MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is your record for the maximum amou...

What is your record for the maximum amount of times you saw a single film in the theater?

I've seen countless films twice while they were in theater. The most I've ever seen a single film in the theater is Gladiator which is three times. While I think it's a great film, I only saw it a third time because the crowd I was with all voted to go and see it, I opted to see something else, but alas.

What's your record?


Lethal Weapon 2 and Batman (89)

3 times for both


Thrice ! Thrice I say


You will say nothing and shut up and be quiet and like it!


Thrice is the amount of times I hit you over the head with your stupid auto bots lunch box


That really hurt plus you dented my cool lunch box on my head...I'm telling the teacher you jerk!


You tell on me you get it worse




It's not pronounced th-air-tree


2001, Three times. Sat through it twice the first time (a long time ago) and again a few years ago.


Rocky IV X4
The Goonies X3
Aliens X3
RoboCop (1987) X3


Well except for possibly the original Star Wars movie that I saw re-releases of and can’t remember the exact number, it would be The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. I saw each of them first on the IMAX and three times after on the regular screens at the theaters.

Edit: Now that I think about it more probably Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. They re-release it every couple of years as part of Flashback Cinema and I go to see it a couple of times when they do. It’s funny I was a teenager when I first saw it in the theater in 1982 and now when I see it I’m about the same age as Kirk in the film when he talks about getting old.


I saw The Frighteners a bunch of times. I was working at the theatre and if I was in box office and my boyfriend at the time was closing usher it started at the perfect time for me to hang our until he was done. There were others that I did that with, but that was the one that I remember seeing the most.

I did see Independence Day 3 times in 24 hours. That was testing the films, and then I had passes to take others to it opening day.


I think 2-3 times is my maximum. I have friends that go multiple times in just a week but most times, I just wait for it to hit streaming or if I really loved it, I'll get the Blu-Ray

Most times, films don't really have that rewatchable factor. It's not not quite as enjoyable on your second viewing. Matter of fact, This year's The Suicide Squad was the first time I saw a film twice in the same weekend in like 3 years.

It was honestly one of the most fun & rewatchable films I've seen in recent years.
