Were you into video games growing up? If so, which ones?
Growing up, There weren't any arcades around our area. So we'd just play outside all day. With marbles & stuff. For a time, we were kinda obsessed with cards. We were basically gambling cause we'd use cigarette packets as "money". Not the actual cigarettes, just the unfolded packet/paper. It was fun
Anyways, I didn't get my first console till I was around 12-13 years. It was the Nintendo 64. I had Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, FIFA World Cup '98, Golden Eye, Mario Golf & 2 others that I can't recall
I was obsessed with Golden Eye. As an adult, I don't really care for first person shooter games but back then, I could not put down that game. Would play it for hours & hours. One of the best games I've played in my lifetime