MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I've started a youtube channel. Can you ...

I've started a youtube channel. Can you give me feedback on my first video please?




This site is not for free advertising, Bozo.


Thanks for your concern, but this thread is ok. We generally permit links to YouTube channels provided that they are posted by bona fide MovieChat members as opposed to accounts created solely for the purpose of advertising.


Don’t reply. You’ve been Rick Rolled.


#MeToo. I feel violated.


I thought the same but it was actually somewhat refreshing.


I learned all my dance moves from Rick Astley…I could never find a partner though🤓


Don’t give up the search. They exist.


I’m afraid that the raw, macho sexuality of The Rick Astley Dance intimidates most women, they could never handle me and could never upstage me.

The Rick Astley Dance should be called ‘The Forbidden Dance’ but I think that name has been taken.



This site is not for 🤡 behavior, Bozo


It was just the classic RickRoll…
always funny imo😃


Oh I know. I was speaking to R Kane 😈


Yeah, that poster sits on a very high horse, he’ll put you on ‘ignore’ for this comment and trust me, you are better off on that miles-long list👍


Mod 5 says, “Hold my beer!”


That was funny to see him speak with certainty on behalf of this site only to see Mod 5 immediately drop the “not so fast”


It's a shame we can't report you for being a condescending prick in literally every comment you make on this site...


And he's only about 5'8" and around 130 some lbs. He's like the phony old man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz.


And yet you are twice the sack of shit that Kane obviously is…Very impressive you gigantic sack of shit👍


Kane is unpleasant and has become a bit of a self-parody here, even if he’s too dim and arrogant to realize it.


You've nailed the feel and vibe of late 80s really well, but the color correction is a little dull to compete in today's saturated market.

The song is catchy, and again, very 80s like. I heard very little AUTOTUNE and you seem quite talented vocal wise.

Looking at the video specifications, 240p is really out of date and you really ought to bump it up to 4k now days, even if you need to resample something originally shot at 480.

Your sets are lacking, but I suspect you had limited budget for your first video, and things will look better going forward.

The stand out lighting was the night scenes with fake water reflections, good color, good contrast, and the lighting motion really made it stand out there. Well done!

I'll give it a 5 out of 10 for low resolution and being too dated, but perhaps that was the scope and direction of this particular project.

Keep up the hustle and you will get better and better!


Looks like you got Rick Rolled.


What do you mean?

(asks innocently knowing full well)


This is a pretty good review overall, fair but with some legit criticism.


You got me

Hats off to you Mil


Oh no, not again.


Funny, right?
I bet Rick Astley enjoyed this meme, he probably slapped together a band and went on a couple of quick tours 10 or 12 years ago, and good for him😄


still touring


Wow, I had no idea.
Again, good for him, go get that money Rick, why the hell not!?


Saw an interview with him a while back:

Apparently, when he first encountered it, The Astley was a little troubled by it because he immediately assumed he was being insulted by the entire internet, but couldn't grasp why or even exactly how.

Once his daughter explained to him that he really wasn't being insulted, and that it was just a fun thing for which he had been selected -- possibly entirely randomly, possibly because the first person to do it really liked the song, who knows? -- ('It really has nothing to do with you personally, dad') he was fine with it.

And, yes, he did launch a bit of career revival off the back of it too. So fair play.


‘Make hay while the sun shines,’ Rick is apparently a smart fellow

I’d like to think he made a few bucks and is comfortable.




My channel's tastier...


Other than working in comedy, is it as much a theatrical performance as well? Sometimes you can be too engaged with the audience then you should be. I find it hard to play up to the camera and not the audience.


When are people going to give this up?
They keep letting me down.
They always run around and desert me.
They always make me cry.
They always say goodbye.
They always tell a lie and hurt me.


But Rick would never do any of those.
