MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > YouTube to Block All Anti-Vax Content

YouTube to Block All Anti-Vax Content


They've been talking about this all day on the news and it's also about time someone did something like this when the HOSPITALS are also still FULL of people DYING due to the kind of RIDICULOUS BS one finds on SOCIAL MEDIA sites !!!

Yesterday they also aired an INTERVIEW with 2 HEALTH CARE WORKERS who plan to be FIRED for not getting VACCINATED and said they tried to claim a RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION.

Then after saying they were CATHOLICS and having it pointed out how the POPE was PRO VACCINE, they also said the POPE was full of MISINFORMATION (when those 2 IDIOTS were the one's who were FULL of IT).

They also tried to DENY people were DYING even when the person who INTERVIEWED tried to tell them they'd ACTUALLY SEEN it happening.

The kind of DENIAL and IRRATIONALITY is an extremely SHOCKING thing to witness whenever you see it.

It's like these people have been HIT with some kind of an ALIEN BEAM from OUTTER SPACE that's taken over CONTROL of their BRAINS or something!!!



It sounds more like YOU'RE the one who's been hit by an alien beam from outer space which has taken over YOUR brain.

This is Facism like in Nazi Germany. The Nazis burned books to suppress opposing views. Blocking Anti-Vax Content is the same thing. And it's a LIE to refer to people who have a different opinion as DENIERS. They are NOT deniers, they are people who hold a different view. This is how you Leftards try to control the narrative by controlling the language.

If you disagree with someone, you should debate them, NOT try to SUPPRESS them.

Only Fascists or totalitarian governments try to suppress the truth. So you must be a Fascist. Somewhere Hitler is smiling.



Actually, YouTube is not part of any government or required by law to let everybody speak.
So they are free to block whatever they want and shouldn't be accused of being fascists.


True, they are legally entitled to do that. But that does not change the fact that they are indeed Fascists.



They're not.
It is not fascism to make a decision about what is permitted or not on a privately owned platform.


Yes it is.



Yes exactly Furienna.

YOUTube does the BLOCKING of the ANIT VAXX CONTENT, but even though I have NOTHING whatsoever to do with them or what they do, somehow that gets IRRATIONALLY TRANSLATED into MY being a NAZI FACIST and a Lefttard who wants to CONTROL people who are filling up HOSPITALS and KILLING other people that way with their refusal to get VACCINATED.

So these members of this DEATH CULT also PROJECT upon others the way that they themselves not only SUPPRESS the lives of others, but they also SNUFF OUT the LIVES of others, with their IRRATIONAL STUBBORNESS to FACE the TRUTH of what they do to others, by SPREADING the VIRUS and allowing it to MUTATE into even WORSE MUTANT STRAINS of the VIRUS, with their UNVACCINATED BODIES being FACTORIES for making even WORSE VARIATIONS of it.

And they also remain completely IGNORANT of the way in which they've also just DEMONSTRATED and PROVED the point that was made about how it's as if some kind of an ALIEN BEAM from SPACE has taken over CONTROL of whatever is left now of their BRAIN.



Oh shut up and take the vaccine.


You shut up, Bubba! I wasn't objecting to the vaccine, I was objecting to FaceBook's Fascistic censorship. And btw,
I was vaccinated back in March.



That was more for the anti vaxers. Not directing that at you personally. Must have clicked on wrong dialog.

And fuck Facebook. Dropped them like 2 years ago.


Okay then, thanks. I never had FaceBook. In my opinion, anyone on Facebook has too much time
on his/her hands.



Good. Anti-vax propaganda is getting people killed!

>90% of the hospitalized COVID Patients in my area are unvaccinated, in a state with a 70% vaccinatino rate. The unvaccinated are suffering and dying, the vaccinated are fine, and assholes on youtube are making money out of convincing the stupid to refuse preventive care that could save their lives. REMEMBER, THERE IS NO CURE FOR COVID, THERE IS ONLY PREVENTION. PREVENT IT BY GETTING VACCINATED, THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN, OR YOUR MOTHER'S.


Also remember that you are only 99.98% likely to survive. Also remember that you can still catch and spread the wuhan if you are vaxed.

Get the shot for yourself. Nevermind this whole "you're killing everyone else" horseshit.


Whole unvaccinated families are getting sick together, imagine being part of an unvaccinated family where everyone got horribly sick and somebody died and someone else has long-term symptoms ruining their life... and it could have been prevented.

So I think it's right to urge people to get vaccinated for both their own sakes, and for the sake of others. The life you save with the vaccine may be your own, or it may be your grandma's, or your co-worker, or your kid. The Delta Variant is killing young adults now, that didn't happen in 20202.


The Delta Variant is killing young adults now, that didn't happen in 20202.

Citation needed.






