MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you feel about the fact that ther...

How do you feel about the fact that there are 7+ billion people on the planet, population wise?

As well as the fact that humanity has existed for say tens of thousands of years, is all of this too much, not enough or about right or just normal? Cheers.


Humans gotta stop banging like rabbits.


Not only do they do that apparently, but it also results in pregnancies and it officially de-facto contributes to the billions of people we have as population on this planet Earth.


How many people during s. e. x. use condoms and birth control pills if they don't intend to get pregnant?


Strictly anecdotal but I see it every day...EVERY day live and in person

Not nearly enough of these dipshits are avoiding pregnancies they are unprepared to deal with

Frankly, I'd be in favor of offering a $5,000 cash, tax-free bonus to all of these lunatics, unemployed loafers and dopers that agree to get spayed or neutered

A few million dunderheads could be patriotic, solve a hell of a lot of problems AND clear 5Gs here in America

We should totally do this program


Soon to hit eight billion. The United Nations estimates we will reach this mark in 2023, two years from now.

I don't know if you've heard of Earth Overshoot Day. This article is fairly short and explains it:
We are currently using up twelve months of the Earth's resources within a seven-month period. It's scary thinking about what sort of disasters we could face in the future.


And everyone laughed at China for putting a limit on the amount of kids they can have.


The problem is that many families wanted a boy and aborted the girls.


That's because in Chinese culture, it's the son's responsibility to take care of his parents later in life. The daughter is obligated to go with her husband's family.


Yes, I know.
That is why the one child policy was dangerous for China in the long run.


China began slowly relaxing restrictions, beginning with adopting a two-child policy in 2016. In May 2021 it was now permissible to have three children. In July 2021, all restrictions were dropped; there is no longer any limit on the number of children a couple can have.


Yes, but:

China had a fertility rate of just 1.3 children per woman in 2020, recent data showed, on par with ageing societies like Japan and Italy and far short of the roughly 2.1 needed for replacement level.
It would be ironic if China's bid to be the superpower was thwarted by a shortage of manpower.


I do not laugh at evil government practices.


Back in HIGH SCHOOL when we studied the OVER POPULATION PROBLEM, a friend and I decided to follow the ZPG (ZERO POPULATION GROWTH) program where a couple only has 2 KIDS (one to replace each one of them).

The friend had 2 kids, I have none, which also means we've stuck to the GOALS that we set out to follow back then.

Zero population growth (ZPG) is a basic demographic term that is important for students to understand during a population unit. Fortunately, the term’s definition is not too far off from its name! Zero population growth refers to a population that is unchanging – it is neither growing, nor declining; the growth rate is zero.

There are several countries around the world that are at or near ZPG, including Iceland, Germany, Portugal, and Poland. The population stabilization that accompanies ZPG is often seen as a critical component to long-term sustainability for a country, region, or the world.

What is Zero Population Growth, or ZPG? - Population Education


Why did your high school indoctrinate you on a problem that does not exist?


What do you mean a problem that doesn't exist???

Are you saying you don't think there's too many people on the planet???

You do realize there's not enough land to grow enough FOOD for everyone to be able to EAT if the POPULATION continues to keep growing at this rate???

Sorry but can no longer remember or recall the details of what the assignment was, or how we ended up finding out about and approving of the ZPG idea.

Perhaps we found it in a magazine (didn't have the internet back then) or something while doing some research in the library???

Also can't recall what class it was for either, if it was for our CIVICS course or some other class.


I think the world's population could fit in Loch Ness. Tight fit, though.


Not that WOULD be a BIG "Loch Ness" monster is there ever was one, lol. :)


It's too many already, and doubling every 40 years or so. I don't look forward to 2061.


I will be 75 in 2061 if I ever live to that age, kinda hope so, cause if I die before, think about so much that I would miss.


Also, when I DO get old as in close to 70s, will I still, given what I am like -

*Fantasize and philosophize about the whys and whats of the world including rules, laws and attitudes in humanity towards various but including especially sensitive issues?
*Think and talk emotionally about MOVIES including one particular, or more than one, straight to video 90s film with a controversial scene in it that made me CRY?
*Chase at least in my mind or literally young and beautiful ladies/women and dream of spending a certain time with them or at least a friendly one in case I get too shy for any official and de-facto relationship?

*Feel fear of death or any type of bodily harm anywhere from anyone?
*Listen to music frequently on the internet and on the go via YouTube on my smartphone?
* Ask many people online many questions?
* Debate on validity or lackthere of of double standards if at all?
* Watch films a lot on DVDs and online?
* Take public transport for work, fun, walk, leisure etc?
* Eat favorite food like pizza, pasta, fizzy drinks etc etc and sweet stuff?


If you become diabetic, then eating your favorite foods and SWEET STUFF will change, and you won't be able to do that kind of a thing very much anymore.



Cool, and what about the other things I've mentioned joi?


The other things are SUBJECTIVE and can't be addressed in an OBJECTIVE manner by someone else.


Yeah, but I am just curious, when I become 75 years old, would I still be AS interested, fascinated and curious by those things as I am today as a 34/35 year old?


It all depends. Sometimes people remain interested in the same things as they were when they were younger, and sometimes they don't.

Your taste in the music that you listen to, for example, may change or it may not.

And even if it doesn't, the type of music people listen to may also change, even if your taste in a certain type doesn't change (which is also why people still listen to 80's music now on stations that still play it).

As you age your fear of death may also change as well, especially as you get more near to the inevitable. But also NOTE the way that it's MOSTLY those who are older who are the most willing to get VACCINATED.

As you age your fear of bodily harm may also increase as well (if you become more frail)??? Or it may not if you work out and keep in good shape???

And you may also keep on asking as many questions as you do now, or you may also feel indifferent to asking them when you get older (if you think you already know most of the ANSWERS that you seek).

That's why it's a SUBJECTIVE matter that depends upon the SUBJECT themselves rather than upon someone else to ANSWER them for them.

PLUS it's also HIGHLY UNLIKELY anyone has a TIME MACHINE or a CRYSTAL BALL that they can look into to see what you'll be like in your 70's.

EATING FOOD is also a SUBJECTIVE matter as well (because our TASTES also differ in regards to that matter). But at least we also have something more in common in regards to that matter (from needing to do it so often), whereas most people either don't or won't have that much in common in regards to the other matters that you've mentioned.

Sorry for not being more helpful. The bottom line is the ANSWERS you seek all DEPEND UPON YOU YOURSELF. And no one probably knows you as well or better than yourself.


It gives me a nervous feeling Man18

That's a lot of mouths to feed and a hell of a lot of dwellings to heat and pipe with fresh water...scary stuff


Hehe, well...

I ought to make my mind up hopefully soon on the topic and give my opinion. :)


The guy at the far left of the table is thinking: MANDLEBAUM, MANDELBAUM, MANDELBAUM


No problem. When the human race creates a demand for a new planet market forces will kick in and supply a new planet. That's how economics works.



But I'm doing my part to fight overpopulation! No children! Medically infertile! Go me!
