MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone feel awkward and sad respond...

Does anyone feel awkward and sad responding to a 2 year old post on this website?

The people who started those 2 year old post ain't going to read your reply.


Hell no. I say what I want to say and it adds to the information available to possible viewers of a film. That's why MovieChat is here, to keep a log.



After I watch a film I would always check the IMDB board. I do the same now with MovieChat. I read more than I reply.


Yup. Same. 👍👍


same 👍

annoying when you find latest post is 5 years old , so i usually reply , or start topic , so next person to see that movie might have something to talk about , and thus so will I if/when theres a reply


Yes. It's best to contribute and start a discussion. But foremost I want to give my own input and the devil if no one responds. It's really irrelevant.


How often do we have you keep going through this issue? Archived posts echo through posterity, even if the OP is worm food.The OP does not matter. The post matters. Stupidity must be challenged. Too many people here think, and I use the word loosely, that posting is a Mano-a-mano proposition. I am not replying to YOU, long-dead poster. No. I am replying to your old, stupid, but immortalized post on these boards.

I hardly ever give a fuck what anyone replies, because we don’t have a lot of interesting, decayed people here. I care very much about what the posterity who stumbles into this morass in the future thinks about what legacy we have left for them. In general, it’s not currently great.


I hardly ever give a fuck what anyone replies, because we don’t have a lot of interesting, decayed people here.

I don't even know what that means. People have to be decayed in order to be interesting? Did you pass out, whack your head over your keyboard and your device's autocorrect panicked?


Best chuckle of the day! ;)


I happened to know the answer to a question on a nine-year-old post and decided to answer it. The OP thanked me for responding.


That's very nice of you. Maybe someone will answer one of mine one day :)


Morty, someone responded to you on Plato's Cave too! 🤣


I don't even have the link on this computer, lol.. But thanks :)

reply 🤣

This is Gameboy by the way. I just realized you may not know.


I see them bumped from time to time... If there's something I can contribute, I don't mind.


I'd still rather reply to the topic, and keep the conversation in one place, rather that starting another topic on the same subject just because the other one is old. The topic creator may or may not have moved on, but this is still a message board, and the posts aren't just for them. They are for anyone to join in at any time.

Also as far as I know, necroing threads isn't a rule here.


I’ll let you know my thoughts on that in two years


This site has been around for 5 years now, so 2 year old posts could still be very active.