It's a bit late in the day. A lot of the damage has already been done. But good.


This is EXTREMELY dangerous.

And don't get me wrong. I'm not an anti-vax. I used the vaccine and I recommend to use it, all risks considered. Could have some long-term unexpected effects? Sure, but it's less likely than getting a bad Covid. It's a matter of balancing risks.

That said, vaccines is an industry whose main and almost only client are states. In these cases, corruption is possible and even probable. Blocking any criticism about the vaccine industry is basically a greenlight to corruption knowing that this corruption can't be criticized or even reported.

Some people will argue that only unreasonable critics will be blocked. But it's easy to label reasonable critic as "anti-vax", and then block it.

Not to say there's a dangerous slippery slope here. Freedom of expression is not a crazy idealistic demand. There's a reason behind: lack of freedom of expression usually ends up in cronyism and corruption.


It's only dangerous when limits are put on the irresponsible Republicans/Right-wing ... just shut up.

The slippery slope has been to allow Right-Wing extremists to participate in the national discussion like they have a legitimate point of view ... which they obviously do not.

The cronyism and corruption is way over the extreme right side ... so without cliches and double-talk maybe you could explain why that is?


LOL ... you got a point.




Imagine you're in a MEETING at work when suddenly a group of people break into the room and begin smearing their FECES all over the walls.

The CONCLUSION you'd come to is they must be INSANE.


Or if they also began attacking you with BEAR SPRAY and FLAG POLES and POKE OUT your EYE then you'd probably also conclude they were INSANE.

And that's what's happening all over the country now, is people keep ATTACKING other people on AIRPLANES and in RESTAURANTS who simply ask them to wear a MASK as a form of PROTECTION from the VIRUS.

And DOCTORS & NURSES are also being ATTACKED in HOSPITALS now as well.

THUS the reason why we need to have LIMITS placed upon what INSANE sounding people are saying on the internet who are causing other people to BEHAVE like they're also INSANE.





You're daughter sounds like a lovely young lady who has a good head on her shoulders!!!

We also need to have many more who are like her if our society is ever able to survive.


It's only dangerous when limits are put on the irresponsible Republicans/Right-wing ... just shut up [...] The slippery slope has been to allow Right-Wing extremists to participate in the national discussion [...] The cronyism and corruption is way over the extreme right side

Cronyism and corruption appear naturally given the proper incentives, no matter the political side. A system that works doesn't create those incentives, period.

This conception of politics "my side is beyond good and evil, only the other side is corrupt" is typical from South-American countries. Given the growing Hispanic influence in US, I guess it's a path that US was doomed to follow sooner or later. Check South-American countries to know where it leads.


> Cronyism and corruption appear naturally given the proper incentives

OK, but it does matter the political side, because when fascism/authoritarianism takes over the IM-proper incentives are always there, and that covers what is unacceptable to our way of life from the Republican party.

You only hear that kind of "beyond good and evil" talk from authoritarians who cannot and will not deal in facts and votes ... thus the need to lie, distract, dominate and use force.

Moreover -
> This conception of politics "my side is beyond good and evil, only the other side is corrupt" is typical from South-American countries.

Your understanding of the world and history is lopsided. This trope, in my opinion, goes back to the dawn of cities and the nation states, and the trial by ordeal/combat, leading to the idea of the Divine Right of Kings. It is the idea that might makes right ... the Might of the rich and powerful.

This in itself leads to the problem as someone who is supposedly raised by God to be infallible has to use all kinds of tricks when someone can prove with facts beyond a doubt that they are wrong. Think Gallileo.

It's is a major tragedy of humanity that we cannot get past this, and that it may lead to the destruction of the planet before we do.


that covers what is unacceptable to our way of life from the Republican party [...] You only hear that kind of "beyond good and evil" talk from authoritarians who cannot and will not deal in facts and votes

I'm afraid not. You listen to South-American and even Spanish people, you'll find that attitude in both the majority of right and left. There's only a small minority who don't follow that pattern, I'd say probably less than 5%.

Btw, you sound extremely similar to the standard Latin-American left.


Since you just want to whip up your own facts and then use them to mischaracterize me, I don't think we have anything to say to each other. I don't see any point in trying to discuss something with something who is doing exactly what they claim the Left does, but in the name of the Right being right.


> Cronyism and corruption appear naturally given the proper incentives

OK, but it does matter the political side, because when fascism/authoritarianism takes over the IM-proper incentives are always there, and that covers what is unacceptable to our way of life from the Republican party.

You only hear that kind of "beyond good and evil" talk from authoritarians who cannot and will not deal in facts and votes ... thus the need to lie, distract, dominate and use force.

Moreover -
> This conception of politics "my side is beyond good and evil, only the other side is corrupt" is typical from South-American countries.

