I assume you are not talking about Book Banning. You just mean from the point of view of being bad and not worth looking at. Because banning books is wrong no matter what the motivation.
shareRitual, by David Pinner.
Seriously, just watch the 1973 version of The Wicker Man; I can't think of a more clear-cut case of an adaptation vastly improving on the original.
I don't like this stance. Giving one's honest opinions/views on books, movies, etc., is great but telling people NOT to read or watch something, to me is arrogance at it's finest. You're assuming everyone shares your tastes. Brave New World and 1984 have been read and enjoyed by millions of people. If they followed your advice, they'd be deprived of that enjoyment.
shareBible, Qur'an, Gita, Torah, Guru Granth Sahib, or Tripitaka.
There are others that I have missed, but I think you get my point. They are interpreted in such warped, and twisted ways to fit into one's own convictions that they cause more harm than good.
Why do atheists never hate Origin of the Species? Here are the ideologies that came DIRECTLY from that book and Darwinism that even their originators cite as an influence:
1. Neo-Darwnism, which eventually led to things like modern day Neoliberalism and Bell Curve Theory
2. White Man's Burden, which became the justification for Neo-Colonialism of Asia and Africa
3. Jim Crow, Apartheid, etc.--again, Darwinism being cited as justification, since blacks according to the racists were "less evolved" than whites or directly descended from monkeys
4. Communism--Karl Marx directly cites Darwin, explaining that if economics throughout history is like evolutionary theory, Communism was the next natural phase
5. Eugenics
6. Nazism/Mein Kampf--a lot of this incorporates Darwinist theory
The list goes on and on.
I didn't include it because it simply didn't come to my mind. If you would like to list that as a book that you think that people shouldn't read, that's great. You have some very good points. It's not a book that I think that many people do read, so it's not really one that I often think about.
share1984 and Brave New World are my two favourite books.
shareactually 1984 was written by George Orwell, who had considerable literary talent.