YouTube to Block All Anti-Vax Content
shareI think I'm going to start watching what I can on bitchute or some other site. YouTube used to be so great.
I hate censorship. I don't need YouTube to be me legal guardians. I'm an adult, and when I was a child, I had parents.
I don't need YouTube to be me legal guardians. I'm an adult, and when I was a child, I had parents.
Imagine someone like this^ person in a position of political power. Holy shit.
shareI don't see wearing a mask for a few minutes a big deal at all.. I have a friend who will only visit friends who wear masks, and I don't mind.
I've never heard of any widespread attacking of doctors.
As for bad parents, you're never going to solve that problems and again, I shouldn't have to pay. My parents could be awful, but in the end, I'm only responsible for my actions. I don't care if the government subsidizes abortions, build hubs full of contraceptives, morning-after pill... There's too many people, especially in the US.
An insurrection is a violent uprising against an authority or government... We've killed millions on wars built on lies, so that's where my attention goes. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc etc..
You definitely have a good point about how we've killed millions in wars built upon LIES.
Here's an article about what doctors and nurses are dealing with now:
Health workers saluted as heroes early in pandemic now get threats
More than a year after U.S. health care workers on the front lines against COVID-19 were saluted as heroes with nightly clapping from windows and balconies, some are being issued panic buttons in case of assault and ditching their scrubs before going out in public for fear of harassment.
Across the country, doctors and nurses are dealing with hostility, threats and violence from patients angry over safety rules designed to keep the scourge from spreading.
we’re being in some areas harassed and disbelieved and ridiculed for what we’re trying to do, which is just depressing and frustrating.”
Cox Medical Center Branson in Missouri started giving panic buttons to up to 400 nurses and other employees after assaults per year tripled between 2019 and 2020 to 123, a spokeswoman said. One nurse had to get her shoulder X-rayed after an attack.
In Idaho, nurses said they are scared to go to the grocery store unless they have changed out of their scrubs so they aren’t accosted by angry residents.
Doctors and nurses at a Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, hospital have been accused of killing patients by grieving family members who don’t believe COVID-19 is real
Over Labor Day weekend in Colorado, a passerby threw an unidentified liquid at a nurse working at a mobile vaccine clinic in suburban Denver. Another person in a pickup truck ran over and destroyed signs put up around the clinic’s tent.
About 3 in 10 nurses who took part in a survey this month by an umbrella organization of nurses unions across the U.S. reported an increase in violence where they work
That was up from 2 in 10 in March
patients are coming in scared, sometimes several from the same family, and often near death. Their relatives are angry, thinking the nurses and doctors are letting them die.
“I’ve worked in health care for 26 years ... never seen the public act like this.”
Across the U.S., the COVID-19 crisis has caused people to behave badly toward one another in a multitude of ways.
Several people have been shot to death in disputes over masks in stores and other public places. Shouting matches and scuffles have broken out at school board meetings. A brawl erupted earlier this month at a New York City restaurant over its requirement that customers show proof of vaccination.
Sampson said he has been pushed up against a wall and seen nurses kicked.
Many places are suffering severe staffing shortages, in part because nurses have become burned out and quit.
How many nurses or doctors have been killed?
When one reads "assaults have tripled" as opposed to the hard data, 41 to 123, people (including nurses) are going to be more fearful than they should. People are very stressed, too. I'm sure nurses are quick to snap just like any other patient, because it's been 100 years since the last pandemic. I find that amazing in of itself, that it was exactly 100 years before The Spanish Flu.
In a country of 330 million, I'm sure one can extrapolate a lot of different things. A police officer's job isn't even in the Top 10 of dangerous jobs, but to be fair, it's not like cops are just killing black men left and right. But this is what drives the media, which is no longer just the TV. It's all over the internet.. Fear and bad news is what makes people tune in. Like Fox News - the terrorist network. CNN - Covid News Network.
It's all about making money. You'll never read, "Today, two neighbors got along, talked, smiled, and went on their merry way".
But (before COVID), I'm concerned about the statistic that a majority of Americans couldn't afford a $400 EMERGENCY! Or how more soldiers die from suicide than in combat. Or how the three richest people have more money combined than the bottom 200 million (paraphrasing, since the pandemic has helped the billionaire-class more than any other recent event).
I think people are dividing everything by Trump vs. Biden.... So if someone sees someone wearing a mask, they might think, "Democrat", and when someone sees a flag, they might think "Republican".
Once again You've brought up several good points, but what's probably happened is people seeing the way that the SCAM MAN behaved (the one who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY) and then decided that if a POTUS can behave that way and get away with it, then it's also OK for them to behave the same way.
