saying , "hey look at me!"


In this case, it was lovely freckle-faced 8 year old little girl tearfully saying her good byes, clearly frightened. It was just about the most pitiful thing I've ever seen.


Some things should be kept private.
