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Did anyone see the latest footage of the coward Uvalde police in response to the shooting?

Absolute gutless cowards those cops are. These "men" stood in the hallway for 77 MINUTES AND DID NOTHING!

At 3:49 in the video, one of the cops retreats and runs away like a bitch.

Scariest part is seeing the child look down the hallway and see the gunman shooting and then child quickly runs away.


Uvalde is the most egregious hoax since The Deep State conned us into believing that murder occurred at Sandy Hook


IKR? its all down to them microchips Bill Gates put in us in our breakfast cereal .


IKR? its all down to them microchips Bill Gates put in us in our breakfast cereal .

This all predates Bill Gates. The Military Industrial Complex has been putting mind-altering suppositories into the rectums of everyone born in America for decades now, which serve to make us easier to deceive


This makes total sense. We’ve all got Army microchips up our butts, ancient aliens built the pyramids of Giza and Paul McCartney really has been been dead since 1966.

Also, Bigfoot was the second shooter on the grassy knoll in Dallas that fateful day…Let’s just lay all the truth out for the public!


Totally. And you do know that the King of Sweden is using his penis as a radio transmitter to send out antisemitic lesbian meatloaf recipes, right?


I thought lesbians ate cake?


Lesbians eat everything.


Especially the carpet.


I think they're more partial to clams.


I volunteer, for purely scientific reasons of course, to undertake some deep rigorous probing research - I may be gone for quite some time.


I commend you for your selflessness, and shall miss you in your absence. Godspeed in your noble quest, good sir!


The kid did the right thing.


The little girl who smeared herself with her friend's blood and played dead in order to survive exhibited more courage than those cops.


Absolutely. Every little kid, and teacher, and parent in and around that school exhibited more courage than those sorry excuses for "cops."


I only saw the few moments that were on TV and it made me sick to my stomach watching the shooter walk down the hall.

I don't know how people who lost children could watch the entire recording - I think that would be devastating.

.......and the idiot who sanitized his hands - that was unbelievable.


Yeah, and that same goof was on his phone checking messages. He just seemed too casual about the whole situation.


I don't know how to assess this but it seems to me those cops had no idea what to do and no leadership. You'd think that in the USA training for this kind of situation would be universal.


From watching the video, it looked disorganized.


what angers me is seeing them all run around outside the building knowing their rushing to save no one


Just watched an interview with a Texas senator who claimed it's highly edited; 3 minutes are missing.


If these kids were white or the gunman was black, I'm sure the police would've rushed in and killed him.


If the gunman was black and they would have rushed to kill him, they would be in a trial right now.


