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Words you pronounced wrong

I was in my fifties when I learned that 'chasm' is pronounced 'casm'. And I had to be corrected by a guy who speaks English as a second language.

Hirsute. No a big deal, but I didn't realize that it was pronounced 'hirsuit'.

Bury, buried. My wife corrected me on this when I was in my 30s. I always said it like it's spelled, 'brrr-y' rather than the correct "berry". In my defense though, I've occasionally encountered other people who pronounce it wrong. We were watching a movie some nights ago and one the actors pronounced it my way, so now I'm not sure I'm wrong.

About. I'm Canadian and I pronounce it 'abowt'. Apparently, I should be pronouncing it 'aboot' according to Americans, LOL.


I think so many pronunciations are regional. I'm from western Canada, and I can really hear different eastern Canadian accents. There is also a prairie accent that is mostly in rural communities.

I do say scone as like ice cream 'cone' and not scon like they do in England.

It's nice to be able to search pronunciations now, I read a lot and have learned many new words in books with no idea how to pronounce them.


This is a huge debate in England 😄 usually northerners pronounce it scon but midlands and South say scone (cone).

Same as with which goes first, jam or cream.

Fights have occurred over these regional differences.

I say scon with jam first then cream on top.


My partner is English South African and they make fun of me all the time with my pronunciation, but I argue that in English class we were always taught that an e at the end made it a long vowel sound.

Same with vase. According to English rules it should be a long vowel sound. If it was supposed to be like pause, then it should have an au in it. I am willing to give it an aw sound if it's more than $100 though, but I can't call a $5 vase from ikea or walmart a Vause.

I will say that I'm sticky with words originating from French. Home and Garden network drives me nuts when they talk about the Foy-Errrr.


I pronounce it Vaahz.


Yeah, that's what I'm trying to describe. If it's cheap it's a vase (like phase), but if it's expensive it's a vaahz.




i always remember being told once that you should never judge someone for mispronouncing a world, because that means they read it, presumably in a book.

i just found out that i was saying hegemony wrong. not that it's a word i throw around a lot...but it came up in a book i read recently, and i felt humbled to find out i was saying it wrong, at least in my head. not sure if it's a word i've ever thrown into a conversation.


“because that means they read it, presumably in a book”

That’s a great way of looking at it.



Vagina. I always read and pronounced it Vag i na. A friend had brought a dirty paperback novel to the treehouse and was reading it aloud and I interrupted him to ask what is a va gina much to the laughter of my friends.


Then there are those words that sorta sound like other words.

I always snicker when I hear the words 'uvula' and 'masticate'.


Years ago, I had a girlfriend who pronounced "carafe" as care-ah-fey. I said, it's "kah-raff" but she wouldn't believe me. I'm glad we eventually broke up.


LOL. I'm gonna start telling people 'oh, but the original French pronunciation is care-ah-fey".

Similarly, I read some girl's Tweet that she deliberately pronounces meme as "me-me" just to drive her bf nutz.


I'm still not sure if it is clit-or-is or cli-tore-us


I've heard it pronounced both ways myself. My wife pronounces it the second way when we... uh, are hanging out.


Lots, really.

But I will think of a few.

Gemini - I used to pronounce as "ghe-mee-nee" instead of "dje-mee-na-y".

Continuum - as "conteenUUM" rather than "contEEniu-um".

Certain bands' names here and there and even BRAND names. Will think of some later.


Turmeric. All this time I've been mispronouncing it as toomeric. I'm not sure were the extra 'r' sound went. I think sherbet stole it.
