MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Were you into video games growing up? If...

Were you into video games growing up? If so, which ones?

Growing up, There weren't any arcades around our area. So we'd just play outside all day. With marbles & stuff. For a time, we were kinda obsessed with cards. We were basically gambling cause we'd use cigarette packets as "money". Not the actual cigarettes, just the unfolded packet/paper. It was fun

Anyways, I didn't get my first console till I was around 12-13 years. It was the Nintendo 64. I had Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, FIFA World Cup '98, Golden Eye, Mario Golf & 2 others that I can't recall

I was obsessed with Golden Eye. As an adult, I don't really care for first person shooter games but back then, I could not put down that game. Would play it for hours & hours. One of the best games I've played in my lifetime


Was the start of Golden eye a level in the snow? Vaguely remember that or im thinking of something else.

My game I couldn't put down was, the super Mario brothers on the original nes, i had it for Xmas when I was about 10 didn't come out my room till March lol.
Then later Mario 3, plus I loved the film wizard.


There was definitely a snow level but I believe the first level was in or around a Dam. I think there was a snow covered mountain around the Dam but I'm not completely sure.


Yeah I remember a dam, I'm gonna have to buy an old Nintendo now lol .


the snow level was siberia, you had to find a bunker.


The games that were my favorites are actually still fun to play today.

Super Mario Brothers 3
Toejam and Earl
Crazy Taxi
Mortal Kombat


My first Mortal Kombat game was for the PS2. Shaolin Monks. Still my favorite. My little siblings & I loved playing it together.

My little bro was an absolute beast.


These were games we played in college. Super fun and it got very competitive. I was one of two people in our group who finished Toejam and Earl, its scary how proud I am of that:)


All those are fun to play. Worms WMD is a great modern update to the classic design.


worms, classic war game


There were no video games when I was growing up.


i was really into videogames in my teens, i loved championship/football manager, broken sword, fifa and pes.

i also had an N64 with goldeneye! multiplayer mode was really good.


I haven't played PES since the PS2 days. I honestly have no idea if it was good on the PS3 or PS4. Just never tried it.

But, it was pretty damn good on the PS2. Better than FIFA, at least for me.


Yes, but I don't think I've played a video game since I was 16.

Tomb Raider, baby!


is that you croft?


Atari: Bucket Brigade

Commodore 64: Exodus Ultima 3

Nintendo: Street Fighter and Zelda

CPU: Warcraft Tides of Darkness and was in a Battlefield 2 Clan


I played Goldeneye, Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario Kart, Rayman, and Banjo Kazooie all on Nintendo 64.

Curious, I asked my dad (born 1956) if he played video games in his youth, he said Pac-Man was extremely popular in 1980, he also played Leisure Suit Larry on the home computer in the 80s.
