MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How annoying are smartphones in theaters...

How annoying are smartphones in theaters to you?

Especially when they use them during the movie and the light starts becoming distracting. Why even go watch a movie or go to the theaters if you're not focused on the show itself? I swear some people treat going to a theater as if they're watching it at home and don't care about the people around them that they could annoy if they're not busing screaming or yelling or yapping.


Devices are a simple reality these days so I don’t care if you’re looking at it before the movie or in the previews. I think etiquette is to switch it to silent and leave the theatre if you have to talk, that’s what I find most people do.

You’ll always have a few nimrods who enjoy pissing others off and those dumb enough to stare at their phone and pay good money to do in a cinema what they can be doing free of charge at home.


I always try to go when the theater is empty and sit very close to the front to avoid distractions.


I get buried in spoilers but I don't ever see movies opening weekend anymore. I can tolerate people checking their phones from time to time. People got families and important jobs, you never know what's going on. It's the folks who pull out their phones and keep using them the whole time the movie is playing that makes me nuts. Like they're quiet, but that light is right there in my line of sight the whole damn time.


I can't even remember the last time I went to the cinema, but I would find it extremely annoying. If people can't turn their phone off for 2 hours then they need a break from technology altogether.