Your understanding of the world and history is lopsided. This trope, in my opinion, goes back to the dawn of cities and the nation states, and the trial by ordeal/combat, leading to the idea of the Divine Right of Kings. It is the idea that might makes right ... the Might of the rich and powerful.

This in itself leads to the problem as someone who is supposedly raised by God to be infallible has to use all kinds of tricks when someone can prove with facts beyond a doubt that they are wrong. Think Gallileo.

It's is a major tragedy of humanity that we cannot get past this, and that it may lead to the destruction of the planet before we do.


I don't see any point in trying to discuss something with something who is doing exactly what they claim the Left does, but in the name of the Right being right.

I'll copypaste from my previous comments:
"Cronyism and corruption appear naturally given the proper incentives, no matter the political side."
"You listen to South-American and even Spanish people, you'll find that attitude ['my side is beyond good and evil'] in both the majority of right and left."

Does that sounds that I said that the Right was right? When is comes to cronyism and corruption, it's about how the system works and what incentives it creates, combined with the cultural values of its members. Level of corruption in a country barely changes depending on whether right or left rules.

I repeat: you sound a lot like the standard South-American left. I'm not saying that the standard South-American right would sound much better (it wouldn't), what I'm just saying is that you sound like the standard South-American left. I guess it's part of the cultural shift and decline in western countries.


I said I agreed with your contention that it is the system ...
but you do not take it to the conclusion that it is almost always and universally the Right-wing, authoritarian governments or institutions that set those incentives up.

The best example was the Republicans stacking the Supreme Court to rule that "corporations are people" and "money is speech".

I don't sound anything like the South American Left and that is a meaningless comment merely meant to insult. Then you add in the blather about the decline of the West ... which is just stupid.


You do sound a lot like South-American left.


Okay, but it's not like you can't criticize the vaccine industry on your own platform.
They are just blocking some content on YouTube.


This is not the old internet. The old good concept of fair play is nowadays considered as white supremacism. That, combined with the big techs being monopolies in practice is a dangerous combination. This is not the original Google where blogs were promoted and indexed. Right now, good luck finding something which is not mainstream.

Yeah, you can criticize it on your own platform... which will be shadowbanned in google, blocked in youtube, banned in facebook and prohibited in twitter. Try to create an alternative and you'll find yourself banned from servers, then from financial services, and if that doesn't work, finally arrested by the FBI or equivalent. That's how they took down 8chan, gab or a few other ones that were growing more than they should. If something is being allowed to grow, you can be sure Wokes are getting inside. Duckduckgo is a good example:

There was a story about a non-western country some years ago. They allowed protests... provided they took place in a closed building that designated to hold protests. It was as good as you were holding a banner in your room.



Wow, that is really an exaggeration.
It is not like the anti-vaxxers have any problems with finding each other or saying what they want.


Are you sure?

One thing I can't explain is why there wasn't a campaign aimed to prevent vitamin D and Zinc deficit. It's a worse solution than a vaccine, sure, but it helps to prevent severe cases. Being something known, available and inexpensive, it seemed like a logical thing to do before having the vaccine. And I'm not the one the only one that thinks that way:

Prof Afrozul Haq, former dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Technology (SIST) at New Delhi's Jamia Hamdard University. He is one of the 170 experts who earlier this month wrote an open letter on the matter. Calling for immediate widespread increased Vitamin D intake, the letter posted on the website states that "research shows low vitamin D levels almost certainly promote COVID-19 infections, hospitalisations, and deaths".

Why it was barely promoted? Well:
There remains marked frustration over a relative failure to fund vitamin D studies. β€œOur problem has been that major funding bodies haven’t supported clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation to prevent Covid-19, despite the fact that several different research groups in the UK submitted proposals,” Adrian Martineau, a professor of respiratory infection and immunity at Queen Mary University of London, who was able to launch a charity-funded clinical trial in October to investigate whether vitamin D protects against Covid-19, tells me. He was only able to get his own trial off the ground β€œbecause charities and philanthropists gave us financial support and stepped in where the government didn’t”.




And most importantly: why did it happen?. Perhaps it was just ineptitude (never underestimate that possibility), or perhaps... cui bono, as Ancient Romans said: the ones that benefit are the vaccine industry, since this would be an undesired cheap competition, and that's something you don't want when you're investing millions, do you?

Have you heard anything about it? I didn't. Which is weird, since that would be a reasonable criticism. On the other side, have you heard about vaccines having microchips? Probably, a lot.

When you want to censor cristicism, you don't censor everything. You censor reasonable criticism while you allow the crazy one. You even promote the most craziest one! That's how modern smart censorship works: you look like you're not censoring ("oh, look these crazy things we don't even censor!") while at the same time you manage to create the feeling that people who criticize has to be a bunch of nutjobs. Win-win.


