MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > so, what is the answer? Streaming or The...

so, what is the answer? Streaming or Theater?

warner HBO or whoever, desperately tried to release movies for the masses stuck at home during covid.

many thought that was great, many thought that was a terrible idea.
based on the FACT that nobody knew what or how long we were in for, was home AND theater release t decent option for that situation?

EVERYONE NOW, will be saying with the CURRENT HINDSITE, "OH no, terrible idea, same time release" because of where we are NOW, but what about that time that decision was being made?
while nearly everyone dead stopped going out to movies.

What do you all think? Was it wise or wasted?
Did everyone truly want to wait maybe 2 to 5 years for the releases of godzilla, suicide squad 2, matrix 4, WW84, Dune, mortal kombat, space jam, tom and jerry?

in MY hindsite, I'm glad I got to see them free at home, would not have wanted to payu to see any of them. especially WW84, gad yuck!


Hindsite, eh?


I just love that I now can stream movies and watch them at home.
I've had problems with my back and my neck for years, so I can't watch a whole movie in one sitting anymore.
And then, Covid-19 happened. 😠
So I'm happy to watch anything at home, preferably using my tablet lying down in my bed.


as one of my favourite smart people likes to say, there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs.

i'm glad to have both options, and i will not complain about having new films available quickly online.

but personally i will always take a theater viewing over a home watch. for me, there is an immersion i get there that i almost never get at home.

i have no idea whether it was better for warners to do simultaneous releases on hbomax. i'm sure it cut into the theatrical gross of dune & that matrix movie - how could it not? - but no doubt it added to their subscriber base.

i think the fact that they seem to be abandoning that strategy now shows that in the mid term at least, they still see money in theatres. but we're in a different place now than we were last year. right decision then is probably the wrong decision now.


I thought it was a great idea atfirst because of the situation, but soon thought they should release in theater for one week first for those of us still to support theta movies of covid possible. I would have tried to go support in empty theater first week for that experience but was at home already same time, so meh why bother?


Wait 5 years and hope that it shows up on TBS...?
I’m cheap!


When i was a kid 3 years seemed like an eternity from movies to go from cinema to VHS
... or was that to TV
