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Queen Elizabeth II is a descendant of Islam's Prophet Muhammed? Wow.

Just learned this and my mind is blown:

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is a descendant of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam. Want to know how? Follow me:

Queen Elizabeth II is daughter of the George VI,
who is son of George V,
who is son of Edward VII,
who is son of Victoria,
who is daughter of Edward (Duke of Kent),
who is son of George III,
who is son of Frederick (Prince of Wales)
who is son of George II,
who is son of George I,
who is son of Sophia (Electress of Hannover),
who is daughter of Elizabeth of Bohemia,
who is daughter of James I/VI,
who is son of Mary Queen of Scots,
who is daughter of James V, King of the Scots,
who is son of Margaret Tudor
who is daughter of Elizabeth of York,
who is daughter of Edward IV, King of England,
who is son of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York,
who is son of Richard of Conisburgh,
who is son of Isabelle Perez of Castille,
who is daughter of Maria Juana de Padilla,
who is daughter of Maria Fernandez de Henestrosa,
who is daughter of Aldonza Ramirez de Cifontes,
who is daughter of Aldonza Gonsalez Giron,
who is daughter of Sancha Rodriguez de Lara,
who is daughter of Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara,
who is son of Sancha Alfonsez, Infanta of Castille,
who is daughter of Zaida (aka Isabella),
who is daughter of Al Mu’tamid ibn Abbad, King of Seville,
who is son of Abbad II Al Mu’tadid, King of Seville,
who is son of Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad, King of Seville,
who is son of Ismail ibn Qarais,
who is son of Qarais ibn Abbad,
who is son of Abbad ibn Amr,
who is son of Amr ibn Aslan,
who is son of Aslan ibn Amr,
who is son of Amr ibn Itlaf,
who is son of Itlaf ibn Na’im,
who is son of Na’im II-Lakhmi,
who is son of Na’im al-Lakhmi,
who is son of Zahra bint Husayn,
who is daughter of Husayn ibn Ali,
who is son of Fatima
who is daughter of Muhammad, Prophet of the Islam.

You heard it right, according to this lineage by Harold B. Brooks-Baker (although it is contested a little bit by some other Historians); if you go back for 44 generations from Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, you find out that she is a descendant of Muhammad the Prophet of the Islam.

Quora link for reference:


Not quite wow. You need to check this out to understand the insignifance of it:


Interesting article. I've always intuitively known that we're all related but finding a direct lineage between the British royal family and the preeminent person in Islam is remarkable, you've gotta admit. Another example of this specific lineage tracing is that people with blue eyes share a single common ancestor who lived 6,000 years ago.


Can you loan me $100? I promise to pay you back, cuz.


Say no more, fam.


who is son of Aslan

She's also a descendant of the Emperor Beyond the Sea.


Not to be a buzzkill but I don't think it's that surprising. In fact I'd be more surprised if it wasn't the case. Putting aside actionkamen's link about how all humans are related, a more salient point is that among the old aristocratic elite ruling classes people are much more interrelated than among the wider human population. Royal families and aristocrats in general always intermarried, and medieval Spain was a natural place for the intermingling of Christian and Muslim ruling classes. Christian and Muslim states existed alongside each other there for about 700 years and as their fortunes waxed and waned some among the elite would convert to Islam or to Christianity, and there would be marriages and so on. By the time of the final defeat of the Muslim polities in Spain at the end of the Middle Ages, it's only to be expected that among the Spanish aristocracy there would be a lot of people with ancestors in North Africa and the Middle East. And in the web of royal relations, the aristocracy of Spain was represented all over Europe, and its family members would have been marrying with the family members of all the other European ruling classes.


Your answer makes sense enough in relation to aristocrats. I've never considered Muhammed an aristocrat before, hence my surprise at his relation to Elizabeth II.


He wasn't really an aristocrat; in his lifetime he was a merchant. But the mass movement he led propelled him to state power so his descendants, who proceeded to conquer a vast empire, became aristocrats.


Thank you.
Because I wondered how a Muslim princess had Christian descendants, but I guess that she was a convert then.


I think there were actually cases of Christians and Muslims marrying while each keeping their own religion, though this would have been the exception rather than the rule. Such marriages are much more common in the modern day now that the institution of marriage has been secularized in most countries, but back then it would have been difficult and often impossible for a practitioner of one religion to marry a practitioner of another without somebody converting. I'm not a historian though, just a history enthusiast. I do know that the crusader states in the Levant, where Christians and Muslims intermingled in large numbers, felt the need to ban religious intermarriage, which suggests that there was enough of it going on that the governments felt it was a problem that needed to be addressed.

It seems as though the princess Zaida who is named in the original post was still a practicing Muslim when she became the lover of King Alfonso VI of Castile, though she converted to Christianity later. If I'm reading it right, it's worded a bit ambiguously. Also Wikipedia shouldn't be treated as absolute truth anyway. But it can be useful sometimes.


In the Bible, some of Solomon's wives kept their religions.


It was different back then. You had dozens of religions and sects and religion was much less important. When the two big Abrahamic religions became dominant, they became extremely aggressive towards minor religions.


Which is treated like a very bad thing by the narrative.
Obviously, not being a monotheist automatically made you a villain according to him.


I remember hearing that a lot of people have lineage from Genghis Khan because of all the raping and pillaging his armies did.


You don't get many people putting that down as their occupation these days ' Raping and pillaging '.


Would make for an interesting resume.

Occupation: Invader/Marauder
Duties: Invading, marauding, conquest, pillage, rape, occasional tax collecting, instilling fear.


You're right. Apparently 1% of the world's population are descendants of Genghis Khan. That's like 70 million people.


That's a lot.
But it blows my mind too that 70 million people only is 1 % of the human population.
