MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What fashion trends do you hate?

What fashion trends do you hate?

For me, it’s tight pants (though I don’t mind them on ladies 😳) and too many piercings/really stretched out earlobes.


I'll tell you what I love...Ripped Jeans, they have no purpose but I think they look so cool.


They really do


Nose rings and piercings, too many piercings on women’s ears and thick-rimmed glasses.


Oh ya. And those big things people put in their ear lobes


I’ve talked with these .45 slug to the earlobe types, most of them are pretty chill and cool and it’s all a smooth sailing conversation…that just looks weird and painful, I’m not a fan of that and none of them can really explain why they did it



Talking about piercings always reminds me of this:

Thank you Bill Engvall.


It's sad about the glasses, because we actually have much nicer glasses styles today than we did when I was a kid in the 90s. I mean, back then, all we had were those awful bubble glasses. At least now we can have those slim, frameless or thin-framed glasses that are not as geeky-looking.


I think the single stud nose piercings can be really pretty but I hate the bull ring piercings.


I had class with a chubby gal who had ear gauges like that. Told her she needed to get those fixed.


F*cking Harry Styles....Only the moronic can't see the agenda.


Hello Bug....Alert the Mods!


If you think that's a bug then you're doomed with your smelly beard breath!


Are mods are pretty good...You are about 10 posts away from being banned. Have fun wasting time, instead of actually interacting with people.


10 posts hugh. Fuck you. is that 9?


Actuallt wait. You do know trannies are pedos?


-8 you got 7 more go for it.


Mods...somebody call this.


Seriously I was just fucking around before but why are you here. Whats the point. Say something of value.


Useless stink breath. Appraises me.


Soy faced fucks are.....sigh......lets let them have retyartunism


All of them.


Nose piercings and those huge earlobe piercings kind of freak me out…I met a stranger Lady recently that had a lip piercing, she was very sweet, I helped her dig her car out of the snow but she just looked odd

I don’t want to seem judgmental about face jewelry but it looks super weird to me…a nail gun to the nose, lip, eyebrow or tongue seems awfully painful and I find it unattractive

I like Super tight jeans and Yoga Pants on Ladies…I like looking at Lady booties a lot


Google extreme body modification. The pictures are horrifying.


I will not google that, I can only imagine the horror


re/search's modern primitives book is a long-time favourite of mine. there is some pretty wild stuff in there.


Talking about piercings always reminds me of this:

Thank you Bill Engvall.


So true, it looks like they ran into a nail gun lol!

I’m not one to judge others on their appearance because I’m no looker either but I don’t include any hardware to prove that point…WTH is with facial piercings? I just don’t get it…


I see some of these face piercings and I can't help but wonder... what happens when they blow their nose? Don't they worry about swallowing their tongue piercing? Can they even raise that eyebrow?


I suspect that a lot of the facial piercing is a sexual fetish thing but it really seems painful looking and gross, I just don’t get it and I’m not even a square…I get kinky stuff…women in high heels, large boobs, big Lady butts, sexy hair…that all makes sense

Hardware in a woman’s face is just not sexy in my opinion


Those big fat over-the-top fake eyelashes. They look so ridiculously unnatural and cartoonish. All I see is an eye infection or a car accident waiting to happen.


Those are hideous. It's another throwback to the 1960s.


Men wearing fingernail polish.


I’m seeing this a lot over here in New York…It’s very funny looking


Not a good look for a man.


Men tend to care less about their fingernail polish than women, gay dudes should just give up with it already…plus, Lady hands are just prettier, who wants to talk to a guy with black or pink fingernails…it’s just odd

NO offense to the gays here, it just looks super weird


I've been following a YouTube channel that is a fox rescue/sanctuary. The founder (a woman) recently introduced her boyfriend, maybe they got married by now, and the dude wears nail polish!


Cool video, Foxes are really awesome, we see the reddish/orange Colored ones out in the backyard woodlot sometimes…they really are secretive, sly creatures

I’ve never seen a Black Fox, we have foxes all over the county here but none are Black furred…We have the Red Foxes here and boy, are they secretive!
You only see them early in the morning or very late in the evening

The wicked Coyotes have taken over these hills like a Mafia of dangerous killers…These goddam coyotes are a menace and the stories about them are legend…
I prefer the pretty sly Foxes on my hill👍


We have a family of foxes that live in our back garden.


I'm afraid you're not gonna be able to convince the male Goths to give up black nail polish, hehehe. That's like trying to convince them to stop being Goths.

Members of the Rainbow Gang? Afraid the subject of nail polish is all over the place with them.


Good for you


2 instances where I love nail polish on a man.

1. His daughter did it.
2. He's in a band.


There have been occasions when I’ve had to wear nail polish, makeup and a dress, then my daughter takes a photo and just laughs at me for weeks on end (I don’t go out the house looking like that though, lol).


My physiotherapist has 4 daughters under 10. They liked to paint his nails and I've seen him once or twice in the time I've known him with a painted nail or two.

Again it's probably because of my time in the theatre, and being surrounded by people who will express themselves in so many different ways, that it doesn't faze me.

My dad would have never let me go near him with make up of any kind, so I do find it kind of hot when a dad doesn't care what others think to make his daughter happy. Also, bad boy rock stars with black nail polish can be a turn on. Although that is a little less attractive than it used to be. I think I'm getting old.


Nonsense, you’re as old as you feel.

Back in the day, when I was in a band, I dressed up in all sorts of crazy stuff. Also, my wife and I have many fabulous friends (Bournemouth has the 4th largest gay population in the UK), so nothing fazes me anymore.


Fine, I think I'm maturing! 😋


I'm not a fan of it either. The only time a man should wear nail polish is either if he's acting in a movie, or going to a Halloween party, and it's part of his costume.
