

Take it to politics.


Or else!





And what about holding the other side accountable when their little feewings get hurt over hearing the truth and facts they don't want to hear? Shouldn't they be held accountable for their cruelty and hypocrisy? Or is it all just revenge against the establishment for every known slight, real or imagined.

What about the school boards that fire teachers for calling a kid by the wrong pronoun? That's not a firing offense, that's just a mistake on behalf of the teacher. What about vilifying a guy because he called out a fake tranny for raping his daughter and a school board that not only protected the little shit, but allowed him to rape another innocent girl? What about reading something someone wrote 20 years ago on social media and then destroying any chance they had at doing something in the artistic world? You think that's fair? Taking something out of context and treating them like a criminal, and un-person? Or calling every person you disagree with a fascist, a nazi, a racist, and every other -ist and -phobe in the book? That's the behavior of spoiled, overgrown, vindictive, wicked children with way too much power.

Small wonder the majority of Americans don't like it or take that bullshit seriously. Grow up!


Absolutely it's gone too far. They say the pendulum may swing the other way eventually. By that time I fear a lot of irreparable damage will have been done.


perfect answer.


Probably ... it's BS. But what brought that on?

Looking at what cancel culture is and there is no greater example of it than the authoritarian regimentation of the Republicans. Look at how they cancelled John McCain, Liz Cheney, and all of the Republicans who voted for economic infrastructure assistance in the Biden plan.

They call it cancelling when they attempt to pin it on the Libs, but it is really the soldiers court-martial in the Republican army trying to take over the country right now. And as usual they try to twist and blame everything they are doing and reflect and project it onto the Democrats.


Looking at what cancel culture is and there is no greater example of it than the authoritarian regimentation of the Republicans. Look at how they cancelled John McCain, Liz Cheney, and all of the Republicans who voted for economic infrastructure assistance in the Biden plan.

They call it cancelling when they attempt to pin it on the Libs, but it is really the soldiers court-martial in the Republican army trying to take over the country right now. And as usual they try to twist and blame everything they are doing and reflect and project it onto the Democrats.

Look at the Dr Seuss debacle last year. You left-wingers got all bent out of shape over a few books that had been in print for years. Then the lefty cretins on Reddit and Twitter tried to blame the entire thing on the supposedly oversensitive and intolerant right-leaning folk. Things are only going to get worse now you perpetually offended and hypocritical lefties have nearly the entire mainstream media on your side. You'll start stamping your feet about something or someone else soon enough.


The Left didn't get bent out of shape ... that's nonsense. I can't understand why it is that issue this like this over issue turns out to be Right-Wing nonsense, and still you defend it and attack the Left of discredited nonsense like this.

Retired books
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the organization that owns the rights to the books, films, TV shows, stage productions, exhibitions, digital media, licensed merchandise, and other strategic partnerships, announced on March 2, 2021, that it will stop publishing and licensing six books. The publications include And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1937), If I Ran the Zoo (1950), McElligot's Pool (1947), On Beyond Zebra! (1955), Scrambled Eggs Super! (1953) and The Cat's Quizzer (1976). According to the organization, the books "portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong" and are no longer being published due to racist and insensitive imagery.[106]

The Right-wing did overblow this story, calling it Lefty cancel culture. You're wrong, and if you cared to look at yourself under the cold hard light you'd find a lot of other holes in your conceptual world.


Considering that Trump's so-called collusion with Russia is turning out to be a load of rubbish concocted by the left (what a shocker!), I think you and your ilk need to take a long, hard look in the mirror before you accuse the right of twisting the truth. The next year is going to be interesting for the Democrats. It's all unravelling, bit by bit.

The right-wing did overblow this story

It was only a news story because the left made it one, and the right suitably reacted in anger against the censorship you commies are trying to inflict on the world. The left has a hard time understanding that if they don't like something, they don't have to read/listen/watch it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Until the oversensitive and entitled CNN-watching sheeple started stamping their feet, no one had a problem with the Dr. Seuss books.


The lefties always call it accountability until it comes for one of their own, then they consider it cancel culture.


Yes, and no.
Some people out there deserve a comeuppance, but others will be targeted for no good reason.
