MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's a genre that honestly has NO favo...

What's a genre that honestly has NO favorite films of yours?

Like is there a genre that makes you go, Huh, I really don't think I like anything in this genre

War, RomComs, YA, & Westerns are some of my least favorite genres but even they have 1 or 2 films that I like. A few I find entertaining

But Period Dramas have nothing for me. Zilch. Nada. I saw a trailer for one recently & I just went, wow, I really don't like this genre. I don't hate it necessarily. I just couldn't get into it.

It's just isn't for me


Rom-coms and YA I think are the only two for me.


I got Princess Bride & About Time in RomComs


Warm Bodies & The first Maze Runner in YA.

And that's about it. Those are Literally the only I could think of


Period Drama.




What about Grease (1978)?


it's a fun movie. it can't compare to the asphalt jungle.


I think your right. 😀


Ah shit, I forgot about that. Same here.


Have you ever seen Paint Your Wagon?


Horror, Westerns

There may be one or two here and there that I like, but none on my list of favorite films.


Same here. But I don't actually hate Horror films, it's just really really hard to find a genuinely good horror movie.

There are either the teen horror films, which I don't care for & ones that are overhyped by the critics as "scariest movie you'll ever watch". Which they never are.

I think the last genuinely good Horror movie I watched was Trick R treat (2007) almost a decade ago.


Horror and married couples arguing movies.


married couples arguing movies.

Ha! That's a good one. Thanks for that.

But yeah, I don't care for those either


I can't think of any genre that I don't like at least one movie. I'm not a fan of Westerns, Slapstick Comedy, or Period dramas, but there is always an exception. I really am struggling here. I even went specific like Woody Allen, or Adam Sandler movies, but even then, Annie Hall and The Wedding Singer are ones that I don't hate. Ugh


I haven't enjoyed a (new) slapstick film in a looong time. I don't dislike 'em, I just feel like I've seen almost all the variations of the slapstick. I can call it way before it even happens

I still like to rewatch some old ones every once in a while though.


have you ever seen whit stillman's love and friendship? that's as much comedy as it is drama, but it's the most crowd-pleasing, flat-out fun period film i've ever seen. i don't care for costume period pieces at all, never mind ones that are jane austen adaptations like this one is, but that film is a gd blast and i love it.


I'll put it on my watchlist. Also, does The Princess Bride count?

No wait, that's more medieval/renaissance kinda setting. Never mind


I can’t say I have many movies in my collection that are westerners so I’ll go with that.


I think I have only 2. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly and Unforgiven

Also, No Country for Old Men. If that counts


I have Dances with Wolves, No Country for Old Men, and Back to the Future Part 3. They are good movies but nothing I’d say is my favorite.


I get that. Even though I like the first Maze Runner as a YA movie, I wouldn't call it one of my faves

But at least I like it. I have absolutely nothing like that for Period dramas


I do need to watch The Good the Bad and the Ugly.


Try watching Curse of the Bloody Voodoo Sock Puppets (2020) that should be right up your alley for you two.