NOTE the way those who SMEARED their $HIT all over the walls of the US CAPITAL also insisted that they were THERE at HIS INVITATION and HIS direction to be there and do what they did.
So if he GRABS the PRIVATE PARTS of women and then BRAGS about doing it, for instance, then apparently they also think it's OK for them to ASSAULT others if they want to.
Plus he also said at one of those RALLIES he'd pay for the LEGAL EXPENSES of anyone who assaulted someone who was there PROTESTING against what he'd said.
So it's mostly a case of having the last POTUS as their ROLE MODEL that seems to have UNLEASHED the current kind of ABUSIVE behavior that we've now become a now WITNESS to, RATHER than the issue being determined by which party one belongs to.
Also PRIOR to WW1 more WOMEN DIED in CHILDBIRTH than in all of the WARS COMBINED.
But also NOTE the way NO ONE has ever given any of them a MEDAL or the kind of other HONORS that are bestowed upon others who die in COMBAT.
I didn't know that about women dying during child birth, but I guess it doesn't surprise me. Since WWI, with engines (tanks, pilots, etc), civilians who have nothing to do with war have been killed more than ever.. 500 years ago, soldiers on both sides usually would fight over border skirmishes, but the average person wasn't in fear of death. Although, once the conquerors took over a town, soldiers would always rape the women, and sex played a very little part. It was to humiliate and degrade the people for generations to come, especially when the husbands had to come home to see what was wrought, as well as pregnancies by rape, etc.. It's like an elephant in the room, and I'm sure subconsciously destroyed those families affected.
I've never been a fan of medals in general, but decades ago, veterans (most of them) were given the GI Bill, and many were able to attend college. Some economists attribute this to the short-term success in the 1960s where you didn't even need a high school diploma to be middle-class, but soon the standards were increased. Today, even a college degree doesn't mean too much. Two years ago a friend of mine went to Starbucks to apply for a job, and the manager behind the counter said something like, "If you don't have a Bachelor's degree, don't bother applying".
I do know that Sepsis is the leading cause of death inside hospitals. I think the #3 leading cause of death is misdiagnosis.
As for our "leaders", the candidates keep getting worse, and so it's a race to the bottom.
The defense is going to capitalize on using Trump as a scapegoat, but people should know better, but I think Trump has the most influence of any living President. Biden has a horrible record, and has a ton of video of inappropriate touching that are actually on video, but Trump's symbolism does have an effect. Children think, "Well if the President says ________, then _____"... With "social" media, the putdowns and 8-second audio/video clip/280-characters are going to have more of an effect than wonky policy. I think more and more people are voting on the personali
You can fix your message by using the EDIT button and going back in again (which will also allow you to add on more words to it once it freezes up on you).
And You're right again about how the MIDDLE CLASS keeps disappearing. But if they pass that BILL that grants people 2 yrs of FREE COMMUNITY COLLEGE courses, perhaps that could also help to restore their status again (the same way as the GI BILL was able to do after WW2)???
And Yes one party has definitely also become a "CULT of PERSONALITY" where they follow their DEAR LEADER to their COVID GRAVES as if he's JIM JONES dishing out the KOOL AID (or some BLEACH) to them.
Also NOTE the way his PARTY didn't even have a PLATFORM at all during the last election. That alone verifies how it had become HIS PARTY instead of representing any of the values that it use to have once upon a time.
Because WHY try to PRETEND as if it still had VALUES when it did not have them anymore???
Since creating a PLATFORM that listed them would just expose the HYPOCRACY of what they've become now, they simply did away with it and PRETENDED as if they didn't even need one anymore.
I know about the Edit, thank you, but it only gives you a few more characters.
I don't (well, I guess I do) know why we don't have universal health care and higher education. We should have had it like most other countries after WWII.
The Democratic Party is hypocritical. What's the last "liberal" legislation that has been passed? 1966 Medicaid. I could explain all the right-winged shit they've been responsible for, even further right than Republicans because the Democrats will never call out their own party.
Of course, there isn't enough space on here even in a handful of different posts for me to tell you, but I'll keep it current and brief. I resent the Republican Party for who they are, and I resent the Democratic Party for who they are not.
