MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What fashion trends do you hate?

What fashion trends do you hate?

For me, it’s tight pants (though I don’t mind them on ladies 😳) and too many piercings/really stretched out earlobes.


Fashion is a reflection of society, and from the look of things, our society is regressing. The 21st Century doesn't look at all the way I had envisioned it. A lot of the current trends aren't so "current."

FOR MEN: What's up with the facial hair? Didn't they get the memo that the hippie era was over with by the 1980s? Beards were fashionable in the 19th Century; once the safety razor became widely available circa 1900 there was no longer any reason to walk around looking like a fur trapper.

FOR WOMEN: The tightly pulled-back hair tied up into a bun was fashionable for an 1860s schoolteacher. The giant fake eyelashes with loaded-on mascara belong to the 1960s.

FOR BOTH SEXES: There is a general trend towards slovenly attire in public. I believe in dressing comfortably but some take it too far. The way some people dress in restaurants is enough to make you lose your appetite. Then there's the sleazy tattoos, piercings and "plug" earrings which do permanent damage to the body. And they spend big money on this stuff.

Many of today's celebrities and pro athletes look like they stepped out of a time machine from the Woodstock Festival with their hippie hair and beards. If this weren't bad enough, now they have started covering their arms with trashy tattoos. Pro athletes are supposed to represent their team and the city or region in which they play. Kids idolize and want to emulate sports stars. Do they ever stop and think about what kind of message they are sending to impressionable children? I'm surprised the team owners haven't said something about this.

Come on, folks. Let's start taking pride in our appearances once again. It's fine to dress casually, but show some dignity and self-respect.


Covid-19’ and Quarantine was a mistake


Sloppy dress and lack of grooming was around before COVID-19.


What gets me about a lot of modern men and beards is they somehow make them look very unmasculine. I don't get how they do it but they manage it.

Fake eye lashes, matte make up, shaving their eyebrows only to draw them back on!


As a guy I hate when certain trends catch on it feels like every guy does them and looks exactly the same so I really don’t like tattoos, men’s skinny jeans, and beards.


Tattoos are trashy and do permanent damage. They serve no purpose. Just wait a few years until the colors fade and the skin starts sagging. These people will be laughed at.

Don't people ever think about the future and the consequences of their actions?


I’m not a fan of tattoos either, most of my friends have them but I don’t see the point…My great Sister has NO tattoos as well, I’d raise hell if she got one

My Old Man told me that only sailors, bikers and circus workers had the right to get tattoos LOL…I don’t talk to him much but he was a funny guy

I like tight pants on a Lady, maybe that’s too much sharing🍑


Have your friends ever given a reason why they have tattoos? I've asked the question "Why do people get tattoos?" on multiple message boards and forums, and have never received an answer, or at least one that is satisfactory.


No, I think it was just ‘the cool thing’ back in the 90s when we were teens and early 20s…A few of them regret the dragons and tribal shit now lol😄


"The cool thing" is not a legitimate reason. Still waiting for a satisfactory response... because there isn't one.


For naive and easily led along young people ‘the cool thing’ is what most of them go with…You must understand this about young people, most of them want to ‘fit in’


Isn't there a law that a person must be 18 to get a tattoo?


In The States I believe so but other countries seem to have their own rules…I’ve met young Dominican teens with tats, it is a strange thing to see


i believe here it can be done with parental consent. i once worked with a woman who was absolutely covered in tats (so so so so hot. holy cow), who started getting them when she was 15 or so, if i remember correctly.

most parlors would probably not accept a customer that young i'd expect, but at least one did in her case.


a woman is automatically 50% hotter minimum if she's covered in tattoos.
at least they are when their looks go into my brain.




are you saying you understand my preferences better than i do?
because that would be a pretty weird thing for you to believe!


No, I'm saying tattoos are trashy. I can't understand why anyone would think permanently marring ones body is attractive. But if you like it... whatever.


