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"Roommates wanted: hot college girls"

this is a hypothetical about personal preference. are we allowed to have our own personal preferences?
I like the color green a lot. others like blue, and that is okay, but are they allowed, by law, to ask me to not like green?

So, I own a big house near a large college, with a few extra rooms and I could set them up with double locks and rent them to college students. I got gig internet, large TVs with movies and games, workout area, 3 bathrooms, two fridges and a freezer, and ample parking, within a decent walking distance to campus.

is there anything wrong with me deciding exactly whom I will take money from in exchange for a key for a room, access to kitchen and bathrooms, and parking, and dividing the utility bills?
If I said I only want to allow pretty college women only, my personal preference of who I personally feel are pretty, is that discriminatory?
Normally, one will conduct interviews to see who gets to rent a room, as in, if they are obviously a drugged up crack user, and maybe not seemingly reliable enough to come up with monthly rent, one would choose to bypass that person and look to the next.

If I would rather see hot college women roaming around my house, than say, nerdy fortnight college males (or anything else I simply don't want to see) does that break any laws, or am I just embracing my personal preference, as I am when I paint a wall green because I prefer it?

Addendum: what if I also narrowed it down to hot Asian only, or black, or blondes only etc?


It probably depends if the house is also your domicile. If you are in the business of renting real estate you cannot discriminate against people based on protected classes. But my guess is if you live in a property like a house where you are renting rooms out of you probably have more latitude.


Why on earth would they want to rent from someone with such a creepy headline?




first sentence: "This is a HYPOTHETICAL"

this is a thought experiment, nothing more. I don't own a house near a college... this is a fictional scenario


Don't tell him that no hot college girl would respond to that ad!

Tell him to run it, and get nothing but responses from creepy desperate guys like himself.


for kicks, I did a little research and depending on our times, and location of who's rules, a male advertising for female roommates (and vice versa) is not allowed if there are shared spaces, like bathrooms, involved


I would like to rent a room in the hot college girl house...I'm a dude but I can mow grass, rake leaves and chop firewood better than any fellow in town, I'm a State Champion landscaper, look me up👍

I heard you have Asian, black, Puerto Rican and red headed babes in there

I have the first month's rent and a security deposit in pocket, C'mon, I'm the real deal and all of the college girls are gonna like having a big fellow around for grocery-carrying and snow shoveling

I'm not being creepy at all🙃
Hit me up bro




point is, can I choose who I share my house with, or would it always be some sort of "discrimination"? IE my personal preference/choice/interest is irrelevant.


You can always choose whom to accept as tenants, but if you do so on the basis of inherent natural qualities beyond their control, that is inherently discrimination.

I don't know if this is consciously reductive thinking or if you were recently discharged from an assisted living facility, but the underlying question in this topic exposes a fundamental lack of understanding of how societal norms operate.


it is only hypothetical to get reactions and also call into questions our inherent ability to maintain our humanity via optioning personal choices.

If I like chocolate ice cream, but no one else does, will it become illegal or morally wrong for me to enjoy it?
I'd prefer hot college women running around, rather than frumpy 50 year old men, so, I ask is that so wrong? it's my (hypothetical) house, isn't it my decision whom I allow in it?

what if I just hold a party and only invite [insert any race or characteristics here] is that illegal yet?


The examples you provide are false equivalents to the initial premise and thus differ in legality. Not sure what preconceived viewpoint this whole topic is even trying to validate.


those false equivalents are about my personal preferences.... I like the color green, I like chocolate ice cream, I like hot college girls... other than the obvious "creepy/captain pervy" assumptions, are people not allowed to admit what they like to look at? my house, my rules? :D

guestimating that 80 percent or more of males would prefer seeing hot college women over frumpy college women if they would admit it publicly. is there something wrong with being able to admit that? men are sexual beings, as are women, is it wrong to not admit this to ourselves?


I thought everyone could understand that wall color and ice cream preferences harms no-one, but that depriving people of housing because of unreasonable standards does.

I guess I was wrong, I should have remembered that you can never underestimate the intelligence of fools.


who is getting deprived of anything? no one is being forced to house with me. people are free to make decisions of where to house - are I not free to make decisions who I allow to house with me?
This is the conundrum.


"You can always choose whom to accept as tenants, but if you do so on the basis of inherent natural qualities beyond their control, that is inherently discrimination."

That is generally true in California.

Not all "discrimination" is illegal.

I'm wondering in the OP hypothetical, if he can legally discriminate against anyone who is not enrolled in the university. He probably can get away with discriminating against men. but not against women of color, or immigrant, or Muslims, Jews, etc.


I think the key is to just allow who you want in but never broadcast your preferences!



But if you turn someone away, you would have to prove a reason other than discrimination as to why you didn't rent to them. You can't advertise that you will only rent to a certain demographic because that is discrimination.


so if it wasnt a business style transaction, it would be fine maybe? maybe I don't charge rent, and just let my "friends" stay, no money ever trading hands.... and my friends are all hot women in college?

sounds like then maybe there is zero discrimination of who gets to stay.


Do you have to provide reasons? It might depend where you live. I have been a landlord here in Australia and I could just decide and not have to provide reasons either way for my final choice.

Of course, you can't advertise for any demographic specifically or say any are going to be barred.


I think you would only have to provide a reason if someone took you to court by saying that you didn't rent to them for reason x. Like where I am in Canada we've been having debates about whether or not a landlord can actually ban pets, as well as having adult only buildings. I'm not honestly sure what has gone to court, and what has just been brought up in city council.


If you own the property, then you're not a roommate, you're a landlord. If you gave the property to someone else to rent out to you and you split the rent with others you're a roommate and can get away with more.

I don't think you'd get past the issue of sex discrimination, let alone "hot" discrimination.


Hot college girls bring hot college guys over to have hot college sex in your house.

Good luck sleeping 🙂.

Sounds like torture to me. Just rent it to a nerd.


That’s what I was thinking will probably happen. There will be more dudes hanging around than girls.


When I read this post I envisioned Dudley Moore's middle age character in the movie "10" looking through a telescope at the sexual activity going on in the rock singers mansion across the way...just torturing himself with all the great sex he isn't having.

This is kind of the same thing but he won't need a telescope.
