MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What if every man on earth was required ...

What if every man on earth was required to play sports, Like football, baseball, basketball, wrestling, etc?

Could be a good solution for the obesity epidemic.


So would eating less, but you can't make people do things.


True, but sports and exercise could get you into good shape.


You've missed a couple of steps that would probably be required in order to implement this health policy; chiefly, the foundation of a global totalitarian government...

Edit: Also, why only the men?


I was thinking more every country has guys play sports at least once in their life.

Also, why not? Guys are pretty good at sports


Eh, no.
That would make more people commit suicide.

Besides, 99 % of the people that I see are not overweight at all.


Do you live in abs other country other than the USA?


Yeah, but does it make a difference?


Because Murica is the only country in the world 🙄


Like I said, maybe every country has men do it as a requirement?


Because America is the only country that has an obesity problem.


And women?


Apparently unimportant 😟


They just do whatever women do in their spare time


So you are openly an asshole. Noted.


No no I don’t mean it in a rude way at all! maybe girls could also take volleyball or softball?


Women are generally found in or close to the Kitchen of a real man's home because that is their natural habitat

Sometimes if a silly Dame gets all of her chores done and the stew is simmering she might spend her free time reading a racy romance novel, the sort she can find wherever fine girly literature is sold, usually the grocery store if you choose to allow her to drive the family sedan, not an actual book shop obviously

Some women even enjoy knitting lovely scarves and sweaters for their husbands

If you find a fetching Lass that can cook, knit and read quietly in the corner when you get home from the hustle and bustle you've found a keeper



Do you get much exercise playing baseball? Not something I watch but from occasional glimpses some of the players look a bit tubby. Not that sure how fit some American Football players are either.



It's good to play sports. Can't see making it mandatory outside of school gym classes.
