MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > is SJW the new religion?

is SJW the new religion?

from my seat, christians, catholics, luthern, baptist etc all try to rely on the bible for morality compass, direction, actions and reactions in life. Yes, everyone fails to live up to it time and again, but at least they are trying to be nice, love others etc. "Love your enemy, be kind to all, think of others..." etc

now we have social justice stepping up and telling us what is right, moral, and just when it comes to interactions with others. "this is bad offends these peoples, must remove, make everyone happy..."

is this not the exact same thing that religion has been doing to keep society aligned proper, respectfully to each other?

is SJW a new religion?
and is it working where religion fails?


now we have social justice stepping up and telling us what is right, moral, and just when it comes to interactions with others. "this is bad offends these peoples, must remove, make everyone happy..."

Got an example of that?


oh man.... SOOO many....

- guy gets caught by photographer making nookie in amazon van, internet/twitter/SOCIAL JUSTICE burns him down. loses job, marked for life, for a fully consensual NORMAL act.

- for almost 20 years TWENTY YEARS! gearslutz - a website consisting mostly musicians, who enjoy the name - if pressured into changing its name by mostly people who are not even members. 20 years it was JUST FINE, then twitter/SJW blows up calling it offensive. one could claim it was done for business purposes, but no, it was fine for 20 solid years, until now, in the day of SJW someone created a slam, then some non-member created a petition, starts slamming it around online, now it had to change its name. SLUTZ is an offensive word, but not one porn site had to remove it. ...hmmmmm.....

and on and on and on and on


that not "SJW" or "WOKE"

thats just the internet .
The internet has given everyone in the world a voice .
Some of those people are assholes and do that sort of thing.

You can guarantee is if nobody is offended about something gutter journalists will pay a twatterer to be offended so they can write a story about it , or some asshole will pretend to be offended for attention.

That amazon guy has basically just "gone viral" , giving the employer no choice but to sack him .
Althoogh unless he took less than 30 seconds they'd have sacked him for stopping work whatever he was doing .


it may not be the text book definition of SJ, but it is "Justice" done "socially" so same diff to me.

i'd prefer to leave it all to strongly built laws we all defined and back for the need of the many. not the need of the one.


Social justice has never not been a thing. The entire 19th and 20th centuries had just as much "SJW" ideas proliferating

It's a false distinction that anti SJW people have created that the modern "wokeness" is fundamentally different from the social justice of decades and centuries past. There has always been political correctness of some sort. There has always been people banding together and clamoring for their own interests, for tolerance, for recognition

I think what you're seeing now is that you have generations of people that have lived most of or their whole lives with the internet and so these ideas have found a whole new language and mode of expression online. But fundamentally it's not any different from the many American social justice movements of the 20th century

From your perspective it is different because it's new and you don't like it. But that's EXACTLY how the reactionaries of the 20th century felt about the social justice movements of THEIR time. You are not different even if you think you are


PeterGriffin you can stay!!

Excellent reply and so refreshing to read such a level-headed response to this too-often discussed topic. I agree with every word.




thank you for reply in an adult, respectful, logical way without resorting to insults and name calling. unlike SOME people. :( :D

I'm concerned with SJ substituting for actual laws: someone says something, someone takes wrong, and they SOCIAL JUSTICE the guy out of a job, a marriage, a life, just for speaking. He didn't break any LAWS, but he was put in social justice prison for having an opinion that someone somewhere didn't like. this is very wrong, because there is no standard, and can change depending on the minute. your right and wrong may differ from mine - who's right and who's wrong? this is the big picture issue.

and no where near the same as fighting for blacks or womens rights, that is humane, Social Justice is self seeking for whatever group is feeling like they are right, at the time, without oversight, and ever changing.

just seems like SJ is trying to cover the same ground as religion: be nice to everyone, etc




Its a degenerative brain disorder.


I'd like it if you expanded on that, because people don't like hearing it from me.


No, it's a political movement.


Definitely a modern form of Puritanism and the stake they burn their victims at is social media.
