Is the any upside to cancelling?
If some one is breaking a law, gets caught, pays the price, and gets strung up by cancel opinion, that's one thing. They broke a law and got punished along with public humiliation via news sources and public chatter. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
If some one is not breaking the law but some social justice didn't like their actions, virals them out to public court, ruins their family, their career, there life from here on out, what is gained from this result?
Why does canceling exist? Because it can? Is there a point to crushing people outside the law? Is law not working like we want?
For example, guy gets caught having sex with his consensual girlfriend in his amazon van... no law is broken maybe just company rules. No one was in peril or danger. Van was parked, no one saw the sex, they had some human fun.
Should they be scoffed globally, fired, blacklisted and unrmployable now?
Love to hear perspectives on this. Canceling exists so there must be a reason for it.