The PROBLEM is the way some people mistakenly assume that ALL SPEECH should be FREE and have NO LIMIT upon it when that's NOT the case and never has been.

Because you obviously shouldn't be allowed to LIE and YELL "FIRE" in a crowded theater, which would lead to the DEATHS of several people who would STAMPEDE in a rush for the EXIT DOORS.

And that's basically the same kind of thing that's happening now with people who REFUSE to be VACCINATED RUSHING to the HOSPITALS, where they keep others (like PREGNANT WOMEN giving BIRTH to BABIES) from getting the treatment they need, or keeping the other VET from getting the GAL BLADDER surgery that he needed which resulted in his DEATH.

Therefore the reason why it's PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to put a STOP to the STAMPEDE or to the RUSH of UNVACINATED COVID patients to the EMERGENCY ROOMS of our hospitals.

What's more, those who TREAT the UNVACCINATED and try to save their LIVES are also being ATTACKED by them (the same way as airline hostesses on AIRPLANES and other employees are attacked who work in restaurants when they ask them to wear a MASK) to the point where they now wear PANIC BUTTONS to call for help when that happens.

PLUS the UNVACCINATED also threaten the lives of the DOCTORS and NURSES (and their FAMILIES) by FALSELY claiming they've harmed them (by refusing to give them the HORSE MEDICATION they demand) simply because they don't even believe there's such thing as a COVID crisis.

And teachers are also quitting their jobs in droves as well because of the UNVACCINATED and their refusal to be VACCINATED.

These are the reasons why we need LIMITS on what people are saying, because what they say is causing this kind of CHAOS now that also keeps growing and SPREADING EXPONENTIALLY, just like the VIRUS does itself.


Good points.


On the news today they're also talking about how SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS are also TARGETS now of these DOMESTIC TERRORIST who also ATTACK them and call their HOMES leaving messages telling them they plan to KILL THEM and their family members.

So they also have to ask for protection from them, which is also costing the rest of us TAX PAYERS money to PROTECT them.

Fight breaks out at Florida school board meeting after ...

Fight breaks out at Florida school board meeting after protesters against mask mandates appear to push doctor. The measure was imposed without consulting parents or holding a …

US was warned of threat from anti-vaxxers in event of ...

The paper, entitled The Anti-Vaxxers Movement and National Security, was co-written by Dr Mark Jarrett, the chief quality officer, senior vice-president and associate chief medical officer at ...

There just doesn't seem to be an END to this kind of NONSENSE.


I can also bet you this will only make the anti-vaxxer more suspicious to take it.


About this topic, I fully agree with Louis Rossman, who makes that exact point regarding this type of policies. He has a few quite interesting videos about the vaccine topic

and a few others.


Everytime they do this the anti vaxxxxxxers get something right and the mainstream news picks it up and they YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.... loook stupid and Orwellian.


That's just you.


When was the last time that happened?


Who watches YouTube for this shit anyway unless you’re actively looking for crazy opinions from some random person with a camera and a degree in nothing?

It won’t trouble me at all, I’ll just keep watching music videos there πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


You do realise literally every news outlet puts videos on youtube from main stream media to local news.

Having only a one sided view no matter how good or bad is very dangerous and shouldn't be applauded.

If you agree or disgree rightly or wrongly. There should always be opposing views otherwise we are nothing but nodding dogs.


Right.... Some people like to watch the opposing view. When YouTube (or whatever) bans someone, I suddenly become interested in that person. I like dissenters. I hate conformists.


Welcome to communism.


it's a private company


Only in a technical sense.


Wacky tabloids like the Weekly World, The Sun and Examiner were around when I was a kid, but readers knew their articles were just for a laugh.

Now, people have become too stupid to distinguish between fact and nonsense.

Youtube is only idiot-proofing their platform by enforcing its policies against misinformation and posting videos which can harm others. It's about time!


If people are too stupid, that's THEIR problem. I don't see why everyone has to pay. One can't even have much of a judgement call if one can't see it.

When will the NYT (or any other media) be banned for lying about Iraq? Killed millions. But they gotta get the guy with 20 subscribers who talks out of his ass!


The Stupids effect everyone when they hog all the ICU beds, spread the virus and prolong society returning back to normalcy. Only Stupids get medical information from Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.

It takes a whole new level of stupid not to be able to handle Youtube.

Bush 2 was president - not the NYT. He lied about WMDs in order to steal their oil and make his rich pals richer.


and most Democrats voted for it. And the NYT has a lot of power. They lied. Everyone knew there were no WMDs, including myself, including the UN, Hans Blix, including our Counter-terrorism expert, Richard Clarke.

Kudos to Barbara Lee who didn't fall for the patriotic bullshit and voted against even going into Afghanistan.


You're being silly - and political.