Tattoo by Van Halen

Tattoo, tattoo
I got Elvis on my elbow
When I flex, Elvis talks
I got hula girls on the back of my leg
And she hulas when I walk
Screaching cherry red
Screamin' electric green
Purple mountain's majesty
Really talk to me Talk to me, babe
Swap meet Sally, tramp stamp Kat
Mousewife to momshell in the time it took to get that new tattoo
Tattoo, tattoo
Show me your dragon magic
(Tattoo, tattoo) So autobiographic
Best believe that needle won't hurt you
Best to see these true colors, than to follow one of your false virtues
Here's a secret to make you think
Why is the crazy stuff we never say, poetry in ink?
Speaking dayglow red
Explode-o pink, purple mountain's majesty
Show me you, I'll show you me
Swap meet Sally
Tramp stamp Kat
Mousewife to momshell in the time it took to get that new tattoo
Tattoo, tattoo
Sexy dragon magic
(Tattoo, tattoo) So very autobiographic
(Tattoo, tattoo) Got a hold on me
(Tattoo, tattoo) Put a spell on me
Uncle Danny, had a coal tattoo
He fought for the unions
Some of us still do
On my shoulder is the number
Of the chapter he was in
That number is forever
Like the struggle here to win
Swap meet Sally
Tramp stamp Kat
Mousewife to momshell in the time it takes to get that new tattoo
Tattoo, tattoo
Sexy dragon magic
(Tattoo, tattoo) So very autobiographic
(Tattoo, tattoo) Got a hold on me
(Tattoo, tattoo) Put a spell on me
(Tattoo, tattoo) I'm in love with you
(Tattoo, tattoo) Show me me, show me you
(Tattoo, tattoo) Look at me, look at you (tattoo, tattoo)



Baseball type caps worn backwards

Short pants with black athletic socks and those striped blue & white Addidas sandals

"Popped" collars on polo type shirts


Those sunglasses with hideously large frames with each lens seemingly 4 inches in diameter. They make every woman who wear them look bitchy and full of attitude. Basically the 'Jersey Shore' look.


Wearing sandals or "slides" with socks is a filthy, disgusting practice. I've seen both men and women and even kids doing this. Why would anyone dress this way? Another example of hideous footwear are "flip-flops." These were meant for wear at the beach or the pool only.


You haven't seem some of my flip flops. I have many styles and they are very cute and stylish - definitely not the 99 cent beach variety.


Ever seen the flip flops with a little heel? I swear they exist.


I don't care to see them.


Even you would have to admit my flip flops are stylish - especially on my very small, (size 5 1/2), feet with nicely pedicured feet. Cute, cute, cute.


This is an old one, in the 90's during the Spice Girls thing platform shoes were really popular with women. I was working a lot of concierge shifts at the time and I would see these attractive women walk in wearing bricks on their feet. Looked awful. I never understand why strippers wear those chunky shoes either. It does nothing to compliment the line from the legs and ankle.

Also flip flops seem to be really popular now and are ugly. As well as people who only wear track pants even if they do not look athletic at all.


"Flip-flops" are hideous. And I can't stand the sound they make when the wearers are walking... that irritating flip-flop-flip-flop-flip-flop noise that gives them their name.

Any podiatrist will tell you those ugly things are bad for your feet, and can be a tripping hazard.


I hate walking in them for that reason. I get it if on a beach or just going outside for a moment but driving in them? Walking around all day? I don't think so.


Face, neck and hand tattoos.

Earlobe stretching earrings.


Jeans with holes and tears in them. The fact that people will stupidly spend $50 to $100 on a pair of jeans like that makes me shake my head.


I get the look but not paying extra to get them that way.


I hate ripped jeans. I think it's silly to see wealthy people and even older people wearing ripped jeans. Ripped jeans used to be for bums but they are now fashionable.


I don't like frivolous trends in general; they only highlight the fact that most people are fickle and sheep-like. The only trends I like are ones that have some sort of functional improvement over the old way of doing things, such as the trend toward front disc brakes on cars rather than drum brakes that started in the 1960s and became standard practice in the 1970s.

Fashion trends are just people trying to look good, and then other people see it and think that if they copy them, they'll look good too. The funny thing about it is: as if by magic, what looked good to them yesterday looks bad to them today, even though nothing has changed other than the "pattern" of chaotic misfirings in their haphazardly-wired brains.


"Fashion trends are just people trying to look good..."

If the current trends mentioned in this comment thread are the definition of "good" I would hate to see what is considered "bad."