Obama ran under "hope and change" but didn't change a damn thing. He ran as anti-war, but took us from 2 wars to 7. I chat in the largest political chat room, and nothing irks me more when Obama's fans will say "Name them?" and basically want to pick and choose different things like a buffet. There's hundreds of bills passed, and just like any statistic, people with a little bit of brain can get the conclusion they want... Obama also didn't prosecute anyone in Wall St. for destroying the world economy! But he did jail those protesting, and took away the freedom of speech of "Occupy Wall Street" and didn't respect the permit to march on Zuchotti Park.. On top of that, those Wall St. executives got bonuses!! We spent almost a trillion (TARP) to bail out the same bankers, speculators, Wall St., and other big corporations, but never the everyday people who were screwed by this.
Clinton was President before. He did what HW Bush couldn't do! Clinton cut welfare which destroyed those who were the most vulnerable. He passed NAFTA which sent all our good jobs overseas. Back to misleading stats. Like every President, the opposition will always say "The unemployment rate is low because people aren't looking for work", which is true, but what happens is that good-paying jobs are replaced by low-paying jobs. (ran of out characters!)
Clinton repealed Glass-Steagull, letting Wall St. run amok.
We can't have a democracy without a free media. "The Telecommunications Act" made it to where 95% of the media is controlled by 6 companies. When JFK was President, 1,500 companies controlled the media. There were a ton of rules preventing one company from owning a TV and radio station, basically monopolizing the news. Now ABC owns ESPN, which owns ______, etc.
Using NATO to literally destroy Yugoslavia and balkanizing Eastern Europe, which is NATO's new role. Libya, for example, which is now the human slave trade epicenter.
But, Clinton did say, "I'm a new kind of Democrat" -- Yeah, a Republican! Unfortunately, just like those influenced by Trump, the other group of people look at Clinton's domestic, foreign, and even private affairs and think "Oh, this is liberalism".
HW Bush had a 92% approval rating in 1991, yr before the election. He said many times, "No new taxes", but he refused to do what Clinton did (Welfare "Reform" Act), knowing it would be detrimental to the country to cut off social programs (WIC, for example), and he lost, but its because he did something liberal.
You watch now with Biden (who helped push all of this right-winged shit, and it's all on and his legislation. Every time there's a compromise, it's always a concession to the right-wing.
That's odd because when I EDIT I get lots more characters. But maybe that's also because I use the EDIT button a LOT???
As for calling out their own party, seems the LIBERAL branch of the DEMOCRATIC party has been doing that A LOT these past few days by reminding them of the SOCIAL part of the Roads & BRIDGES BILL that they refuse to vote for unless the SOCIAL part of it is also passed at the same time. That's also the part of it that gives people the right to attend a community college for FREE (which could also lift the MIDDLE CLASS back up again like the GI BILL was able to do after WW2).
Like you I also feel the same way (and resent the DEMOCRATIC Party for not having enough BACKBONE to do away with the 60 VOTE requirement or PACK the SUPREME COURT with more justices as a way to MAKE UP for the WAY OBAMA was cheated out of being able to APPOINT a justice, and then they IGNORED the excuse they'd given for that and appointed another one just a few days before the SCAM MAN leaves office). In other words, imo, they've been way too WHIMPY and need to be just as RUTHLESS as their opposition has been.
Obama was in a big hurry and shoved HILLARY out of his way, which is what helped get the SCAM MAN elected. He also admitted that after it was way too late. And He also promised ELECTRIC CARS by 2013 and it's now 2021. And yes you're also right about how WHIMPY he was regarding the WALL STREET MESS.
At least the BUDGET was BALANCED when CLINTON left office, but tell that to a REPULICAN and they'll deny it or the fact that every POTUS in their PARTY has RUN it up SKY HIGH.
And yes you're also right about BIDEN and the way he keeps reaching out for the OTHER SIDE as if he were still a SENATOR instead of the COMMANDER in CHIEF now.
That's also the reason why I was hoping LIZ Warren could have been elected. Because she's also NOT AFRAID to go after WALL STREET or the other RICH FAT CATS that keep getting away with not paying taxes.
Biden also took the side of the JUSTICE back when they had the trial to determine whether or not he's SEXUALLY HARRASSED his FEMALE employee or not. I also remember watching that on CSPAN and being just as upset that they placed him on the BENCH as one was to see that other CREEP KAVENAUGH sp? placed upon it after the way he'd behaved to the 15 yr old girl and to the others that he liked exposing his private parts to.
But for some reason that kind of behavior also seems to be a BADGE of HONOR among a certain group of males???
sharethe only thing banning free speech and censoring them does is give them more credibility
shareBlocking all anti-Vax content is Youtube, as a private entity, exercising its freedom of expression.
It's just like I have the right to ignore the repeated whining by the right-wing trolls on this site.
My browser, my rules. Any true libertarian would respect that.