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Why is Kristen Stewart a thing?

What is the appeal. Why is she in so many expensive movies? Who is attracted to this wench?


I’ve only seen one movie she was in and that was Twilight. Maybe she is a box office draw from the fame off that movie.


She is cute and a good actor. She is probably going to win an Oscar in the near future.


I haven’t seen any of her films except Into the Wild so I don’t know how good of an actress she is but I think she is very beautiful.


She’s built like a boy. She appeals to closeted gay men who are in denial. “See? I like girls!”


I've asked that about Zendaya many times.


i thought she was very appealing in personal shopper.


Heterosexual men like her because she’s complete unremarkable, so she’s approachable. Closeted gay guys like her because she’s built like a boy, so they can lust for her while still denying their true nature.


Because she was in a popular teen series. I think she is attractive too. Not like a bombshell, but certainly pretty imo. From what I have seen, I don't particularly find her all that talented, but I also haven't seen all of her films.
