MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why aren't there more conservative movie...

Why aren't there more conservative movies?

They take up 50% of the country. Why cant Bruce Willis, Kevin Sorbo, and Tim Allen team up to start making some movies aimed at conservative audiences?

I'd like to see a dystopian 1984-esque thriller where liberal trannies have taken over the world and are lining up all straight white men, forcing them to either get their weiners cut off to become women, or to be executed. Bruce Willis leads the group of rag-tag blue-collar OSHA patriots to victory. Kevin Sorbo is the sex appeal, Tim Allen is the comedy relief. Would be a huge hit.


Not 50%. Closer to 30%. There are more Democrats and Independents. And young people, the main target audience for movies, tend to be Democrat.

Bruce isn't well. Haven't you heard?


Kids are dumb, therefore more kids are liberal than conservative. Kids buy a lot of movie tickets. A lot more people become conservative as they get older and wiser than the other way around. Hollywood appeals to the ticket buyers, which means appealing to youthful liberals.


I think we might start by asking what you mean by a "conservative" movie, and whether or not most movies being produced are "liberal" movies.

What I mean to say here is that I'm not sure how many movies are "liberal", as in they promote a liberal agenda.

I haven't seen very recent Best Picture nominees, but take a handful of winners from the turn of the century:

Gladiator and Lord of the Rings are about sword-swinging action. Their values are family, honour, responsibility, compassion (LotR, anyway), and good v. evil. Spotlight and Green Book take historical events and dramatize them. One is about the struggles of journalists against corruption, the other is about learning to heal animosity between races and become friends. Maybe movies like Moonlight, Selma, Roma, and BlackKklansman are about topics that leftists like, but are they specifically liberal? Of the two I've seen (Selma, BlackKklansman) they were historical movies, well-told, and shouldn't make a conservative uncomfortable. Spike Lee's film did have some Trump parallels pushed into the film - fair enough.

If you mean that conservatives don't have things they value put forward as often as things liberals value, I'm not sure I agree. Think about a movie like Hacksaw Ridge, which shows the kind of dedication and perseverance in warfare that goes with conservative values. Think about 300's testosterone heroism in the name of capital-F Freedom.

I do agree that liberal talking points are more likely to show up in Hollywood films, but that's because most Hollywood filmmakers are liberal. But the movies aren't bad when they say we should be accepting of one another. Are they?

Anything that nakedly supported an agenda becomes propaganda. I don't like that stuff. It's patronizing and preachy. I don't watch Pureflix for a reason: they put MESSAGE over good storytelling, so they're mostly reviled by general audiences. But so are preachy leftist things. Look at the ratings on Batwoman.

When something is preachy, we don't like it (most of the time). And when movies tell stories well we do like them (most of the time). And values liberals like (togetherness, being accepting of difference, kindness) are good values, just as conservative-favoured values (freedom, defending the weak, the struggle of the individual) are good values. Both are fine in movies, and we see both represented in movies. Maybe a bit more on the left side of things, but that's just the mindset of the writers and producers.

The bottom line, I think, is that setting out to make a "conservative" (or "liberal") movie will make the movie a commercial, and who wants that?


I dont think the OP has thought that deeply about it going from his idea

I'd like to see a dystopian 1984-esque thriller where liberal trannies have taken over the world and are lining up all straight white men

He justs wants a blood soaked cartoon about GI joe killing 'commies'


I just figured whether he wanted a deep conversation or not, maybe somebody did so I'd take a stab at thinking through the idea of "conservative" and "liberal" movies.

There's also room at the table for a simple movie filled with action; I like fun "Go TEAM!" movies as much as the next pop culture consumer - but if it was preachy I'd still give it a pass.


One word..............Boring!!


Cause Hollyweird is a bunch of woke Leftist fags!



And the sneaking in of this kind of shit from this OCD, politically ranting idiot is a primary reason we now have a No Politics Rule on this board.


So’s your mother, but we try not to hold it against her.


And your Mother is a slut.



Oh touché 😂

You cry baby cunts are so easy to work up. Oooh libtards… so scary 😂😂


And you Leftards are such assholes.



Weeeelll, that’s not how I identify, but sure big fella, whatever floats your boat 😃


1984-esque thriller where liberal trannies have taken over the world and are lining up all straight white men,

and you wonder why you complain anything the "white man" does is branded "racist"
This right here is exactly the sort of shit posted by "conservatives" that give them a bad name
I do realise that 90% of conservative just want a lower tax bracket , and to not fund jobless scroungers

But its the other 10% with Hitler like ideals about the master race and exterminiating jews , black people and gypsies (and trannies)
That come out with this sort of shit .

and why is this blatent politically extremist bigot post not in the politics section where it belongs?


and why is this blatent politically extremist bigot post not in the politics section where it belongs?

Because it is not political. If it is, the mods would have already deleted it in 20 minutes. It's not deleted, therefore NOT POLITICAL.


I think in the end money talks. Woke films have had their chance and many flop.

Top Gun 2 is making mega bucks and although it may not be an agenda film in the same way Woke films are it does send a message that people still want and enjoy good old fashioned type films.


I've been watching older movies and almost every one has things in it I never noticed before, including potshots about "Republicans". This has been going on forever.
