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What's an R-rated film you saw that you were too young to see?

For me it was "Silence of the Lambs." My dad rented it when I was about 8 and I've had the urge to eat people ever since.


I never could remember the name but it gave me nightmares for awhile. I can picture a dark backyard and there was a guest house with long wooden stairs that a chopped head came rolling down. It was in the sixties and I think Bette Davis might have been in it.


That sounds like Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964). There's a "making of" episode about this movie on AMC's Backstory series. They mention how the severed hand and head scenes were filmed. See the 14:58 mark:


That's it, thanks for the link.


Glad to help.


Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte, 1964


Has to be it.


I had pretty typical headcase parents. I could watch the most messed up movies imaginable as long as a nipple never made an appearance.


Ha ha. Me too.


Funny movie though👍


That was legendary when I was a kid!


Yes, the 80s was the golden age of teen sex comedies but I was a bit to young to get a lot of the jokes😆


Way too many to list but the Emanuelle films with Laura Gemser really stand out and I still love them to this day.


Nightmare on Elm Street. I was only 11. Gave me nightmares.

RoboCop. Also around 11. At a kids birthday party the parents put it on. I couldn't believe it. This wasn't an M rated movie (which I wasn't allowed to watch), this was an R rated movie! Things like seeing a man's hand being blown off is pretty graphic.


I wasn't a fan of Freddy when I was younger. I wasn't scared of falling asleep, but his face was terrifying.


Looking back I watched A LOT of R-rated stuff that I was too young to see. Not just cause I was mostly unsupervised but also cause parents back then, at least ours, didn't make a big fuss over ratings & stuff.

The furthest back I can remember right now is, The Rambo trilogy & Jaws. Especially Jaws. The film messed me up when I was a kid. And the sequels as well. Which I genuinely don't remember. The original one is the only one that stuck with me

I still blame it for being the reason why I never learned how to swim. 😆


I don't think those are too bad for kids though. I can actually see how a kid can find Jaws intriguing.


I think kids today are desensitized to these kind of things or just most horrific things in general but as someone who grew up before the age of social media & before the internet was for everyone (instead of just chat & business), it was pretty easy to scare me

Like my friends & I hadn't even started playing video games yet. Violent or not. So, we were pretty innocent at that age.

Plus, I should add that I was like 8 at the time. My introduction to horror & violence was through these films. I literally grew up with "grownup movies"


my older sister took my younger sister and i to see Jaws in a drive-in theater. we liked it. but going on toilet was scary afterwards.

Race with the Devil which is PG is the movie that scarred me for years. dark ending. wasnt ready as a kid.


The PG movie that scared me was The Witches. I saw that in the theatre when I was 7 or 8.


^ same here..
i kinda regret it though
